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Full Text Search (experimental)

Institute journals

Experiment in Geosciences Magazine V 1-9 1991-2001

Russian Journals

Geokhimiya V32-48 1994-2010
Geologiya i Geofizika V38-47 1997-2006
Doklady Akademii Nauk V338-517 1994-2024
Petrology V3-32 1995-2024
Geology of Ore Deposits V37-66 1995-2024
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vestnik RAN) V66-76 1996-2006

Electronic Libraries of Russian Journals

eLibrary.RU.Scientific Electronic Library for Russian Scientists.
List of DIGITAL ARCHIVES of russian journals of RAS on eLIBRARY.RU.
List of Russian journals, to which Library of Scientific Center in Chernogolovka has full-text access from 2008-2017 years through eLibrary.RU. Access in electronic reading room LNS.
National Platform of Periodical Scientific Publications of Russian Centre for Science Information.

Electronic Russian Journals

"LITHOSPHERE" - Journal of IGG Urals Branch of RAS.
Full text version in Russian language for 2005 to 2024 years.
"Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya" - Journal are the Presidium of the Far East Branch of RAS and the Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics, FEB RAS.Full access 1982-2024 years on Russian Language.
Newspaper "Poisk"
Science Microblog
Materials of "Chitariada" (2012-2023 years)
Full text version in Russian language issues of 'Zapiski RMO" for 2018 year, NN 4-6; 2020 year, NN 1-6; 2021, NN 1-6, 2022, N 1-6, 2023, N 1-6.
Full text version in Russian language issues of 'Zapiski RMO" for 2023 year.
New site of journal "Zapiski RMO" on the portal "ECO-VECTOR": 2019, NN 1-6.
"Elementy".Site about fundamental science - news, events, articles, blogs of scientists.
Journal Impact Search (for 2010-2021 years).
Citation index of Russian scientists and institutes.

International Journals

American Mineralogist V 77-91 1992-2006
Applied Geochemistry V 10-21 1995-2006
Canadian Mineralogist V 30-45 1992-2007
Chemical Physics V 167-307 1992-2004
Chemical Physics Letters V 200-400 1992-2004
Computer and Geosciences V 21-32 1995-2006
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology V 112-152 1992-2006
Economic Geology V 89-101 1994-2006
European Journal of Mineralogy V 4-30 1992-2018
Fluid Phase Equilibria V 79-251 1992-2007
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta V 56-70 1992-2006
International Journal of Mineral Processing V 37-81 1993-2006
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth V 100-111 1995-2006
Journal of Metamorphic Geology V 13-24 1995-2006
Journal of Petrology V 33-48 1992-2007
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids V 54-65 1993-2004
Journal of Solution Chemistry V 21-36 1992-2007
Lithos V 28-92 1992-2006
Mineralogical Magazin V 56-70 1992-2006
Mineralogy and Petrology V 47-88 1992-2006
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals V 19-33 1992-2006
Review of Scientific Instruments V 63-75 1992-2004
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research V 63-158 1994-2006
Journal of Chemical Physics V97-121 1992-2004
Journal of Physical Chemistry V96-108 1992-2004

List of publishing houses and databases, to which our institute has temporary full-text access.

List of PUBLISHING HOUSES and DATABASES, to which our institute has full-text access.

  • Web of Science.The database is closed.
  • .
  • Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). (WebCSD)
  • SCOPUS. From 2023 year - Scopus preview.
  • Orbit Premium edition (Orbit Intelligence Premium). Total and User guides.

  • Nature Platform. More than 90 natural science journals,
    including the oldest and one of the most authoritative scientific journals-Nature.(1997-2024)
  • Journals of "Elsevier".Partial Open Access.
  • Electronic books of ELSEVIER.
  • Science NOW
  • Wiley Online Library. Journals of "Wiley". (Full-text access to archive (1997 - 2024 years)).
  • Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Full-text access from 20214-2024 year.
  • List of DIGITAL ARCHIVES, to which our institute has full-text access.

  • Russian platform of ARCHIVES of SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS.
  • Archives of "Nature" (1869- 2023 years). (Site "Nature")
  • Archives of Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society (1665- 1886).

  • Open Access Publications of Mineralogical Society of America.
  • Open Access Publications of De Gruyter academic publishing.
  • Geological Magazine. from 1 September 2023 will be 'open access’.
  • Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)- academic publisher of open access journals. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings.
    SCIRP currently has more than 200 open access journals in the areas of science, technology and medicine.
  • List of open-access journals (Physical Sciences and Engineering) of "ELSEVIER".
  • List of Open-access journals of "SPRINGER".
  • List of Open-access journals of "TAYLOR&FRANSIC".
  • Science Advances.New online-only gold open access journal of Science family of e-resources.
  • Geochemical Transactions (ACS).
  • Climate of the Past.Published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
  • Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journals of European Geosciences Union (EGU): Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO); Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) & Discussions (ACPD); Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) & Discussions (AMTD); Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf) & Discussions (ESurfD) and other.
  • Earth's Future. (2013-2024).Open access journal of AGU & Wiley.
  • Earth and Space Science. (2014-2024). Open access journal of ACU & Wiley.
  • Chemical Science. - from 2015 year to present.
  • Minerals. It is an international, open access journal of natural mineral systems, mineral resources, mining, and mineral processing (MDPI).
  • Crystals. It is a new international, open access journal of crystallography (MDPI).
  • Geosciences. It is an international open access journal on all interdisciplinary aspects of the Earth and Planetary Sciences (MDPI).

  • Largest Russian Libraries

  • Russian State Public Scientific-Technical Library (GPNTB)
  • Scientific Library of MSU
  • Library of Academy of Sciences (BAN)
  • Library for Natural Sciences RAS (BEN)
  • Russian State Library (former "Leninka")

  • International Electronic Libraries and Databases

  • Classical books on mineralogy (dating back to 18th century) on Mindat.org. (Free registration!)
  • f references to recent geoscience publications.
  • American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database. It includes every structure published in the "American Mineralogist", "The Canadian Mineralogist", "European Journal of Mineralogy" and "Physics and Chemistry of Minerals", as well as selected datasests from other journals.
  • Mindat.org is the largest mineral database and mineralogical reference website on the internet. This site contains worldwide data on minerals, mineral localities and other mineralogical information.
  • EarthRef - the website for Earth Reference Data and Models.

  • Scientific Publishers

  • Academic Publishing Company "Nauka".
  • Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

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    Any comments and additions (by contents) are welcomed to:
    Ekaterina Tikhomirova: katya@iem.ac.ru
    Suggestions for administrating and design (and also messages about errors) send to dima@iem.ac.ru