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The Journal of Petrology, Volume 38, Issue 11: November 1997.
Fluid flow and diffusion in the Waterville limestone, south-central Maine: constraints from strontium, oxygen and carbon isotope profiles
MJ Bickle1,*, HJ Chapman1, JM Ferry2, D Rumble III3 and AE Fallick4
1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, UK, 2Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA, 3Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC 20015, USA, 4SURRC, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 0QF, UK, *Corresponding author e-mail: mb72@esc.cam.ac.uk
Oxygen, carbon and strontium isotopic profiles across the margin of the Waterville limestone member are used to investigate advective and diffusive transport during metamorphism of the Waterville Formation in south-central Maine, USA. Rb-Sr isotopic systematics were homogenized on the 10 cm hand-specimen scale at ages that are within error of the 366±6 Ma Rb-Sr whole-rock age of the syn-metamorphic Hallowell pluton. This is consistent with a plutonic heat source for this low-pressure andalusite- and sillimanite-grade Acadian metamorphic terrane. Advective displacements of all three isotope profiles at the garnet-grade Blue Rock Quarry indicate fluid flow to the east into the limestone, and the oxygen-isotope profile implies a time-integrated fluid flux of 3.2±1.5 m3/m2 (2[sgr] error). This cross layer flux is insufficient to cause the observed reaction progress of the muscovite+ankerite-Quartz to biotite+anorthite (in plagioclase)+calcite reaction in the 100 m thick Waterville limestone member and much of the fluid flow responsible may have been layer parallel. The isotope profiles indicate advective-diffusive homogenization over distances of 1.5 m ([dgr]13C) to 6 m ([dgr]18O) and such homogenization distances are difficult to reconcile with observations of order of magnitude variations in reaction progression the centimetre scale or less. It is possible that infiltration occurred during events short lived compared with diffusion, that the reactions started at different temperatures dependent on bulk composition or that diffusion of water from layers with less reactants to layers with more reactants was important in driving the biotite-producing reaction. However, variations of fluid composition inferred from the mineral assemblages are apparently inconsistent with diffusion driving reactions progress, and models of precursor assemblages do not indicate significant compositional control of the temperature of the first appearance of biotite in the rocks. Irrespective of the details of flow and diffusive exchange on the centimetre scale, the average reaction progress in the Waterville limestone member requires significant layer-parallel fluid fluxes.
Key words: metamorphism; fluid flow; strontium isotopes; oxygen isotopes; carbon isotopes
Pages 1489-1512