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Computers & Geosciences

An International Journal

An official journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology

Cover Page


All geoscientists.

Table of Contents (1995-2006). (On the site of IEM RAS)

Full-text Access for 2017-2024 years. (On the site of Access is closed.


Computers & Geosciences is a journal devoted to all aspects of computing in the geosciences.

Computers & Geosciences brings to its readers information about databases, data structures, computer graphics, numerical methods, simulation models, statistical and expert system methods, image analysis, spatial analysis and other topics of interest to geoscientists working with computers. The term Geoscience is used in its broadest sense, encompassing geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geomathematics, oceanography, environmental science, hydrology, geography, remote sensing and geographic information systems. Papers describing computer methods are preferred, particularly those dealing with algorithms and computer programs, accompanied by examples of their application. From 1975-1995, programs were always printed in the journal. Now only short programs, subroutines and pseudocode are printed, and source code and test datasets associated with published papers are made available for public distribution on Internet via anonymous FTP from the server "".

In addition to full-length research contributions, the journal also publishes Short Notes, Book and Software Reviews, and Letters to the Editor. ANON (Another Node On the Net) is a new column dealing with Internet issues and resources of interest to geoscientists. Every year there are one or more Special Issues devoted to particular subjects, assembled by Guest Editors. The publication is intended to serve workers in academia, industry and government. Students, teachers, researchers and practitioners should benefit from ideas in the journal.

Abstracting / Indexing

You also can connect with Computers & Geosciences homepage directly. Tables of contents from 1975 (Volume 1) to 2025 years.