Preface | ..5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Magmatic systems and petrology of the silicate melts. | ..8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bezmen N.I., Kalinichev A.G., Zavelsky V.O., Zharikov V.A. Melting relations in the system NaAlSi3O8-H2O-H2 (Ptotal=2kbar) ..8
| Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. Influence of lithostatic and water pressures on the viscosity and structure of model and magmatic melts in an acidic-ultrabasic series ..8
| Khodorevskaya L.I., Zharikov V.A. Experimental study of partial amphibolite melting at various fluid phase composition. ..9
| Simakin A.G., Salova T.P. Homogenic bubble nucleation in melts. ..10
| Chevychelov V.Yu. Experimental study of chlorine solubility in a granitic melt: influence of melt composition alteration (granodiorite, granite, leucogranite) at T=1000oC and P=1 kbar ..11
| Suk N.I. Silicate-carbonate differentiation in alkaline melts (experimental data). ..11
| Salova T.P., Zavel'sky V.O., Epelbaum M.B. Form of water dissolved in quartz glass (PMR-investigation). ..12
| Litvin Yu.A. , Chudinovskikh L.T. Mantle reactions and carbonate carbon synthesis of diamond ..13
| II. Ore systems and processes ..14
| Marakushev A.A. Petrologic model of gold-bearing quartz vein formation. ..14
| Gorbachev N.S. Sources and formation conditions of the Pt-Cu-Ni deposits (Norilsk region) ..14
| Gorbachev N.S. Investigation of the effects of pressure and fluid composition on the partitioning of macro - and microelements between the fluid and the magmatic melt. ..16
| Bezmen N.I., Naldrett A. J., Asif M. Solubilities of Pt and Pd in the hydrous silicate melt. ..17
| Konnikov E.G. Study of ore-forming factors of basic ore-magmatic systems. ..18
| Suk N.I. Experimental study of distribution of REE (La, Ce), Nb and Ta between immiscible phases in silicate-salt systems. ..19
| Bogolepov M. V. Experimental study on the influence of the composition of model fluid on the composition of melts. ..21
| III. Metasomatism and modelling of the ore formation ..22
| Fedkin A.V., Seltmann R., Zaraisky G.P. Geochemical evolution trends characterizing line rock formation in the Orlovka and Etyka tantalum deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia. ..22
| Redkin A.F. Experimental study of the ore components behaviour in the system WO3-SnO2-UO2-NaCl-H2O at 400-500oC, pressure 200-1000 bar and a hematite-magnetite buffer ..23
| Ezhov S. V. Experimental study of the skarn-ore process. ..23
| Shmonov V.M., Vitovtova V.M. Theoretical and experimental study of fluid permeability of rocks and geochemical activity of fluids in the Earths vibration field. ..24
| IV. Metamorphism and geodynamics ..26
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Perchuk L.L. and Gerya T.V. PT-paths as MIRROR of dynamics of granulite complexes ..26
| Fonarev V.I. , Touret J.L.R., and Kotelnikova Z.A. . Fluid inclusions in rocks of the Central Kola Archean Granulite Area (Baltic shield) ..27
| Fedkin V.V. Metamorphic processes in the continental crust oceanic crust conjugation zone. ..28
| Safonov O.G. Role of potassium and sodium activities in the garnet formation in orthorocks from the Adirondacks (USA) ..30
| Graphchikov A.A. Experimental study of biotite stability in assemblage with Grt, Sil, Kfs, Ilm and Qtz in the presence of H2O-CO2 fluid ..32
| Zharikova L.Yu., Fonarev V.I. Zonal garnets: experimental and natural data. ..32
| Gerya T.V., and Perchuk L.L. GEOPATH database: equation of state for individual gases ..34
| Gerya T.V. A new empirical amphibole geothermobarometer ..36
| Konilov A.N., Graphchikov A.A., Fonarev V.I., Sultanov D.M. A consistent system of geothermometers and geobarometers: testing with using independent experimental data. ..36
| Sultanov D.M., Maaskant P., Graphchikov A.A. TPF-6.0 program for calculating mineral formation parameters a new version ..38
| V. Experimental and theoretical studies of fluid systems ..39
| Korzhinsky M.A. The solubility of iron chloride in H2O-CO2-NaCl system at supercritical conditions. ..39
| Sretenskaya N.G., Zakirov I.V. An investigation of mechanisms and kinetics of the associate formation in supercritical fluids. ..39
| Gorbaty Yu.E. and Bondarenko G.V. The physical state of supercritical fluids ..40
| Kalinichev A.G. Analysis of hydrogen bonding in water under hydrothermal conditions ..41
| Korzhinsky M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Zhdanov N.N., Bocharnikov R.E. Measurement of partial pressure of hydrogen and total gas pressure in a fumarole vent under monitoring conditions in the volcano Kudryavy ..42
| Bocharnikov R.E. Experimental research of interaction of volcanic gas with some rock-forming and ore minerals ..43
| Zonova I.A. Migration of fluid inclusions in quartz in thermogradient fields ..43
| Bocharnikov R.E., Korzhinsky M.A., and Tkachenko S.I. Intermixing of meteoric waters and a magmatic fluid in volcanic channels ..44
| Budanov S.V. Solubility of diopside in an H2O-NaCl fluid at T=650oC and P=2-7.5 kbar ..45
| VI. Experimental study of sulfide equilibria and sulfide-forming fluid ..46
| Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A., Akhmedzhanova G.M. Solubility of gold in the hydrogen sulphide in water solutions studied at T=300oC and P=300 atm. ..46
| Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A., Orlov R.Yu. Solubility of Sb2S3 in 0.1-0.8 mol/l Na2S solutions at T=200oC ..46
| Kotova A.A. Osadchii E.G. A possibility of classification of ordinary chondrites based on fO2 ..47
| Osadchii E.G., Fedkin M.V., and Lunin S.E. Thermodynamic properties and a phase transition in the sphalerite solid solution (Fe,Zn)S. ..48
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VII. Geochemical problems of the mineral-solution interface | ..50 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Karasyova O.N., Ivanova L.I., Lakshtanov L.Z. Acid/base reactions and Sr(II) complexation at the surface of hematite ..50
| Pivovarov S.A., Lakshtanov L.Z. Sorption of cadmium on hematite in a wide range of sorbate/sorbent ratios. ..50
| Pivovarov S.A. Surface structure and site density of the oxide-solution interface. ..51
| VIII. Disposal of high level wastes ..51
| Suvorova V.A., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R. Synthesis and properties of ceramic matrixes for the fixation of radioactive iodine. ..51
| Suvorova V.A., Pertsov N.B., Kotelnikov A.R. Sr-containing float slime ceramics-the final product of biomineral interaction ..53
| Suvorova V.A., Kotelnikov A.R., Akhmedzhanova G.M. Synthesis of ceramic phosphate-containing matrices for immobilization of REE (La, Ce) radionuclides ..54
| Lunin S.E. and Zhdanov N.N. Influence of subterranean explosions on migration of elements and properties of aqueous medium ..54
| IX. Synthesis and modification of minerals ..56
| Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya L.V., Mar'ina E.A. Solubility and growth of quartz crystals in water-borate solutions. ..56
| Balitsky V.S. and Balitskaya L.V. Experimental modelling of simultaneous processes of dissolvation and growth of quartz and topaz crystals. ..56
| Balitsky V.S. Growth conditions and properties of mineral crystals ..57
| Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V., and Sokolov Yu.A. Local fields and structure features of two Fe-Ca monoclinic chain germanates ..58
| Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V., and Konilov A.N. Fe electron state features in hemoilmenites ..58
| Romanenko I.M. Cheralite from visakhapatnam area in the eastern ghats granulite belt. ..59
| Stolyarova T.A. Chemical composition and thermodynamic properties of apatite minerals ..59
| Chichagov A.V., Varlamov D.A., Dilanyan R.A., Dokina T.N., Drozhzhina N.A., Samokhvalova O.L., Ushakovskaya T.V. The local and www-adapted versions of the software system on crystal structures of minerals (MINCRYST-97) ..61
| Romanenko I.M. EPMA of background components. ..61
| List of works of the IEM RAS researches published in 1997 ..62
| Papers ..62
| Brief communications and abstracts ..64
| Doctor theses ..68
| Authors certificates and patents ..68
| Authors index ..69
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