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Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk)

ISSN: 1019-3316

 List of contents


V.V. Fortov

Academician of RAS.


Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk) presents the official proceedings of the Russian Academy. The Russian Academy of Sciences publishes more than 250 journals, first among these being the Herald (Vestnik), which provides coverage of the Academy’s activities as a whole. Produced since 1931, it publishes the major works, speeches, and discussions presented to the Academy by the most eminent Russian and foreign scientists, presenting the viewpoints of various disciplines on many important subjects related to the natural, technical, and social sciences. It addresses the scientist’s role in society and the role of scientific knowledge in the modern world. Important issues involving our world that affect all major areas of science, education, and our environment are discussed by top scientists. Space in the journal is regularly devoted to reporting the work of the Presidium of the Academy, results of research groups, awards, prizes, and nominations. For 60 years, the journal appeared only in Russian. Now available in English, this resource is indispensable for university and research departments, libraries, and researchers wanting to keep abreast of news and trends in their fields.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Full-text version in English on SpringerLink (2006-2024 years). Access only from computers of IEM.

You also can connect with Herald of RAS - journal page in site of Publisher Nauka directly. Tables of Contents for 2013-2018 years in Russian language.
Tables of contents (1996-2024) in English language on the site Pleiades Publishing.
Full version of in Russian language issues of Vestnik RAS for 2018 year, V 88, NN 7-12
New site of journal "Vestnik RAS" on the portal "ECO-VECTOR". Full version of in Russian language fro 2019 year.
Full version of in Russian language issues of Vestnik RAS for 2020 -2023 years, NN 1-12.
Full version of in Russian language issues of Vestnik RAS for 2023 year, NN1-12; 2024 year, NN 1-11