ISSN 0869-2904
1997 Volume 6 Number 2
Founded in 1991 by |
EXPERIMENT IN GEOSCIENCES is the only journal in English that gives you the latest, most reliable information on advances in experimental mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, crystallography and geophysics in Russia. The coverage of the journal includes: |
Editor in Chief |
Editorial Board A.A.Marakushev |
Institute of Experimental Mineralogy Russian Academy of Sciences |
Yu.D.Midelashvili, E.N.Batova
Copyright (C) IEM
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Khitariada-97. ABSTRACTS | ..6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magmatic systems, fluid magmatic interaction, melts properties ..6
| Litvin Yu.A., Chudinovskikh L.T., Zharikov V.A. Crystallization of diamond and graphite in mantle alkaline-carbonate melts in experiment at 7-11 GPa. ..6 Epelbaum M.B., Simakin A.G. Experimental study of conjugated degassing and crystallization of a magmatic melt ..7 Litvin Yu.A. Boundary reactions of active plumes and high pressure experiment ..8 Salova T.P., Osadchii E.G., Epelbaum M.B. Experimental determination of pO in Ab-Q and Na2O-SiO2 melts ..9 Chevychelov V. Yu. Solubility of chlorine in calcium-containing granitoid melts. Correlations in the melt composition. ..10 Bogolepov M.V. Experimental study of the compositions of the first melt portions at granitization of amphibolite ..11 Suk N.I. Experimental study of the extraction of ore metal (W,Ti,Zr,Tr) by chloride salts ..12 Shchekina T.I., Gramenitsky E.N. Behaviour of trace elements in felsic fluorinebearing magmas depending on their composition according to experimental data ..13 Kolonin G.R., Sinyakova E.F., Peregoedova A.V. Mineral forms of platinum group elements (pge) as reflection of physical-chemical evolution during fractional crystallization of Cu-Fe-Ni-S sulphide melts (experimental data). ..14 Smolkin V.F. The Pechenga ore field: Liquid immiscibility on ferropicritic rocks. ..15 Kravchuk I.F., Malinin S.D., Dernov - Pegarev V.F. Fractionation of tungsten in the acidic fluid-magmatic system. ..16 Kravchuk I.F., Malinin S.D., Slutskii A.B. Behaviour of chlorine in the fluid-magmatic systems ..17 Portnyagin M.V., Ariskin A.A., Sobolev A.V. Fractional crystallization of island-arc tholeiites: numerical simulation of the natural liquid line of descent. ..17 Kravchuk I.F., Malinin S.D. Estimation of thermodynamic properties of sulfur using the experimental data on its partitioning between the fluid and silicate melt phases ..19 Dorfman A.M. Investigation of the viscosity of alumosilicate melts by means of a high-temperature centrifuge ..20 Egorova N.A., Sushchevskaya N.M., Khvorov D.A., Koptev-Dvornikov E.V. and Kononkova N.N. Mathematical simulation and specific features of crystallization of tholeiite magmas during the formation of the subaqueous spiess ridge ..20 Lebedev E.B., Kadik A.A. Sorting of crystal upon their precipitation in a magmatic melt: modelling by means of high-temperature centrifuges ..22 Zharkova E.V., Kadik A.A., Bibikova E.V., and Troneva M.A. Zircons: Electrochemical determination of oxygen fugacity. ..23 Kotelnikova A.A., Rusakov V.S., Bychkov A.M. Mossbauer study of the influence of the melting temperature on the structural and valence state of iron in natural and synthetic silicate glasses ..24 Durasova N.A., Kochnova L.N., and Belyaeva V.K. Migration properties of copper in synthetic analogs of volcanogenic rocks under reduction conditions at sub-solidus temperatures. ..25 Hydrothermal processes, fluid systems, metasomatism ..27 Konnikov E.G. Effect of water on the melting temperature of pyrrhotite: experimental data ..27 Ryadchikov A.P., Osadchii E.G. Solubility of herzenbergite (SnS) and the complex formation Sn (II) in acidic chloride water solutions at 20-400oC ..28 Malinin S.D., Kurovskaya N.A. Equilibria of minerals with heterogeneous super-critical aqueous salt fluids. ..29 Rumyantsev V.N. Nature of layering in alkaline silicate solutions under the hudrothermal conditions ..30 Laptev Yu.V., Pal'yanova G.A. Experimental and thermodynamic modelling of solubility of metallic silver in the systems H2O-NaCl-HCl and H2O-CO2-NaCl-HCl at 350oC ..31 Akinfiev Nik., Jac. Schott, Zotov Al. Thermodynamic description of equilibria in mixed fluids H2O-non polar gas in the wide range of temperatures (25-7000C) and pressures (1-500 bars) ..32 Pivovarov S.A. Adsorption of ions on the hematite surface ..34 Togonidze V.V. Gold thio-complexes: quantum chemical calculations of structure, vibrational spectra and influence of solvatation ..35 Shmonov V.M., Sretenskaya N.G., Vitovtova V.M., Kotelnikov A.R. Electric conductivity of rocks as suggested by the data on the electric conductivity of rocks, the permeability and porosity of samples under elevated temperatures and pressures 37 ..37 Shmonov V.M., Borisov M.V., Lakshtanov D.L. Investigation of permeability of rocks hosting the hydrothermal vein Pb-Zn mineralization. ..38 Ezhov S.V. Diffusional redistribution of the substance with the formation of zoned structures in experiment ..39 Redkin Al.F. The estimation of f(o2) of the U3O8-UO3×0.33H2O assemblage using Ag-AgCl sensor procedure. ..40 Ezhov S.V. Thermodynamic modeling of the contact mineral formation ..42 Zavarzina D.G., Migdisov Art.A., Alekhin A.V. Investigation of biogeochemical dissolution of fine dispersed sulphur in low temperature hydrothermal systems ..43 Yakovleva V. P., Migdisov Art. A., and Alekhin Yu.V. Experimental study of molecular complex formation in the Sb2S3-H2S system by the solubility method ..44 Yagova O.E., Rusakov V.S., Kuz'mina N.A., Bychkov A.M. Mossbauer studies of the kinetics of the low-temperature synthesis of acmite under hydrothermal conditions ..45 Kotelnikov A. R., Orlova A. I., Pet'kov V. I., and Koval'skii A. M. Experimental study of solid (Na,K)Zr2(PO4)3 solutions by the method of ion-exchange equilibria with fluid at 450oC and P = 1 kbar ..46 Kotelnikova Z.A., Chepkaya N.A., and Ivanov D.Yu. Simulation of trapping and post-trapped changes in fluid inclusions ..47 Plechov P.Yu. and Kotelnikov A.R. Synthesis of artificial melt inclusions in the KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8 system ..48 Mineral equilibria in silicate and ore systems ..51
| Tolstykh O.N., Ripinen O.I. The study of the processes of overall crystallization of polymineral associates in flux systems ..51 Tolstykh O.N. Experimental investigations of mineral synthesis with the help of metallothermical processes ..52 Tolstykh O.N. Experimental methods for determination of metals concentration and for highly efficient processing of gold-bearing concentrates ..53 Glazkova M.A., Khramov D.A., Bychkov A.M., and Urusov V.S. Distortions of the tin-containing ilmenite structure at different oxidation states ..54 Kravchenko T.A. and Kolonin G.R. Dependences of stable forms of platinum and palladium concretions on the composition of copper-containing sulfide associates (by experimental data). ..55 Mel'chakova L. V., Kiseleva I. A., and Ogorodova L. P. Phase transformations in natural and modified zeolites (by calorimetric data). ..56 Sinyakova E.F., Shestakov V.A., Kosyakov V.I. Liquidus surface of the Fe-Nis system at xs<0.51 ..57 Phase equilibria (transformations) under high P-T parameters ..58
| Kalinin A.A., Sonin V.M., Turkin A.I. Alteration of micromorphology of synthetic diamonds under temperatures 1700-2200oC and pressure 70-75 kbar. ..58 Pal'yanov Yu.N., Gusev V.A., Borzdov Yu.M., Khokhoryakov A.F., Sokol A.G., Kupriyanov I.N. Formation conditions of the A- and C-centers in diamond in the processes of growth ..59 Orlov A.I., Khvostantsev L.G. Phase formation in bismuth selenide at high pressure ..60 Efimova G.A., Kireenkova S.M. Anomal changes of rocks physical properties at phase transformations under pressure and its relationship with loading conditions ..61 Fedorov I.I., Sonin V.M., Chepurov A.A., Turkin A.I., Chepurov A.I. The reduction of the silicates and the estimation of their ferriferocity in connection with the diamond genesis ..61 Kupin Yu.G., Rusakov V.S., Badyukov D.D., and Kozlov E.A. Mossbauer studies of Saratov chondrite subjected to impact superhigh pressure . ..62 Tomilenko A.A., Chepurov A.I., Shebanin A.P. Fluid inclusions in synthetic diamonds ..63 Kravchenko O.V., Burdina K.P., Semenenko K.N., Matveev A.M., Tarasova G.M., and Kulinich S.A. Synthesis and some properties of amorphous carbon nitride C3H4. ..64 |
Surkov N.V., Gartvich Yu.G. Experimental examination of the join pyrope-grossularite at pressure 30 kbar ..65 Korochantsev A.V., Badjukov D.D., Moroz L.V., and Pershin S.V. Experiments on impact-induced transformations of asphaltite ..66 Zhukov A. N., Burdina K.P., and Semenenko K.N. The study of the BN-Si system at high pressures and temperatures. ..67 Methods and experimental techniques ..68
| Chudinovskikh L.T., Boehler R. A new technique for determing the yield strengths of mantle minerals ..68 Efimova G.A., Kireenkova S.M., Sobolev G.A., Sukhoparov V.A., Telepnev A.S., Nikitin A.N. A high-temperature apparatus for the defining of elastic, deformational and textural characteristics geomaterials by means of neutron diffraction method. ..69 Kuryaeva R.G., Kirkinskii V.A. Optic methods of high-pressure study of minerals and glasses using a diamond anvil cell ..70 Zakirov I.V., Sretenskaya N.G., Zhdanov N.N. Experimental study of the effect of mixing of two compressed gases under near-critical conditions ..71 Samorodskii P. N. X-ray calculational microtomography in experimental mineralogy ..72 Galiulin R.V. Computer methods of search for minerals in microsections and geological outcrops using colour characteristics ..73 Isotopy ..74
| Spasennikh M.Yu. Transfer and fractionation of isotopes at a phase convection in the melt-solid phase system ..74 Physics of Earth ..76
| Berezhnoi A.A. About comet origin of lunar ice. ..76 Berezhnoi A. A. and Dorofeeva V.A. The behavior of sulfur during impact interactions of comets with the moon ..77 Kronrod V.A., and Kuskov O.L. Models of the internal structure of Galileo Satellites of the Jupiter and estimation of moments of inertia of the Europe and Kallisto ..78 Kronrod V.A., and Kuskov O.L. Evaluation of the temperature distribution in the lunar mantle. ..80 Shapkin A. I. and Sidorov Yu. I. Evolution of the mineral composition of interstellar dust particles. ..79 Crystal growth, structure and physical properties of crystals ..81
| Chistyakova N.I., Rusakov V.S., Kozerenko S.V., Fadeev V.V., Kolpakova N.N. Mossbauer studies of the formation of makinavite and tochilinite ..81 Novikov G.V. and Sipavina L.V. Ge-pyroxenes: structure features, phase transitions, and the local fields on 57Fe nuclei ..82 Karaseva O.N., Lakshtanov L.Z., Ivanova L.I. Complexation of strontium on the surface of hematite ..84 Dadze T.P., Fediouchtchenko S.V., Koschug D.G., Shvarov Yu.V. Li promoted substitution of Al for Si in quartz. ..86 Bulbak T.A., Shvedenkov G.Yu., Lepezin G.G. Experimental data on the substitution of D2O and CO2 for H2O in cordierite channels ..87 Bulbak T.A., Shvedenkov G.Yu., Lepezin G.G. Behaviour of hydrocarbons in synthetic cordierites under pressure ..88 Litvin Yu.A., Chichagov A.V., Bondarenko G.V. Polymorphism of Na2Mg2Si2O7 at high pressures: X-ray diffraction and IR-spectroscopic characteristics of a plausible mineral of the mantle ..89 Poltavets Yu.A. Ti and Fe3+/ ..90 Kotelnikov A.R., Bychkov A.M., Chichagov A.V., Samokhvalova O.L., and Koval'skii A.M. Synthesis and X-ray study of solid solutions of potassium-rubidium feldspars. ..91 Kuz'mina N.A., Bychkov A.M., Rusakov V.S., and Chistyakova N.I. Crystal chemistry, synthesis, and structural transformations of ferrisilicate analogs of feldspars and sparthoids. ..92 Bondar' A. M., Kozerenko S.V., and Fadeev V. V. Proton magnetic resonance in sulfides. ..93 Ogorodova L. P., Kiseleva I. A., Kotelnikov A.R., and Mel'chakova L.V. Thermodynamic properties of celestine and (Sr,Ba)SO4 solid solution ..93 Glass and ceramics properties, applied mineralogy ..94
| Kotelnikova A.A., Rusakov V.S., Bychkov A.M. Mossbauer study of the influence of the melting temperature on the structural and valence state of iron in natural and synthetic silicate glasses ..74 Radioactive wastes ..95
| Suvorova V.A., Pertsov N.V., Akhmedzhanova G.M., and Kotelnikov A.R. Ceramic matrices synthesized from flotation slimes with high content of strontium. ..95 Koval'skii A.M., Kotelnikov A.R., Akhmedzhanova G. M., Suvorova V.A., and Tikhomirova V.I. (Na,Sr)-feldspars as potential matrix material for immobilization of strontium radionuclides. ..97 Dunaeva A. N. Calculation of activity of solid solution components in modeling of sorption and coprecipitation of heavy metals and radionuclides in natural systems . ..99 Authors index ..101
| Addresses of Institutes ..103
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