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The Journal of Petrology

Table of Contents

Volume 38, Issue 11: November 1997.

Interlayered eclogites, blueschists and epidote amphibolites from NE Oman: a record of protolith compositional control and limited fluid infiltration
AK El-Shazly, MA Worthing and JG Liou
pp. 1461-1487

Fluid flow and diffusion in the Waterville limestone, south-central Maine: constraints from strontium, oxygen and carbon isotope profiles
MJ Bickle, HJ Chapman, JM Ferry, D Rumble III and AE Fallick
pp. 1489-1512

The origin of highly silicic glass in mantle xenoliths from the Canary Islands
E-R Neumann and E Wulff-Pedersen
pp. 1513-1539
Abstract   MS Excel Dataset

Chemical stratigraphy and petrogenesis of the early proterozoic Amisk Lake volcanic sequence, Flin Flon-Snow Lake Greenstone Belt, Canada
MI Leybourne, NA Van Wagoner and LD Ayres
pp. 1541-1564

The origin of Bl zones in komatiite flows
KE Silva, MJ Cheadle and EG Nisbet
pp. 1565-1584

Petrology, geochemistry, and genesis of high-Al tonalite and Trondhjemites of the Cornucopia stock, Blue Mountains, northeastern Oregon
K Johnson, CG Barnes and CA Miller
pp. 1585-1611

Book reviews
SA Morse and P Blevin
pp. 1613-1616

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