

I. Magmatic systems and petrology of the silicate melts.
(Leader Ac. V.A.Zharikov)


Bezmen N.I., Kalinichev A.G., Zavelsky V.O., Zharikov V.A. Melting relations in the system NaAlSi3O8-H2O-H2 (Ptotal=2kbar)


Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. Influence of lithostatic and water pressures on the viscosity and structure of model and magmatic melts in an acidic-ultrabasic series


Khodorevskaya L.I., Zharikov V.A. Experimental study of partial amphibolite melting at various fluid phase composition.


Simakin A.G., Salova T.P. Homogenic bubble nucleation in melts.


Chevychelov V.Yu. Experimental study of chlorine solubility in a granitic melt: influence of melt composition alteration (granodiorite, granite, leucogranite) at T=1000oC and P=1 kbar


Suk N.I. Silicate-carbonate differentiation in alkaline melts (experimental data).


Salova T.P., Zavel'sky V.O., Epelbaum M.B. Form of water dissolved in quartz glass (PMR-investigation).


Litvin Yu.A. , Chudinovskikh L.T. Mantle reactions and carbonate carbon synthesis of diamond


II. Ore systems and processes
(Leader Ac. A.A.Marakushev)


Marakushev A.A. Petrologic model of gold-bearing quartz vein formation.


Gorbachev N.S. Sources and formation conditions of the Pt-Cu-Ni deposits (Norilsk region)


Gorbachev N.S. Investigation of the effects of pressure and fluid composition on the partitioning of macro - and microelements between the fluid and the magmatic melt.


Bezmen N.I., Naldrett A. J., Asif M. Solubilities of Pt and Pd in the hydrous silicate melt.


Konnikov E.G. Study of ore-forming factors of basic ore-magmatic systems.


Suk N.I. Experimental study of distribution of REE (La, Ce), Nb and Ta between immiscible phases in silicate-salt systems.


Bogolepov M. V. Experimental study on the influence of the composition of model fluid on the composition of melts.


III. Metasomatism and modelling of the ore formation
(Leader Prof. G.P.Zaraisky)


Fedkin A.V., Seltmann R., Zaraisky G.P. Geochemical evolution trends characterizing line rock formation in the Orlovka and Etyka tantalum deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia.


Redkin A.F. Experimental study of the ore components behaviour in the system WO3-SnO2-UO2-NaCl-H2O at 400-500oC, pressure 200-1000 bar and a hematite-magnetite buffer


Ezhov S. V. Experimental study of the skarn-ore process.


Shmonov V.M., Vitovtova V.M. Theoretical and experimental study of fluid permeability of rocks and geochemical activity of fluids in the Earths vibration field.


IV. Metamorphism and geodynamics
(Leaders Prof. L.L.Perchuk, Dr.Sci. V.I.Fonarev)



Perchuk L.L. and Gerya T.V. PT-paths as MIRROR of dynamics of granulite complexes


Fonarev V.I. , Touret J.L.R., and Kotelnikova Z.A. . Fluid inclusions in rocks of the Central Kola Archean Granulite Area (Baltic shield)


Fedkin V.V. Metamorphic processes in the continental crust oceanic crust conjugation zone.


Safonov O.G. Role of potassium and sodium activities in the garnet formation in orthorocks from the Adirondacks (USA)


Graphchikov A.A. Experimental study of biotite stability in assemblage with Grt, Sil, Kfs, Ilm and Qtz in the presence of H2O-CO2 fluid


Zharikova L.Yu., Fonarev V.I. Zonal garnets: experimental and natural data.


Gerya T.V., and Perchuk L.L. GEOPATH database: equation of state for individual gases


Gerya T.V. A new empirical amphibole geothermobarometer


Konilov A.N., Graphchikov A.A., Fonarev V.I., Sultanov D.M. A consistent system of geothermometers and geobarometers: testing with using independent experimental data.


Sultanov D.M., Maaskant P., Graphchikov A.A. TPF-6.0 program for calculating mineral formation parameters a new version


V. Experimental and theoretical studies of fluid systems
(Leader Dr. M.A.Korzhinsky)


Korzhinsky M.A. The solubility of iron chloride in H2O-CO2-NaCl system at supercritical conditions.


Sretenskaya N.G., Zakirov I.V. An investigation of mechanisms and kinetics of the associate formation in supercritical fluids.


Gorbaty Yu.E. and Bondarenko G.V. The physical state of supercritical fluids


Kalinichev A.G. Analysis of hydrogen bonding in water under hydrothermal conditions


Korzhinsky M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Zhdanov N.N., Bocharnikov R.E. Measurement of partial pressure of hydrogen and total gas pressure in a fumarole vent under monitoring conditions in the volcano Kudryavy


Bocharnikov R.E. Experimental research of interaction of volcanic gas with some rock-forming and ore minerals


Zonova I.A. Migration of fluid inclusions in quartz in thermogradient fields


Bocharnikov R.E., Korzhinsky M.A., and Tkachenko S.I. Intermixing of meteoric waters and a magmatic fluid in volcanic channels


Budanov S.V. Solubility of diopside in an H2O-NaCl fluid at T=650oC and P=2-7.5 kbar


VI. Experimental study of sulfide equilibria and sulfide-forming fluid
(Leaders Dr. E.G.Osadchii, Dr. T.P.Dadze)


Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A., Akhmedzhanova G.M. Solubility of gold in the hydrogen sulphide in water solutions studied at T=300oC and P=300 atm.


Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A., Orlov R.Yu. Solubility of Sb2S3 in 0.1-0.8 mol/l Na2S solutions at T=200oC


Kotova A.A. Osadchii E.G. A possibility of classification of ordinary chondrites based on fO2


Osadchii E.G., Fedkin M.V., and Lunin S.E. Thermodynamic properties and a phase transition in the sphalerite solid solution (Fe,Zn)S.



VII. Geochemical problems of the mineral-solution interface
(Leader Dr. L.Z.Lakshtanov)


Karasyova O.N., Ivanova L.I., Lakshtanov L.Z. Acid/base reactions and Sr(II) complexation at the surface of hematite


Pivovarov S.A., Lakshtanov L.Z. Sorption of cadmium on hematite in a wide range of sorbate/sorbent ratios.


Pivovarov S.A. Surface structure and site density of the oxide-solution interface.


VIII. Disposal of high level wastes
(Leader Dr. A.R.Kotelnikov)


Suvorova V.A., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R. Synthesis and properties of ceramic matrixes for the fixation of radioactive iodine.


Suvorova V.A., Pertsov N.B., Kotelnikov A.R. Sr-containing float slime ceramics-the final product of biomineral interaction


Suvorova V.A., Kotelnikov A.R., Akhmedzhanova G.M. Synthesis of ceramic phosphate-containing matrices for immobilization of REE (La, Ce) radionuclides


Lunin S.E. and Zhdanov N.N. Influence of subterranean explosions on migration of elements and properties of aqueous medium


IX. Synthesis and modification of minerals
(Leader Prof. V.S.Balitsky)


Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya L.V., Mar'ina E.A. Solubility and growth of quartz crystals in water-borate solutions.


Balitsky V.S. and Balitskaya L.V. Experimental modelling of simultaneous processes of dissolvation and growth of quartz and topaz crystals.


Balitsky V.S. Growth conditions and properties of mineral crystals


Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V., and Sokolov Yu.A. Local fields and structure features of two Fe-Ca monoclinic chain germanates


Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V., and Konilov A.N. Fe electron state features in hemoilmenites


Romanenko I.M. Cheralite from visakhapatnam area in the eastern ghats granulite belt.


Stolyarova T.A. Chemical composition and thermodynamic properties of apatite minerals


Chichagov A.V., Varlamov D.A., Dilanyan R.A., Dokina T.N., Drozhzhina N.A., Samokhvalova O.L., Ushakovskaya T.V. The local and www-adapted versions of the software system on crystal structures of minerals (MINCRYST-97)


Romanenko I.M. EPMA of background components.


List of works of the IEM RAS researches published in 1997




Brief communications and abstracts


Doctor theses


Authors certificates and patents


Authors index


