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Tables of Contents of DAN:
- Tables of Contents, 1994-1999
- Tables of Contents, 1998-2024
Yurii S. Osipov
Academician of the RAS.
Doklady Earth Sciences is a journal of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It contains English translations of papers published in Doklady Akademii Nauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences), which was founded in 1933 and is published 36 times a year. Doklady Earth Sciences includes materials from the following areas: geology, mineralogy, petrology, oceanology, geography, soil science, paleontology, geochemistry, and geophysics.
Doklady Earth Sciences.Full-text version in English on SpringerLink (2006-2024 years). Access only from computers of IEM.
You also can connect with Doklady of RAS - journal page in site of Publisher Nauka directly. Tables on Contents for 2013-2018 years in Russian language.
Tables of contents (1996-2024) in English language on the site Pleiades Publishing.
Full-text version in Russian language issues of Doklady of RAS for 2018 year, VV 481-483.
New site of journal "Doklady of RAS" in the portal "ECO-VECTOR", full-version in Russian language for 2019 year.
Doklady Earth Sciences.Full-version in Russian language for 2020 - 2023 years.
Doklady Earth Sciences.Full-version in Russian language for 2023 year; 2024 year, N 1-12.