List of works of the IEM RAS researches published in 1997
- Aksyuk A.M. The SiO2-H2O system along the lower three-phase curve and approximate values of temperature of the critical end-point. // European J. of Mineralogy, 1997, N.5.
- Alekseev V.A., Balashov V.N., Zaraisky G.P.Kinetics and modelling of the solution-rock interaction. // Petrology, 1997, V.5, N.1, pp. 42-50.
- Aranovich L.Y., Newton R.C. H2O activity in concentrated KCl and KCl-NaCl solutions at high temperatures and pressures measured by brucite-periclase equilibrium. // Contrib Mineral. Petrol., 1997, V.127, pp.261-271.
- Aranovich, L.Y., Berman, G.G. A new garnet orthopyroxene thermometer based on reversed Al2O3 solubility in FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 opthopyroxene. // Am. Miner, 1997, V.82.
- Balitsky D.V., Balitsky V.S., Puscharovsky D.Yu., Kosenko A.V. and Bondarenko G.V. Growth and characterization of the GeO single crystals with quartz structure. // J. Cryst. Growth, 1997, V.180.
- Belous A.E., Maslennikov A.E., Levchenkov O.A., Rizvanova N.G., Bezmen N.I., Komarov A.I. Phase transformations in zircon at the hydrothermal interaction with 2Ì Na2CO3 at elevated temperatures and pressures. // Reports of the Russian Mineralogical Society, 1997, N.2, pp.87-99.
- Bondarenko G.V., Gorbaty Yu.E.( In situ Raman Spectroscopic Study of Sulfur-Saturated Water at 1000 bar between 200 and 500îC. // Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 1997, V.61, pp.1413-1417.
- Chevychelov V.Yu., Chevychelova T.K. (1997) Partitioning of Pb, Zn, W, Mo, Cl, and major elements between aqueous fluid and melt in the systems granodiorite (granite, leucogranite) - H2O-NaCl-HCl. // N. Jahrb. Min. Abh. Bd.172, N.1, pp.101-115.
- Dubinina E.O., Lakshtanov L.Z. A kinetic model of isotopic exchange in dissolution-precipitation processes. // Geoch. Cosmoch. Acta, 1997, V.61, N.11, pp.2265-2273.
- Dubinina O.E., Lakshtanov L.Z. Fractionation of oxygen isotopes at synthesis of quartz under hydrothermal conditions. // Reports of the Russian Mineralogical Society, 1997.
- Gasparik T., Litvin Yu.A. Stability of Na2Mg2Si2O7 and melting relations on the forsterite - jadeite join at pressures up to 22 Gpa. // European J. of Mineralogy, 1997, V.9, N.1.
- Gerya T.V., Perchuk L.L. Equations of state of compressed gases for petrologic thermodynamic Databases // Petrology, 1997, V.4.
- Gerya T.V., Perchuk L.L., Tribule K., Odren K., Sezko A.I. Petrology of the Tumanshet zoned metamorphic complex, East Sayan. // Petrology, 1997, N.6.
- Grenthe I., Plyasunov A.V. On the use of semiempirical electrolyte theories for the modelling of solution chemical data. // Pure & Appl. Chem., 1997, V.69, pp.951-958.
- Ishbulatov R.A., Suk N.I. Experimental study of melting in olivine-plagioclase joint (Ol70-Pl70) under a pressure of 0.2 kbar. // Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.357, N.1.
- Kalinichev A.G., Bass J.D., Sun B.N., Payne D.A. Elastic properties of tetragonal PbTiO3 single crystals by Brillouin scattering. // J. Materials Res., 1997.
- Kanazirski M., Zaraisky G.P., Kepalt I., Plana F. Experimental modelling of the metasomatic zoning in the rocks of the copper-porphyry deposit of the Asarel // Bulgarian Ac. Sci., Geochim., Mineral and Petrol. Sofia, 1996, N.31.
- Khodorevskaya L.I., Zharikov V.A. Experimental modelling of the amphibolite-basic rock interaction in subduction zones. // Petrology, 1997, V.5, N.1, pp.4-9.
- Kislov E.V., Konnikov E.G., Orsoev D.A., Pushkarev E.V., Voronina L.K. Role of chlorine in the formation of sulphide-depleted platinum mineralization of the Ioko-Dovyren layered massif. // Geochim., 1997, N.5, pp.521-524.
- Konnikov E.G. Experimental study of melting processes in the pyrrhotine-water system. //Geol. of ore deposits, 1997, N.6.
- Konnikov E.G., Zygankov A. Relationship between postplutonic dikes and epigenic sulphide ores from Cu-Ni-deposits. // Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.354, N.4, pp.520-523.
- Konnikov E.G., Zygankov A.A. Orthopyroxenites with the spinifex type structure from the Nurundukan formation, North Baikal region. // Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.356, N.2.
- Korzhinskaya V.S., Zaraisky G.P. Experimental study of scheelite-ferberite equilibrium in a chloride fluid at T=300-600îÑ, Ð=1 kbar. // Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.352, N. 5.
- Kotelnikova Z.A., Kotelnikov A.R. (Na,Sr)-feldspars: experimental data. // Geochim., 1997, N.2, pp.169-178.
- Kotelnikova Z.A., Kotelnikov A.R. Modelling of the fluid regime at a metamorphic retrograde stage, based on the experimental data on phase equilibrium in the system Í2Î - ÑÎ2 - NaCl. // Petrology, 1997, V.5, N.1, pp.73-80.
- Litvin Y.A., Chudinovskikh L.T., Zharikov V.A. Crystallization of diamond and graphite in mantle alkali-carbonate melts in experiment at 7-11 GPa. // Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.355-À, N.6.
- Litvin Yu.A., Gasparik T. Na-Mg silicates as plausible mineral constituents of meteorites and deep mantle of Earth and other terrestrial planets. // J. Annales Geophys., 1997, Supl. V.15.
- Marakushev A.A. Oceanic petrology // Geology of the Passific ocean, 1996, N.6, pp.3-19.
- Marakushev A.A. Origin and evolution of the Earths crust. // Problems of geotectonics, M., Nauka, 1997, pp.46-62.
- Marakushev A.A. Significant gap in the traditional theory of evolution of the Solar system // Vestnik MGU, 1997, N.6, pp.3-19.
- Marakushev A.A., Rusinov V.L. et al. Global aspects of ore formation. // Geol. of ore deposits, 1997, N.6, pp.3-21.
- Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Y.B. Behaviour of molybdenum, lead and zinc in the processes of fluoride salt extraction. // Dokl. RAN, 1996, V.351, N.5, pp.670-672.
- Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Immiscible salt-rich melts and the genesis of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits. // Dvilaser/Ps IBM-Pc. USA, 1997.
- Marakushev A.A., Suk N.I., Novikov M.P. Chloride extraction of oregenic metals and the problem of their migration from magmatic chambers. //Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.352, N.1, pp.83-86.
- Mints M.V., Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N. Paleodynamic reconstruction of the metamorphism of Lapland granulites in the Northeast of the Baltic shield. // Transactions of the Rus. Ac. Sci., 1996, V.345, N.8, pp.185-191.
- Mintz M.B., Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N. The Lapland-Kolvitz granulite-gneiss belt .// In book: Mintz M.B. et al. Earlier Precambrian North - East Baltic Shield. Proc. of the Inst. Of Geology, RAS, iss.503. M.: Nauchny mir, 1996, pp.112-137.
- Nekrasov I.Ya., Kashirtseva G.A. Experimental study of the system Y2O3-SiO2-B2O3-H2O at 500 and 650oÑ and P= 1 kbar. // Dokl. RAN, 1997, V.352, N.1, pp.87-92.
- Osadchii E.G., Lunin S.E., Korzhinsky M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Taran Yu.A. Measurements of fO2 and fS2 by electrochemical sensors in high-temperature fumaroles of active volcanos. // Geochim., 1997, N.1, pp.74-81.
- Petukhov P.A. Detailed empiric models of solid solutions. // Geochim., 1997, N.7.
- Pivovarov S.A. Surface structure and site density of oxide-solution interface. // J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 1997, V.182.
- Puigdomenech I., Rard J.A., Plyasunov A.V., Grenthe I. Temperature corrections to thermodynamic data and enthalpy calculations. // Modeling in Aquatic Chemistry, Eds. Grenthe I., Puigdomenech I., Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD, 1997, pp.427-494.
- Safonov O.G., Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V. Petrologic proof of the mobility of K and Na at the formation of spotted charnokites. // Vestnik MGU, Ser. 4, Geology, 1997, N.1.
- Salova T.P., Stolyarova T.A., Epelbaum M.B., Zavelsky V.O. Calorimetric study of hydrous quartz glass and zeolite. // Geochim., 1997, N.1, pp.69-73.
- Simakin A.G., Trubitsin V.P. Trapping of crystals groving and precipitating in a magmatic chamber by the solidification front. // Earths Physics, 1997, N.10.
- Sorokin V.I., Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A. Sulphide-sulphate ratios in the hydrothermal process. // Petrology, 1997, V.5, N.1, pp.64-73.
- Suk N.I. Behaviour of ore elements (W, Sn, Ti è Zr) in layering silicate-salt systems. // Petrolgy, 1997, V.5, N.1, pp.23-31.
- Suvorova V.A., Zyryanov V.N., Akmedzhanova G.M., Kotelnikov A.P. Synthesis and properties of ceramic matrices for iodine fixing on the base of zeolite. // Radiochim., 1997, V.39, iss.4.
- Tikhomirova V.I., Desyatova T.A. The study of sorption of iodide-ion on porphyrite and shungite as barrier rocks at RAW burial. // Geochim., 1997.
- Trukhin V.I., Zhilyaeva B.A., Tomilin E.F., Konilov A.N. Features and possible mechanism of self-reduction of TRM synthesized hemoilmenites. // Earths Physics, 1997, N.2, pp.52-59.
- Varlamov D.A. Electronic Library of the IEM RAS: (
- Varlamov D.A. Database "Thermodynamic parameters of end-members of the CMAS system":
- Zyryanov V.N., Vance E.R. Comparison of sodium zirconium phosphate-structured hlw forms and synroc for high-level nuclear waste immobilization. // Scientific Basis for NuclearWaste Management, 1997, V.XX, pp.409-415.
Brief communications and abstracts
- Akyuk A.M., Zaraisky G.P., Kaytlif E., Yardley B. Evolution of fluorine regime at the formation of the Akchatau ore-magmatic system. Proc. Of the Betekhtin Symposium, Moscow, 8-10 April, 1997, pp. 21-22.
- Balitsky B.S., Balitskaya L.B., Bublikova T.M., Marina E.A., Iwasaki H., Iwasaki F., Experimental study of silica transfer and β-quartz crystal growth in hypercritical water fluids. // Abstr. to the Intern. Conf. Crystals: Growth, properties, real structure, use, Aleksandrov, 1997.
- Balitsky B.S., Balitskaya L.B., Puscharovsky D.Yu., Kosenko A.B., Bondarenko G.V. Growth and investigation of single crystals of germanium dioxide with the quartz structure. // Abstr. to the Intern. Conf. Crystals: Growth, properties, real structure, use, Aleksandrov, 1997.
- Zaraisky G.P. On the time-period of stages of ore-magmatic process on the Akchatau greisen W-Mo deposit. // Abstr. to the report at the Betekhtin Symp., M., 1997, pp.132-133.
- Zaraisky G.P., Aksyuk A.M. On the two genetic types of tungsten-bearing leucogranites exemplified by the greisen deposits of the Urals and Kazakhstan. // Proc. of the Ural Petrogr. Meeting, Ekaterinburg, 1997.
- Konilov A.N., Romanenko I.M. X-ray spectral microprobe determination of the age of monazites with respect to Th-U-Pb. // Abstr. to the contr. At the readings in memory of I.F.Trusova Probl. Of magmatic and metamorphic petrology, 1997, pp.17-19.
- Konnikov E.G. Effect of water on the melting temperature of pyrrhotine: experimental data Basic problems in the magmatic ore deposts science // Abstr. to the contrib. at the Betekhtin Symp., Moscow, 1997, pp.47-48.
- Konnikov E.G. Model of formation of platinum-bearing reeves in layered ultramafite-mafite massifs, exemplified by the Dovyren intrusive, North Baikal region. // Abstr. to the contrb. at the Readings in memory of I.F.Trusova Probl. of magm. and metamorph. petrology, 1997, pp.19-20.
- Konnikov E.G. Structure and origin of the granulite-amphibolite complex in the West.part of the Baikal-Muya ophiolitic belt. // Asias tectonics // Abstrc. To the contrb. at the ÕÕÕ tect. Meeting, M,. GEOS (in russian), 1997, pp.122-124.
- Suvorova V.A., Pertsov N.B., Kotelnikov A.R. Sr-containing float-slum ceramics final product of biomineral interaction. // Abstr. to the contrib. At the Annual Meeting of the Mion. Soc, RAS, St-P., 1997, pp.54-57.
- Suk N.I., Salt extraction of oregenic metals and the problem of ore-bearing ability of alkali magmatic complexes. // Basic problems in the magm. ore deposits Science.// Abstr. to the contrb. at the Betekhtin Symp., M., 1997, pp.80-81.
- Aranovich L.Y., Newton R.C. Phase equilibrium constraints of the granulite fluid composition. // Meeting "Mineral equilibria and databases" of the Mineral Equilibria Working Group of the IMA. Abstracts, 1997, Espoo. Finland, p.9.
- Balashov V.N., Ivanov I.P. Theoretical modelling of metasomatic zonning, topological analyses and thermodynamic calculation of mineral equilibria. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.25.
- Balashov V.N., Yardly B.W.D. The Formation of Skarns and Calcsilicates: Role of Feedbacks between Reaction, Fluid flow and Creep". // Abstr. of Kongsbergseminar, 1997, p.13.
- Balitsky D.V., Balitsky V.S., Puscharovsky D.Yu.. Growth and characterization of GeO single crystals with quartz structure. // Abstr. 2nd Eur. Workshop on piezoelectric materials, Montpellier (France), 1997.
- Balitsky V.S. Preparation of new materials by synthesis and transformation of minerals // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.40.
- Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya L.V., Kalinichev A.G., Mar'ina E.A., Iwasaki H., Iwasaki F.Silica Transfer and
-Quartz Growth from Supercritical Aqueous Fluids. // Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Supercritical Fluids, Sendai, Japan, 1997, V.A, pp.35-38
- Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya L.V., Kalinichev A.G., Mar'ina E.A., Iwasaki H., Iwasaki F. Silica Transfer and
-Quartz Crystal Growth from Supercritical Aqueous Fluids. // Proc. 5-th Int. Symp. on Hydrothermal Reactions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997, pp.220-224.
- Balitsky V.S., Emelchenko A.G., Zharikov E.V. Mikroisomorphism of ALPO in
-SiO single crystals. // Abstr. 2nd Eur. Workshop on piezo-electric materials, Montpellier (France), 1997.
- Balitsky V.S., Makhina I.B., Mar'in A.A., Dorogovin B.A. High temperature pink quartz and other new synthetic colored varieties of quartz. // Abstr. 26-th Int. Gemm. Conf. Idar-Oberstein (Germany), 1997.
- Balitsky V.S., Makhina I.B., Mar'in A.A., Shigley J., Rossman The first industrial synthetic ametrine from Russia and its gemmological characterstics. // Abstr. 26-th Int. Gemm. Conf. Idar-Oberstein (Germany), 1997.
- Bezmen N.I. Experimental study of the behavior of the isotopes of U and Pb zircons at the metamorphism. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.14.
- Bezmen N.I., M. Asif, A. J. Naldrett . Solubility of Pd and Pt in silicate melt in the presence of H2-H2O fluid: implication for Core and Mantle content. // Abstract of EAG Workshop The origin and fractionation of highly siderophile elements in the Earth's Mantle, Mainz ,1997, p.31.
- Bondarenko G.V., Gorbaty Yu.E.( Interaction of Sulfur with Supercritical Water. An in-situ Raman Study up to 500îC at pressure of 1000 bar. // Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Supercritical Fluids, Sendai, Japan, 1997, V.B, pp.659-662.
- Chevychelov V.Yu. Partitioning of W, Mo and Pb, Zn in the fluid-magmatic granitoid systems. Effect of the melt composition. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.23.
- Chichagov A.V., Dilanyan R.A., Dokina T.N., Drozhzhina N.A., Samokhvalova O.L., and Ushakovskaya T.V. The information processing system on crystal structures of minerals (MINCRYST). // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.43.
- Chudinovskikh L.T. Experimental studies of properties of abyssal minerals with the high-pressure equipment with diamond anvils and laser heater. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.44.
- Epelbaum M.B., Simakin A.G. Theoretical and experimental reseach of granite magma melt and origin processes. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.10.
- Ezhov S.V., Zaraisky G.P. Skarns and ore formation. // Experiment in Geosciences , 1997, V.6, N.1, p.20.
- Fedkin A.V. Petrology of metamorphic rocks of Yenisei ridge in the transition zone from the granulite block to the greenstone belt. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.18.
- Fedkin A.V. Petrology of tectonic transition zone between Kanskii granulite complex and the greenstone belt of the Yenisey ridge. // Abstr. European Union Geosciences - EUG-9. Strasbourg, 1997, p.364.
- Fed'kin V.V. Studying of the metamorphic processes in the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences during 1991-1995. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.11.
- Fed'kin V.V., Karamata S., Cvetcovic V. Mineralogical geothermobarometry and evolution of metamorphism of amphibolites from two different terranes of Serbia. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.16.
- Fed'kin V.V., Karamata S., Cvetkovic V. Metamorphic evolution of the conjugation zone of the oceanic and continental crust (Serbia). // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - Meeting of the IMA Equilibria working group. Espoo, Finland 1997, Guide 46, pp.24-26.
- Fed'kin V.V., Kitsul V.I., BerezkinV.I. Mineral compositions and P-T conditions of biotite-garnet gneisses of the Batomga block. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.15.
- Fed'kin V.V., Yakovleva L.Yu. Staurolite - garnet exchange equilibrium: experiment, calculations, and application // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.13.
- Fedkin M.V., Kotova A.A., Osadchii E.G. A study of thermodynamic properties of pyhrrhotite by high-temperature emf measurements. // Abstr. European Union of Geosciences EUG-9, Strasburg, 1997, p.434.
- Fonarev V.I. Comparission of the granulitic metamorphism of the Arhean cratons and Proterozoic mobile belts of the Baltic and Indian Schields. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.15.
- Fonarev V.I., Janadran A.S., and Konilov A.N. The metamorphic conditions of the garnet-cordierite gneisses from the Malai Mahadeswara Hills, Southern India, and genesis of Zn- and Cr-rich spinel. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.15.
- Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N., Mints M.V., and Kralene P. Paleogeodynamic reconstruction of the metamorphic conditions of the Lapland granulite belt. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.14.
- Fonarev V.I., Touret J.L.R., Kotelnikova Z.A. Fluid inclusions in rocks from the Central Kola granulite area (Baltic shield).// XIV ECROFI. Abstracts-Nancy 1997, pp.105-106.
- Gerya T.V. Amphibole geothermobarometer: a new empirical calibration. // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland 1997, Guide 46, p.28.
- Gerya T.V., Perchuk L.L. Evolution of the Tumanshet zoning metamorphic complex, Eastern Sayan. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.15.
- Gerya T.V., Perchuk, L.L. "GEOPATH" database: equation of state for individual gases. // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland 1997, Guide 46, pp.30-32.
- Gerya T.V., Podlesskii, K.K., Kosyakova, N.A., Perchuk, L.L. A new equation of state for crystalline phases: application for mineralogical thermodynamic data bases. // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland 1997, Guide 46, pp.29-30.
- Gorbaty Yu.E., Kalinichev A.G., Bondarenko G.V. Experimental and theoretical studies of the physical and chemical properties of supercritical aqueous fluids. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.33.
- Graphchikov A.A. Process of biotite dehydration and granulite formation. // XXII General Assembly of EGS, Vienna, Austria, 1997, V.15, N.1, p.39.
- Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N. Estimation of X(H2O) under metamorphic conditions by methods of mineral barometry.// XXII General Assembly of EGS, Vienna, Austria, 1997, V.15, N.1, p.39.
- Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N. Experimental study of the parameters of charnockite assemblage existence in the system KAlO2-MgO-FeO-SiO2. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.13.
- Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N., Clemens J.D. Experimental investigation of subsolidus mineral equilibria involving Ti-biotite. // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland 1997, Guide 46, p.35.
- Grenthe I., Plyasunov A.V., Spahiu K. Estimation of medium effects on thermodynamic data. // Modelling in Aquatic Chemistry, Eds. Grenthe I., Puigdomenech I., Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD, 1997, pp.325-426.
- Iwasaki H., Iwasaki F., Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya L.V. and Makhina I.B. Growth rates anisotropy evaluatios by computer experiments of coloured quartz crystals grown in various growth conditions. // Abstr. Int. Conf. “Crystalls”, 1997, Aleksandrov.
- Kalinichev A.G. Computer Simulations of the Properties of Supercritical Water over a Very Wide Range of Temperatures and Densities. // Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Supercritical Fluids, Sendai, Japan, 1997, V.A, pp.339-342.
- Kalinichev A.G. Elastic and piezoelectric properties of ferroelectric single crystals KNbO3 and PbTiO3. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.43.
- Kalinichev A.G. Hydrogen bonding in hydrothermal fluids: Computer simulations and experimental data. // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Hydrothermal Reactions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997, pp.161-166.
- Karasyova O.N., Ivanova L.I., Lakshtanov L.Z., Lővgren L., Sjőberg S. Composition and stability of Au(III)-chloride complexes at the hematite/water interface. // Abstract Suppl. No 1 Terra Nova, 1997, V.9, p.567.
- Kislov E.V., Orsoev D.A.,Konnikov E.G. Control of Ni-Cu and PGE ores formations, Ioko-Dovyren massif, Russia. // Abstr. 9th Europ. Uni. Geosci., Strasbourg, 1997, p.533.
- Kislov E.V., Orsoev D.A., Konnikov E.G. Ioko-Dovyren layered intrusion, Northern Transbaikalia, Russia, and related mineralizaion. // Abstr. IGCP, project 336 Symp. in Rovamiemi, Fin., 1997, Publ.33, pp.59-60.
- Konilov A.N., Graphchikov A.A., Fonarev V.I., Sultanov D.M. A consistent system of geothermometers and geobarometers: testing with using independent experimental data. // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland, 1997, Guide 46, p.35.
- Konilov A.N., Nekrasov A.N., Romanenko I.M. Synthesis and study of the magnetic properties of hemoilmenite. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V6, N.1, p.14.
- Konnikov E.G. The melting thermodynamic of pyrrhotite-water mixtures: experimental study. // Abstr. Symp. "Geochemistry of Crustal Fluids", Seefeld, Ausria, 1996, p.74.
- Konnikov E.G., Neruchev S.S., Prasolov E.M., Kislov E.V., Orsoev D.A. Fluid regime of PGE and Au-bearing reef formation in the Dovyren layered massif, East Siberia, Russia. // Proc. of the 4th Biennual Meeting, Turku, Fin., 1997, pp. 449-451.
- Korzhinskii M.A. The behavior of nondissociated HCl in the dense fluid with buffered HCl activity. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.35.
- Korzhinskiy M.A., Tkachenko S.I. Churakov S.V. Bernard A., Africano F. The conditions of formation of rhenium sulphide mineralization in fumarolic gases on a volcano Kudriavy ( Kuril islands ) IAVCEI, Mexico, 1997, Abstract.
- Litvin Yu.A. The study of phase equilibria of mantle minerals and primary magmas in the systems Ol-Opx-Cpx-Sp/Gr and Fo-En-Jd up to 165 kbar. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.12.
- Marakushev A.A. Catastrophic factors in the Earth's evolution. The nature and role of the fluid-magmatic activity. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.12.
- Marakushev A.A. Genetic meaning of oxygen isotopic variations of chondrules in chondrites // XXII Symp. Antarctic Meteorites. Tokyo, 1997, pp.97-99.
- Marakushev A.A. The petrogenetic model for the formation of diamond-bearing rocks. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.28.
- Maslenikov A.V.,Rizvanova N.G., Levchenkov O.A., Bezmen N.I. Zircon-fluid interaction at t=200-800oC, P=1-5 rbar: experimental data. // Mineral equilibria and databases. Abstr. IMA Meeting, Geol.Surv. Finland, Espoo, 1997, p.48
- Nekrasov A.N. Development of the physical model for the magnetization of heterogeneous ferrimagnetic grains. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.42.
- Nekrasov A.N. Possible mechanism of selfreversing magnetisation of inhomogeneous ferrimagnetic grains. // Abstr. Annales Geophysicae, Solid Earth Geophysics & Natural Hazard, 1997. Suppl.I to V.15, p.115.
- Nekrasov A.N. The singl-domain state - nonsingle-domain state transition with reference to synthetic and natural samples of Fe-Ti oxides. // Abstr. Annales Geophysicae, Solid Earth Geophysics & Natural Hazard, 1997, Suppl.I to V.15, p.115.
- Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V. Ge-analogs of mantle silicate phases, structure and phase transitions. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.42.
- Osadchii Eu.G. Apparatuses and methods for measurements of oxygen and sulfur activities in high temperature fumaroles. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.45.
- Osadchii Eu.G., Lunin S.E. Thermodynamics of sulfide systems. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.29.
- Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V., Safonov O.G. Charnockytization model of gneiss complexes. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.17.
- Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V., van Reenen D.D. Mineral equilibria, PT-paths and dynamics of metamorphic complexes. "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland 1997, Guide 46, pp.55-57.
- Perchuk L.L., Gerya, T.V. van Reenen D.D., Smit C.A. Cratonization: from greenstone belts to granulites. // Abstr. 9th Europ. Uni. Geosci., Strasbourg (France), 1997, V.9, p.362.
- Perchuk L.L., Podladchikov Yu.Yu. Geodynamic modelling some metamorphic processes. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.16
- Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. - Relation between the structure and viscosity of water-bearing model and magmatic melts of acidic to ultrabasic compositions at high pressure. // Abstr. EHPRG conf. PO5, Reading, UK, 1997.
- Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. Rheology and physico-chemical properties of magmatic melts. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.11.
- Pivovarov S. Acid-base properties of hematite at elevated emperatures. // Oric. 5th Int. Symp. on Hydrothermal Reactions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997, pp.295-296.
- Podlesskii K.K. P-T-XMg relations in aluminous granulites. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.17.
- Redkin A. The estimation of fO2 of the U3O8-UO3·0.33H2O assemblage using an Ag-AgCl sensor procedure. // Proc. (ICFE-3), Paris, 1997.
- Redkin A.F. Solubility of cassiterite and uranium oxide UO2+x at T=600îÑ and PH2O=1000 bar. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.23.
- Redkin A.F. Some aspects of the recovery of Cs - and Sr- bearing radioactive wastes. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.39.
- Romanenko I.M. Newly developed techniques in the area of X-ray spectral microanalysis. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.45.
- Safonov O.G., Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V., Touret J.L.R. Generation of granitic rocks and deep crustal processes: perfect mobility of K, Na and Ca during patchy (arrested) charnockite formation, Kurunegala, Sri-Lanka. // Terra abstracts (EUG 9). Abstract supplement No.1 to Terra Nova, 1997, V.9, p.454.
- Safonov O.G., Perchuk L.L., Shur M.Y. Compositional and P-T evolution of Opx-Crd coronitic textures around garnet. // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland, 1997, Gui. 46, pp.63-64.
- Salova T.P., Stolyarova T. A., and Epelbaum M.B. The relations between aqueous species dissolved in rhyolitic and quartz glasses: calorimetric studies. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.12.
- Sedlbauer J., Plyasunov A.V., Wood R.H. Equations of state for infinitedilution partial molar volumes of nonelectrolytes and 1-1 electrolytes. // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Hydrothermal Reactions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997, pp.190-193.
- Shapovalov Yu.B. Experimental study of rare and rare earth metals and polymetals behavior in the fluid-magmatic granitoid system. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.22.
- Shapovalov Yu.B. Modeling of chondrite origin and the interphase distribution of platinum and palladium of liquation iron-sulfide-silicate melts. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.27.
- Shmonov V.M. Study of permeability of pre-stressed rocks at high P-T parameters. // Experiment in Geosciences , 1997, V.6, N.1, p.26.
- Shmulovich K.I. "Supercritical aqueous solutions at low and high pressures". // Proc. 5-th Int. Symp. on Hydrothermal Reactions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997, pp.207-209.
- Shmulovich K.I., Korzhinskii M.A., Tkachenko S.I., and Bocharnikov R.E. High-temperature fumarole gases of the Kudryavyi Volcano (Iturup Island, Kuril Isles). // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.35.
- Shmulovich K.I., Landwehr D., Simon K., Heinrich W. Stable Isotope Fractionation between Liquid and Vapor Phases in the H2O-NaCl system at Temperatures above 350îC. // Terra abstracts (EUG 9). Abstract supplement to Terra Nova, 1997, V.9, N.1, p.540.
- Shmulovich K.I., Plyasunova N.A., and Tkachenko S.I. Phase relations in fluid-salt systems. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.34.
- Shmulovich K.I., Zonova I.A. The fluid transport in metamorphism. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.19.
- Simakin A.G. Dynamics of crystal. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.10.
- Sorokin V.I., Bondarenko G.V., Gorbatyi Yu.E., Orlov R.Yu., and Dadze T.P. The experimental study of the S-H2O system by Raman spectroscopy. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.36.
- Sorokin V.I., Osadchii Eu.G., Beloborodov S.M. Development for the experimental study of mineral equilibria by the methods of high temperature electrochemistry. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.45.
- Sretenskaya N.G. and Zakirov I.V. A physicochemical model for gas clusterization. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.36.
- Suvorova V.A., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R. Synthesis and properties of ceramic matrices for the fixation of radioactive iodine. // Proc. Int. Symp. "Engineering Geology and the Environment", Greece, 1997, p.2199-2202.
- Tikhomirova V.I. and Akhmedzhanova G.M. The formation of Au-As intermetallides at low temperatures. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.29.
- Tikhomirova V.I. and Desyatova T.A. Sorption of iodide-ions on porphyrite and schungite. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.40.
- van Reenen D.D., Smit C.A., Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V. Different types of shear zones associated with the exhumation of granulite belts. // Terra abstracts (EUG 9). Abstract supplement to Terra Nova, 1997, V.9, N.1, p.364.
- Varlamov D.A. Presentation of Mineralogical and Petrological Databases in the INTERNET: New Approaches" // "Mineral Equilibria and Databases" - IMA working group Meeting. Espoo, Finland, 1997, Guide 46, pp.69-71
- Wood R.H., Sedlbauer J., Plyasunov A.V., Sharygin A.V., O'Connell J.P. Towards an equation of state for partial molar properties at infinite dilution in aqueous solutions. // Proc. V Intern. Symp. Hydrotherm. React., Gatlinburg, 1997, pp.30-31.
- Yakovleva L.Yu. Experimental study on the mechanism and kinetics of the reactions in the model system Sta+Q+Grt+Sil+H2O. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.14.
- Yardley B., Shmulovich K., Graham J., Banks D. Partitioning of Br and Cl between Vapour, Liquid and Silicates under Hydrothermal Conditions. // Terra abstracts (EUG 9). abstract supplement to Terra Nova, 1997, V.9, N.1, p.563.
- Zaraisky G.P., Aksyuk A.M., Korzhinskaya V.S. Experimental study of behavior of rare and black metals, silica, and aluminium in fluoride and chloride hydrothermal fluids. // Experiment in Geosciences , 1997, V.6, N.1, p.21.
- Zaraisky G.P., Aksyuk A.M., Shapovalov Yu.B., Chevychelov V.Yu., Seltman R., Shatov V.V. Petrography and geochemistry of Li-F granites and pegmatite-aplite banded rocks from the Orlovka and Etyka tantalum deposits in Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia. // Mineral Deposits. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1997, pp.695-698.
- Zaraisky G.P., Soboleva Yu.B. Experimental determination of corundum solubility in aqueous HF solutions at 300 to 600oC and 1 kbar. // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Hydrothermal Reactions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997, pp.201-206.
- Zharikov V.A. Fluids in Geological Processes. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.30.
- Zharikov V.A. Priority research directions in geochemical sciences. // Experiment in Geosciences,1997,V.6, N.1, p.4.
- Zharikov V.A. Problems of granite genesis. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.6.
- Zharikov V.A., Epelbaum M.B. Problems of a gramite formation. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.10.
- Zharikov V.A., Fed'kin V.V. Editorial reviews. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.4.
- Zharikov V.A., Fedkin V.V. Experimental and theoretical investigations of Institute of Experimental Mineralogy in 1991-1995. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.5.
- Zharikov V.A., Khodorevskaya L.I.The experimental study of amphibolite melting. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6, N.1, p.11.
- Zharikov V.A., Zaraisky G.P. A numerical model of the tungsten greisen deposit genesis, (with the example of the Akchatau Deposit, Central Kazakhstan). // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.19.
- Zharikov V.A., Zaraisky G.P. Complex experimental studies concerning the disposal of radioactive wastes in abyssal geological formations. // Experiment in Geosci., 1997, V.6,N.1, p.37.
- Zyryanov V.P., Kotelnikov A.R., and Suvorova V.A. Immobilization of radionuclides in crystalline composite materials. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V.6, N.1, p.38.
Doctor theses
Safonov O.G. Reaction structures and mobility of alkalies at metamorphism and granitization. PhD synopsis, Ì., 1997, 26p .
Authors certificates and patents
1. Epelbaum M.B., Chekhmir A.S., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R. Technique for RAW burial in rocks. Patent for an invention N 2064696 of July 27, 1996, with the priority of June, 24, 1993.
2. Litvin Y.A., Redkin A.F. Technique for purefication of cubic boron nitride from its hexagonal modification. Patent for an invention N 2066294 of Sept. 10, 1996 application for a patent N. 93-019102/26 with the priority of April, 15,1993.
Author's Index