D.S.Korzhinsky and present-day petrology (dedicated to the birthday centenary)Zharikov V.A. | ..5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solubility of baddeleyite (ZrO2) and zircon (ZrSiO4) in aqueous hydrochloric solutions at elevated T and P parameters. Korzhinskaya V.S ..9
| Preface ..19
| I. Magmatic systems and petrology of the silicate melts (Leader Academician V.A.Zharikov) ..23
| Litvin Yu.A., Litvin V.Yu. Experimental high-pressure study of the interaction of alkali-carbonate and alkali-alumosilicate components of plumes with rock-forming minerals of the lithosphere in the Earth's mantle hot spots. ..23
| Litvin Yu.A., Chudinovskikh L.T., Saparin G.V., Chukichev M.V., Shiryaev A.A. Experimental study of crystallization conditions, mechanism, and physical properties of diamond synthesized in alkali-carbonate systems under high pressures. ..23
| Chudinovskikh L.T., Matveev Yu.A., Litvin Yu.A., Perchuk L.L., Yapaskurt V.O. Experimental investigations related to the problem of diamond-bearing calc-silicate rocks of the Kokchetav metamorphic complex. ..24
| Khodorevskaya L.I. Fluid-magmatic interaction in rocks with basic composition. ..26
| Bezmen N.I., Kalinichev A.G., Zharikov V.A. Solidus of the system SiO2-NaAlSi3O8-H2O-H2 (Ptotal=2kbar) ..27
| Simakin A.G., Salova T.P. Experimental study of BSD evolution at a smooth degassing of a granite melt. ..27
| Salova T.P., Zavel'sky V.O. Mechanism of dissolution and forms of water occurrence in quartz glass. ..28
| Ishbulatov R.A., Suk N.I., Krigman L.D. Melting phase relation in the join Ol70-Cpx70-Pl70 at 0.2 kbar. ..30
| Ishbulatov R.A., Krigman L.D., Nielsen T.F.D., and Veksler I.V. Melting relation on the joins Di-Phl and Di-Ks.H2O at 0.2 GPa. ..30
| II. Ore systems and processes (Leader Academician A.A.Marakushev) ..32
| Marakushev A.A. Petrologic formation models of gigantic ore deposits. ..32
| Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. Effect of water and hydrogen on rheologic and other physicochemical properties of magmatic melts. ..33
| Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. Rheology and structure of mantle and earth crust magmas: a viscosity study of Ab-Di melts under ultrahigh pressures. ..34
| Stolyarova T.A. Deficiency of volatile components in the composition of apatite. ..36
| Konnikov E.G. and Pal'yanova G.A. Melting temperatures of the fluid-pyrrhotite mixtures ..36
| Suk N.I. Immiscible liquids in silicate-carbonate systems (experimental study) ..38
| III. Metasomatism and modelling of the ore formation (Leader Prof. G.P.Zaraisky) ..41
| Aksyuk A.M. Experimental study of melting conditions for albitites, potash feldspatites, granites and greisens composing the line formation in rare-metal granites in the Orlovka tantalum deposit. ..41
| Aksyuk A.M. Fedkin A.V., Seltmann R. Micas from granites of the Orlovka and Etyka tantalum deposits and estimations of HF concentrations in endogenic fluids. ..42
| Zaraisky G.P, Stoyanovskaya F.M., Tikhomirova V.I. Investigation of albite solubility in HF solutions at T=500oC and P=1 kbar. ..42
| Ivanov I.P., Karadzhanov M., and Kanazirsky M. Quantitative analysis of the ore mineral parageneses in the system Fe-Cu-S-H2O-O2, open to sulfur and oxygen at T=300, 400oC and P=1 kbar ..44
| Korzhinskaya V.S. Experimental study of baddeleyite (ZrO2) solubility in the carbonate solutions at T = 200-400oC and P = 1 kbar ..44
| Redkin A.F. Solubility and fractionation study of some ore elements (W, Sn, U) in an H2O-NaCl fluid at 400îÑ and in the presence of an albite-andalusite-quartz buffer at 500îÑ. ..45
| Chevychelov V.Yu., Zaraisky G.P. Experimental study of solubility of tantalite and limits of Ta incorporation into melts of rocks from the Orlovka tantalum deposit in Transbaikalia: effect of compositional alteration (Li-F granite, albitite, quartz-amazonite pegmatoid) at T=820oC, P=1 kbar. ..46
| Shmonov V.M., Vitovtova V.M., and Zharikov A.V. Experimental study of the effect of seismic oscillations on rock permeability at high temperatures and pressures. ..47
| Shmonov V.M., Vitovtova V.M., Graphchikov A.A., Kotel'nikov A.R., Sretenskaya N.G. Relationship between rocks electric conduction and permeability under the continental crust conditions. ..48
| Shmonov V.M., Zaraisky G.P., Vitovtova V.M., Matveeva S.S., Pavlova T.G. Evolution of the pore-crack space and a fluid flux in the region of 152 and 153 veins of the Akchatau granitic intrusion (Kazakhstan). ..48
| Bezmen N.I., Fedkin A.V., Zaraisky G.P. Experimental study of phosphorus and fluorine influence on the superliquidus differentiation of granite melts: Preliminary data . ..49
| Balashov V.N. Chemical transport with allowance for reaction kinetics in media with variable porosity and permeability. Skarn formation induction by decarbonation - dehydration reactions in 2D rock regions. ..53
| Balashov V.N. Oscillation phenomena in zoning at magmatic crystallization with fluid escape ..54
| Balashov V.N. Fluid flow and irreversible compaction of rocks in sedimentary basins ..55
| IV. Metamorphism and geodynamics (Leader Prof. L.L.Perchuk, Dr. V.I.Fonarev) ..57
| Fonarev V.I., Vapnik Ye. Fluid inclusions in rocks from the Kandalaksha-Kolvitsky granulite belt (Baltic shield). ..57
| Perchuk L.L., Safonov O.G., Gerya T.V., Yapaskurt V.O. Alkali activity in a fluid and transformation of the Pre-Cambrian crust ..58
| Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V., Krotov A.V. Synchronous dynamics of the precambrian high-grade terrains and adjacent cratons. ..59
| Konilov A.N. Testing of the consistent system of geothermometers and geobarometers of the program TPF. ..60
| Gerya T.V. and Perchuk L.L. Hydrodynamic modeling of P-T paths for granulite facies terrenes. ..62
| Perchuk L.L., Yapaskurt V.O., Safonov O.G. Systematic chemical zoning of potassium-bearing pyroxenes as record of ultra-high potassium liquids in the earth 's mantle ..62
| Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N. P-T parameters of rock metamorphism in the Nuliyam and Kunnanpara (Kerala Khondalite belt, India) ..64
| Fed'kin V.V. Mineralogical geothermobarometry: scope for geothermal interpretation. ..65
| Fed'kin V.V., Kotova L.S., Kotov V.V. Allochemical transformations and conditions of formation of eclogite - glaucophane - schist rocks from the Atbashi complex, South Tien Shan. ..66
| Sultanov D.M., Maaskant P., Graphchikov A.A. TPF Sensor Manager Program. ..66
| Dubinina E.O., Zharikova L.Yu. Model of the garnet zoning formation in the process of its recrystallization ..68
| V. Experimental and theoretical studies of fluid systems (Dr. Yu.E.Gorbaty, Leader Dr. M.A.Korzhinskiy, Dr. L.Z.Lakshtanov) ..69
| Zakirov I.V. and Sretenskaya N.G. Experimental determination of the gas clasterization degree at near-critical conditions: case of CO2 ..69
| Gorbaty Yu.E. A model for transition of liquid water into the supercritical state ..70
| Korzhinsky M.A., Zhdanov N.N., Tkachenko S.I., and Bocharnikov R.E. New equipment for the measurements of high temperature volcanic gas conditions ..71
| Pivovarov S.A. Cadmium adsorption on ferric iron oxide. ..72
| Lakshtanov L.Z., Karasyova O.N., Ivanova L.I. Strontium sorption on hematite at elevated temperatures ..73
| Bondarenko G.V. and Gorbaty Yu.E. The integrated intensity of H2O stretching band at 350 and 500°C and in a wide range of densities ..73
| VI. Experimental study of sulfide equilibria and sulfide-forming fluid (Leader Dr. N.S.Gorbachev, Dr. T.P.Dadze) ..75
| Gorbachev P.N. and Bezmen N.I. Solubility of sulfur in water-saturated anortite-diopside melts under various redox conditions ..75
| Gorbachev N.S., Nekrasov A.N., Gorbachev P.N. Sulfur solubility in hydrous magmas at high pressures. ..75
| Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A., Akhmedzhanova G.M. Study of gold solubility in sulphide-bearing solutions at T=300oC. ..76
| Dadze T.P., Orlov R.Yu. Thiocomplexes of antimony in a sulfide alkali solution from the Raman spectroscopy data. ..77
| VII. Disposal of high level wastes (Leader Dr. A.R.Kotelnikov) ..78
| Kotova N.P., Ivanov I.P. Thermodynamic modelling of leaching of Na-Al-phosphate glass containing radioactive 90Sr and 137Cs isotopes by underground water under burial conditions. ..78
| Kotelnikov A.R., Koval'skii A.M., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Chichagov A.V., and Orlova A.I. Synthesis and X-ray study of (Na,K)-zirconium phosphates. ..78
| Petukhov P.A. New form of thermodynamic models of surplus solid solution intermixing properties. ..79
| Suvorova V.A., Kotelnikov A.R. Synthesis of matrix materials based on the phosphate solid solutions for immobilization of rare-earth elements and HLW actinides. ..80
| VIII. Synthesis, properties and modification of minerals (Leader Prof. V.S.Balitsky) ..82
| Balitsky V.S., Balitskaya L.V. Experimental modeling of concurrent processes of dissolution and growth of mineral single crystals in supercritical water fluids. ..82
| Bublikova T.M., Balitskii V.S., Mar'ina E.A. Specific features of recrystallization of amorphous silica in pure water and water solutions of some electrolytes. ..82
| Emel'chenko A.G., Makhina I.B., Balitsky V.S., Zharikov E.V. Experimental study of low temperature pink quartz growth conditions. ..83
| Nekrasov A.N. Magnetization of single-phase spatially inhomogeneous ferrimagnetic grains and self-reversal of residual magnetization of rocks. ..83
| Romanenko I.M. Technique of X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) of Th, U, and Pb in monacites for the age determination. ..84
| Chichagov A.V., Varlamov D.A., Dilanyan R.A., Narymbetov B.Zh., Dokina T.N., Drozhzhina N.A., Samokhvalova O.L., Ushakovskaya T.V. Mincryst - universal information-calculating system on crystal structure data for minerals. ..84
| Kalinichev A.G. Molecular clusters in supercritical water: size, topology, and hydrogen bonds. ..88
| Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V., Sokolov Ju. A. Comparative crystal-chemistry of mantle silicates and their structural analogs. ..88
| List of works of the IEM RAS researches published in 1991-98 ..91
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