Journal of Petrology
M.J. O'Hara, N. Fry
Field relations in dissected volcanic terrains and the internal evidence of
persistent low-pressure cotectic character in erupted basalts point to the frequent
and substantial modification of liquid compositions by some form of partial
crystallisation within the crust. In contrast, the highly compatible trace elements
do not display the marked variations and extreme depletions which are predicted
to result from perfect fractional crystallisation (PFC). Imperfect fractional
crystallisation, refilling of magma chambers during fractionation and in situ
crystallisation are important factors which can help to explain this apparent
paradox. This paper explores another effect, the integration of residual liquids
from differing extents of partial crystallisation, which can help to resolve
this paradox, even while still permitting perfect fractional crystallisation
at all points in the magma chamber. Integration of such residual liquids through
the thickness of the crystallisation zone is explicit, although not implemented,
in the model of in situ crystallisation proposed by Langmuir (1989). It may
be separated as a process for purposes of mathematical modelling from the basic
concept of partial crystallisation of small packets of magma with remixing of
the residual liquids into the main body of magma. Integration of melts from
differing extents of partial crystallisation might in principle also be applied
to the case of lateral variations in the mass fraction crystallised with position
in the magma chamber.
Integrated PFC itself can develop residual liquids which differ little from
products of equilibrium (batch) crystallisation (EPC) at the same average mass
fraction of liquid remaining in both incompatible and compatible trace element
concentrations. For one specific combination of parameters these integrated
liquids are identical in composition at all values of the distribution coefficient
to the EPC liquid. At other values of the parameters the integrated liquids
may even - a new paradox - have higher relative concentrations of highly compatible
elements than the EPC products. Any integration of residual liquids from different
mass fractions of PFC rapidly eliminates what have in the past been taken to
be the diagnostic differences between PFC and EPC. Integration of EPC liquids
(towards which the products of imperfect fractional crystallisation processes
will tend) produces even more pronounced effects, with highly compatible elements
less depleted even than in EPC and far less depleted than would be predicted
by simple models. When interpreted according to simplistic models, sequences
of residual liquids produced in such processes might appear to be inconsistent
with products of a partial crystallisation process and to require a process
of progressively smaller mass fractions of melting of inhomogeneous and progressively
more refractory (higher Mg) source regions.
highly compatible elements;in situ crystallisation;boundary layer;integrated
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