List of IEM's Main Publications for 1991-1995


  1. Aranovich L.Ya. Mineral'nye ravnovesiya v mnogokomponentnykh tverdykh rastvorakh (Mineral equilibria in multicomponent solid solutions), Moscow: Nauka, 1991.
  2. Korotaev M.A. Fizicheskaya geokhimiya protsessov greizenoobrazovaniya (Physical Geochemistry of Greisen Formation), Moscow: Nauka, 1994.
  3. Litvin Yu.A. Fiziko-khimicheskie issledovaniya glubinnogo plavleniya Zemli (Physicochemical Studies of Melting in the Deep Interior of the Earth), Moscow: Nauka, 1991.
  4. Marakushev A.A. Proiskhozhdenie i evolyutsiya Zemli i drugikh planet Solnechnoi sistemy (Origin and Evolution of the Earth and other planets of the Solar System), Moscow: Nauka, 1992.
  5. Marakushev A.A. and Bezmen N.I. Mineralogo-petrologicheskie kriterii rudonosnosti izverzhennykh porod (Mineralogical and petrological criteria of ore content of igneous rocks), Moscow: Nedra, 1992.
  6. Marakushev A.A. Granovskii L.B. Zinov'eva N.G. and Mitreikina O.B. Kosmicheskaya petrologiya (Cosmopetrology), Moscow: Mosk. Gosud. Univ., 1992.
  7. Nekrasova R.A. Rudoobrazuyushchie redko-zemel'nye sistemy (Ore-forming rare-earth systems), Moscow: Nauka, 1993.
  8. Perchuk L.L. Magmatizm, metamorfizm i geodinamika (Magmatism, metamorphism, and geodynamics), Moscow: Nauka, 1993.
  9. Rafal'skii R.P. Vzaimodeistvie rastvor-poroda v gidrotermal'nykh usloviyakh (Water-rock interaction under hydrothermal conditions) , Moscow: Nauka, 1993.
  10. Chekhmir A.S., Simakin A.G., and Epelbaum M.B. Dinamicheskie yavleniya vo fluidno-magmaticheskikh sistemakh (Dynamic phenomena in fluid-magmatic systems), Moscow: Nauka, 1991.
  11. Frolova T.I., Perchuk L.L. and Burikova I.A. Magmatism and transformation of the earth's crust at the active margins, Dehli, 1992.

Collected papers

  1. Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physico-Chemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991,vol. 16.
  2. Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physico-Chemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17.
  3. Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology. A memorial in honour of D.S. Korzhinskii. Perchuk, L.L., Ed., London: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
  4. Eksperiment v mineralogii. Trudy XII Vses. soveshchaniya po eksperimental'noi mineralogii (Experiment in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Union Conference on Experimental Mineralogy), Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, vol. 1.
  5. Eksperiment v mineralogii. Trudy XII Vses. soveshchaniya po eksperimental'noi mineralogii (Experiment in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Union Conference on Experimental Mineralogy), Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, vol. 2.
  6. Eksperimental'nye problemy v geologii (Experimental problems in geology), Moscow: Nauka, 1994.
  7. Geokhimicheskie problemy zakhoroneniya radioaktivnykh otkhodov (Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii, vyp. 18) (Geochemical problems of disposal of radioactive wastes (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology, vol. 18), Miass, 1994.
  8. Fluids in the Crust: Equilibrium and Transport Properties. Shmulovich, K.I.,Yardley, B.W.D., and Gonchar, G.G., Eds., London: Chapman and Hall, 1995.

Papers 1991

  1. Akhmedzhanova G.M., Nekrasov I.Ya. and Tikhomirova V.I. The arsenic effect on Au solubility in the Au-As-HCl system at 200 and 300oC. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 319, no. 2, pp. 1242-1246.
  2. Aksyuk A.M. A general physicochemical model for the magmatic stage of skarn formation, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 88-98.
  3. Aksyuk A.M. Physico-chemical conditions of the formation of skarns of the magmatic stage. // Scarns. Their


    genesis and mettallogeny. Theophrastus publications S.A. 1991. pp. 593-617.

  4. Aksyuk A.M. The physicochemical conditions of the magmatic stage of skarn formation from experimental and calculated data, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 98-114.
  5. Aksyuk A.M., Vitovtova V.M., and Shmonov V.M., Permeability of serpentinites and serpentinized harzburgites at high temperatures and pressures, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 119-141.
  6. Aranovich L.Ya. and Fed'kin V.V. The P-T parameters of the mineral equilibria in metapelites of the Povazhskii Inovets and Minor Carpathians from geothermobarometry data, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 241-282.
  7. Balashov V.N. and Likhtner P.Ch. Fading zones in infiltration metasomatic zonation, Doklady Ross. Akad. Nauk, 1991, vol. 321, no. 6, pp. 1242-1246.
  8. Balashov V.N., Lebedeva M.L. Macrokinetic model of the origin and development of a monomineralic bimetasomatic zone. // Progress in metamorphic and magmatic petrology. A memorial volume in honor of D.S.Korzhinskii. Cambridge University Press. 1991. pp. 167-195.
  9. Balitsky V.S. Colored stones: research on treatments an synthetics. // Proc. Intern. Gemol. Symp. GIA, Santa Monika, 1991. pp. 125-127.
  10. Balitsky V.S. Gemstone occurrences in the USSR // Proc. Intern. Gemol. Symp. GIA, Santa Monica. 1991. pp. 65-66.
  11. Balitsky V.S. Structural-morphological and spec-trooptical characteristics of synthetic iron-bearing quarts. // Proc. Intern. Gemmol. Symp. GIA, Santa Monika. 1991. pp. 153-155.
  12. Balitsky V.S., Bublikova T.M. Present and future of synthetic Malachite. // Proc. Intern. Gemol. Symp. GIA, Santa Monika. 1991. pp. 151-152.
  13. Bansal N., Litvin Yu.A., Gupta A.K. Phase relatrons in the join forsterite-plagioclase (Ab An ) under 35 kbar at variable temperatures. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991. Ð. 133-136.
  14. Belonoshko A.B., Saxena S.K. A molecular dynamics study of the pressure-volume-temperature properties of supercritical fluids. I. H2O // Geoch. et Cosmoch. Acta. 1991. 55. pp. 381-388.
  15. Bezmen N.I., Brugmann G.E., and Naldrett A.J. The mechanism of PGE concentration: partition between silicate and sulfide melts, Geol. Rudn. Mestorozhd., 1991, no. 5.
  16. Bezmen N.I., Zharikov V.A., Epelbaum M.B., et al. The system NaAlSi3O8-H2O-H2 (1200oC, 2 kbar): The solubility and interaction mechanism of fluid species with melt. // Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 1991. V. 109, pp. 89-97.
  17. Bezmen N.I., Zharikov V.A., Zavelsky V.O., Dikov Y.P., Epelbaum M.B., Suk N.I., Koshemchuk S.K. The system albite-H2O-H2 (1200oC, 2 kb): solubility and interaction of the fluid components with melt. // Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 1991. V. 109, pp. 89-97.
  18. Bindeman I.N. and Perchuk L.L. An experimental study of the mechanism of magma mixing at high pressures. // in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 4-20.
  19. Bondarenko G.V., Gorbatii Yu.Eu. An infrared study of water vapour in the temperature range 573-723 K. Dimerisation enthalpy and absorption intensities for monomer and dimer. // J. Mol. Phys. 1991. V. 74, pp. 639-647.
  20. Chekhmir A.S., Epelbaum M.B. Diffusion in magmatic melts: new study. // Advances of physical geochemistry. Physical chemistry of magma. 1991. V. 9.
  21. Chevychelov V.Yu. Experimental study of partitioning of ore( Pb, Zn ) species between chloride fluid, granite melt and magmatic crystals of feldspar. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet worshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991. pp. 13-15.
  22. Chichagov A.V. Qualitative X-rayphase analysis on the basis of the calculated standards. // Materials Science Forum. Trans. Tech. Publ., Switzerland. 1991. V. 79-82. pp. 257-262.
  23. Chudinivskikh L.T., Nekrasov A.N., Demianets Yu.N. Determination of compressibility of magnetite up to 4 GPa in a diamond-anvil cell. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991. pp. 81-93.
  24. Epelbaum M.B. and Bogolepov M.B., Melting in fluid-silicate systems and modeling of granitization process, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 6-15.
  25. Epelbaum M.B. and Chekhmir A.S. A model of the interaction of water with acid aluminosilicate melts, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 15-28.
  26. Epelbaum M.B., Chekhmir A.S. On the model for interaction between water and silicate melt. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology. New Delhi, 1991. pp. 106-110.
  27. Epelbaum M.B., Ivanov M.A., and Fokeev E.V. A multicapsule high-gas-pressure apparatus with a revolver device for quick quenching, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 141-145.
  28. Epelbaum M.B., Salova T.P., Zavel'skii V.O., and Yanev I. Water in volcanic glasses, Chernogolovka: IEM RAS, 1991 (preprint)
  29. Fed'kin V.V., Siroshtan R.I., and Yakovleva L.Yu. The peculiarities of the thermodynamic regime of metamorphism of the staurolite schists of the Gulyaipole Structure, Ukrainian Shield, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp, 164-198.
  30. Fed'kin V.V. Preface of Executive Editor, to Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Phys-


    icochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 3-5.

  31. Fed'kin V.V. Preface of Executive Editor, to Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 3-5.
  32. Fed'kin V.V. Staurolite geothermobarometry: self-consistent estimation of temperature, pressure, and water fugacity, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 147-164.
  33. Fonarev V.I., Grafchikov A.A., Belyaev O.A., Kortikova L.P., and Konilov A.N., Metamorphic conditions of banded iron formations of the Central Kola Block, Geol. Rudn. Mestorozhd., 1991, no. 6, pp. 74-88.
  34. Fonarev V.I., Graphchikov A.A. Two-pyroxene thermometry: a critical evaluation. // Progress in metamorphic and magmatic petrology. A memorial vol. in honor of D.S.Korzhinsky. Cambridge, 1991. pp. 65-92.
  35. Fonarev V.I., Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N. A consitent system of geothermometers for metamorphic complexes. // International Geology Review, 1991. 33. No. 8. pp. 743-783.
  36. Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N., Graphchikov A.A. Some aspects of thermometry of metamorphic complexes (application to the Central part of Kola peninsula, Baltic shield). // Archaean Cratonic Rocks of Kasa and their Influence on the Evolution of the Early Proterozoic. Contr. Newslett. IGCP Project 273, 1991. 1. pp. 23-36.
  37. Gerya T.V. A method of physicochemical modeling of metamorphic reactions employing the mass balance condition, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 227-240.
  38. Gerya T.V. and Perchuk L.L. Spinel equilibria as geothermometers and geobarometers, Geokhimiya, 1991, no. 3, pp. 370-378.
  39. Gorbachev H.S. and Kashirtseva G.A. Experimental study of the fluid-basalt melt system at T=1100-1300oC and P=1-11.5 kbar: contents of petrogenic elements and their partition between the fluid and basalt melt, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 20-35.
  40. Grafchikov A.A. and Fonarev V.I. Garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase-quartz geobarometer (experimetal calibration), in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 199-226.
  41. Ishbulatov R.A. The origin of eclogites and some other problems of mantle magmatism (analytical overview of experimental studies), in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp 282-302.
  42. Ivanov I.P. Thermodynamic modeling of the wallrock mineral zonation in the Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-HCl system, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 36-57.
  43. Kalinichev A.G. Computer simulation study of hydrothermal fluids. // Plinius (Suppl. Ital. Eur. J. Mineral.), 1991. N 5. pp. 116-117.
  44. Kalinichev A.G. Large excess volumes of supercritical fluid mixtures: a thermodynamic explanation. // Plinius (Suppl. Ital. Eur. J. Mineral), 1991. N 5. pp. 118-119.
  45. Kalinichev A.G. Monte Carlo simulations of water under supercritical conditions.I. Thermodynamic and structural properties. // Z.Naturforsch. 1991. Vol.46 a. pp. 433-444.
  46. Kalinichev A.G. Theoretical modeling of geochemical fluids under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions. // High Pressure Research. 1991. V. 7. pp. 378-380.
  47. Korzhinskii M.A. The behavior of dissolved salt in chloride-carbonate fluid: H2O-HCl-CO2 system, Geokhimiya, 1991, no. 6, pp. 745-765.
  48. Kotelnikov A.R., Kotelnikova Z.A., Averina A.S., Akhmedjanova G.M., Ganeev I.G. Experimental study of strontium distribution between immiscible phaseous of fluid by the method of the cation exchange equilibrium. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991.
  49. Krigman L.D., Ishbulatov R.A., Kogarko L.N. High pressure phase equilibria of primitive alkaline olivine basalt magma from Gran Canaric Island. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991.
  50. Lavrent'eva I.V. and Perchuk L.L. Experimental study of phase correspondence in the garnet-orthopyroxene-amphibole system at 700-800oC. // in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, Vol. 16, pp. 139-163.
  51. Likhoidov G.G. and Suvorova V.A. The dependence of sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite and pyrrhotite on the synthesis conditions at P=10 Pa, Izv. Vuzov (geol. i razvedka), 1991, no. 4, pp. 77-87.
  52. Likhoidov G.G. Pyrite-hematite-magnetite equilibrium at Ptot = 1 kbar (experimental study). // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991. pp. 46-51.
  53. Litvin Yu.A. Phisicochemical studies of melting in the garnet-peridotite facies of the upper mantle, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 54-112.
  54. Litvin Yu.A., Ishchenko S.A. Phase equilibria in multi-component systems related to Earth's upper mantle (garnet-peridotite facies). // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991. pp. 66-71.
  55. Litvin. Yu.A. and Ishchenko S.A. Liquidus phase relations in the multicomponent periodotite-pyroxenite system olivine-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-garnet at 40 kbar, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 113-138.
  56. Magomedov M.A. and Shmonov V.M. The scale factor in the measurements of rock permeability, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Phys-


    icochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 114-119.

  57. Marakushev A.A. and Glazovskaya L.I. Impact differentiation of melts and tectite genesis, Doklady Ross. Akad. Nauk, 1991, vol. 316, no. 5, pp. 1189-1192.
  58. Marakushev A.A. and Paneyakh N.A. The Konder dunite massif and the metallogenic problems associated with platform activization, in Tektonika i metallogeniya zon aktivizatsii (struktur DIVA) (Tectonics and metallogeny of activization zones), Blagoveshchensk, 1991, pp. 138-140.
  59. Marakushev A.A. and Shapovalov Yu.B. Acid-alkali differentiation of salt granitic melts, Doklady Ross. Akad. Nauk, 1991, vol. 321, no. 3, pp. 574-579.
  60. Marakushev A.A. and Vakhrushev V.A. Intratelluric crystallization of minerals and the composition of the earth's mantle, Zap. Vses. Miner. O-va, 1991, part CXX, no. 5, pp. 3-19.
  61. Marakushev A.A. Lunar petrology, Vestnik Mosk. Gosud. Univ., Ser. 4. Geol., 1991, no. 6, pp. 3-18.
  62. Marakushev A.A. Metamorphism and granitization, XIV Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association, Bulgaria, Sofia, 1991, pp. 67-84.
  63. Marakushev A.A. The temperature regime of acid aqueous glass formation. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 320, no. 5, pp. 1217-1219.
  64. Marakushev A.A. Thermodynamic systems and factors of petrogenesis. // Progress in Metamorfic and Magmatic Petrol. 1991. pp. 19-46.
  65. Marakushev A.A., Khazsov R.A., Shapovalov Yu.B., Bezmen N.I., and Pavlov G.M. The origin of the layered structure of Li-F-granites. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 318, no. 3, pp. 695-699.
  66. Marakushev A.A., Moiseenko V.G., Rimkevich V.S., and Malovitskii Yu.N. The liquation technique of aluminum extraction from kaoline clays and other silicate and aluminosilicate rocks. Vestn. MSU, Ser. 4. Geol., 1991, no. 3, pp. 47-58.
  67. Marakushev A.A., Moiseenko V.G., Rimkevich V.S., Malo-vitsky Yu.N. New method of aluminium extractoin from silicates and alumosilicates. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991. pp. 54-59.
  68. Martynov K.V. Experimental study of Mg and Fe distribution between the ankerite and breunerite solid solutions in the CaCO3-MgCO3 system at 250-450oC and thermodynamic properties of ankerite. Geokhimiya, 1991, No. 12, pp. 1688-1696.
  69. Martynov K.V., Basavalingu B. An experimental study related to Ca-Mn partitioning between carbonate and aqueous solution at 500-700oC and 2-3kbar. // Proc. of the 2d Indo-Soviet Workshop on Experim. Miner. and Petrol. New Delhi, 1991.
  70. Migdisov A.A., Dadze T.P., and Gerasimovskaya L.A., Sulfur species in the ore-bearing hydrothermal solutions of the Uzon caldera (Kamchatka), Geokhimiya, 1991, no. 12, pp. 1682-1691.
  71. Nekrasov I.Ya. and Korzhinskaya V.S. A new genetic type of tungsten-zirconium mineralization. Miner. Zh., 1991, vol. 13, no. 1.
  72. Nekrasov I.Ya. and Korzhinskaya V.S. Kineticts of Zr(OH)4 dehydration at hydrothermal conditions (200-400oC). Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 319, no. 4, pp. 970-974.
  73. Novikov M.P. and Nekrasov I.Ya. Isomorphic capacity of synthetic analogs of monazite. Dokl. RAS. Nauk, 1991, vol. 319, no. 2, pp. 362-364.
  74. Osadchii E.G. and Arzhatskii F.P. Lead-in units for potentiometry in liquids at temperatures to 300oC and pressures to 100 MPa. Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta. 1991, no. 3, pp. 207-209.
  75. Osadchii Eu. The kesterite-chernyite and sphalerite-greenockite solid solutions in the system Cu2SnS3-ZnS-CdS at 400 C and 101,3 MPa. // N. Jb. Miner. Mh. 1991. H. 10, pp. 457-463.
  76. Perchuk L.L. and Aranovich L.Ya. Thermodynamics of the jadeite-diopside-hedenbergite solid solution. Geokhimiya, 1991, no. 4, pp. 539-547.
  77. Perchuk L.L. Derivation of a thermodynamically consistent set of geothermometers and geobarometers for metamorphic and magmatic rocks. // Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1991. pp. 93-112.
  78. Perchuk L.L. Mineral thermodynamics and equilibria for geothermobarometry: an int roduction. // Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1991. pp. 3-18.
  79. Perchuk L.L. To the memory of Dmitriy Sergeyevich Korzhinskiy. // Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1991. pp. xi- xv.
  80. Perchuk L.L., Kushiro I. Thermodynamics of the liquidus in the system diopside-water: a review. // Advances in Physical geochemistry. New York. Springer Verlag. 1991. V. 9. pp. 249-267.
  81. Perchuk L.L., Podlesskii K.K., Aranovich L.Ya. Thermo-dynamics of some framework silicates and their equlibria: application to geothermobarometry. // Progress in Meta-morphic and Magmatic Petrology. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1991. pp. 131-166.
  82. Persikov E.S. The viscosity of magmatic melts // Advances of physical geochemictry. Physics and Ñhemistry of magma. 1991. V. 9. pp. 3-25.
  83. Plusnina L.P., Zaraiskii G.P., Experimental modelling of the contact reactive processes in basite -ultrabasite complexes. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol.319 N2, pp. 475-478.
  84. Plyasunov A.V. and Zakirov I.V. Thermodynamic properties of the H2O-CO2 system at high P-T parameters, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 71-88.
  85. Plyasunova N.V. and Shmulovich K.I. Phase equilibria in the H2O-CO2-CaCl2 system at 500oC. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 319, pp. 738-741.
  86. Redkin A.F. and Chevychelova T.K. Refinement of some mineral equilibria in the Al2O2-SiO2-H2O system in the presence of 0.01 M HCl at 2550-430oC and 1 kbar. //in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 65-71.
  87. Redkin A.F. Experimental study of silicate hydrolysis reactions in the Al2O2-SiO2-H2O-(NaCl) system at T =


    150-200oC and P = 1 kbar. // in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 57-64.

  88. Salova T.P. and Epelbaum M.B. Extraction of Mo and W from granitic melt by fluids and the problem of ore matter source, in Mineralogiya i geokhimiya vol'framovykh mestorozhdenii (Mineralogy and geochemistry of tungsten deposits), Leningrad: Leningrad. Gosud. Univ., 1991, pp. 313-319.
  89. Shcherban' D.I. A model of the wallrock hydrothermal argillization. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 315, no. 4, pp. 963-965.
  90. Simakin A.G. and Kislov E.V. The evaluation of origin conditions of adcumulates. // in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 28-39.
  91. Slavina Z., Kalinichev A.G. A configurational contribution to the heat capacity of gaseous (HDO). // Z. Naturforsch. 1991. 46a. pp. 39-42.
  92. Suk N.I. Experimental study of liquation in P-bearing feldspathoid melts. // Dokl. RAS, 1991, Vol. 316, No. 6, pp. 1461-1464.
  93. Sunagawa I., Taijing Jn., Balitsky V.S. Generation of Brasil and Danphine twins in synthetic amethyst. // Phys. Chem. minerals. 1991. No. 17. pp. 320-325.
  94. Taijing Jn., Sunagawa I., Balitsky V.S. Brasil twinning in national and synthetic amethyst crystals. // J. of Crystal Growth. 1991. No. 99. pp. 1232-1237.
  95. Tikhomirova V.I. and Chernavina N.I. Analysis of starting mixtures and synthetic compounds in the SiO2-TR2O3 system. // in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 145-147.
  96. Vitovtova V.M., Aksyuk A.M., and Shmonov V.M. Permeability of serpentinites and serpentinized harzburgites at high temperatures and pressures, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 17, pp. 119-141.
  97. Zaraiskii G.P. The origin conditions of wallrock metasomatites from experimental data, in Rudonosnye metasomaticheskie formatsii Urala: informatsionnye materialy (Ore-bearing metasomatic formation of the Urals), Sverdlovsk, 1991, pp. 96-98.
  98. Zaraisky G.P. Experimental modelling of bimetasomatic calcareous scarn zoning. // Scarns. Their genesis and metallogeny. Theophrastus publ., 1991. pp. 467-491.
  99. Zaraisky G.P. Experimental modelling of metasomatism. // Experiment in Geoscinces. 1991. pp. 13-24.
  100. Zharikov V.A. Editorial. // Experiment in Geosciences. 1991. V. A.
  101. Zharikov V.A. Types of skarns, formation and ore mineralization // Skarn. Their genesis and metallogeny. Theophrastus publ, 1991. C. 455-466.
  102. Zharikov V.A., Dobretsov N.L., and Marakushev A.A. Problems of petrology, in Problemy geologii i poleznykh iskopaemykh na XXVIII sessii MGK (Problems of geology and mineral deposits, XXVIII session of the International Geological Congress, Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 50-70.
  103. Zharikov V.A., Dubinina E.O., Shapovalov Yu.B., and Suvorova V.A. The origin of the ore-forming fluid of the Akchatau rare metal deposit from oxygen isotope data. Dokl. RAS, 1991, vol. 319, no. 1, pp. 223-227.
  104. Zharikov V.A., Korotaev M.Yr., Matveeva S.S. Infiltration metasomatism in gradient fields: problem of origin of greisen ore bodies. // Proceed. of 25-th years SGA meeting Nancy. 1991. C. 151-156.
  105. Zharikov V.A., Simakin A.G., and Epelbaum M.B. Simulation of granitic magma formation from the interaction of basalt melts with crustal material, Vestnik Mosk. Gosud. Univ., Ser. 4. Geol., 1991, no. 2, pp. 3-15.
  106. Zharikov V.A., Zaraisky G.P. Experimental modelling of wall-rock metasomatism. // Progress in Metamorphic and Magma-tic Petrology. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1991. pp. 197-245.
  107. Zyryanov V.N. and Edgar A.D. Experimental study of melting and differentiation in the lamproite-kimberlite system, in Ocherki fiziko-khimicheskoi petrologii (Contribution to Physicochemical Petrology), Moscow: Nauka, 1991, vol. 16, pp. 40-53.

Papers 1992

  1. Aksyuk A.M., Vitovtova V.M., Pustovoi A.A., Kharin G.S., and Shmonov V.M. Permeability of oceanic basalts and genesis of hydrothermal systems in the Atlantic rifting zone. // Okeanologiya, 1992, N.6.
  2. Bezmen N.I. Hydrogen in magmatic melts. // Experiment in Geosciences. 1992.V. 1, N.2, pp. 1-33.
  3. Chevychelov V.Yu. Partition of base metals between the granitoid melt and the phases of H2O-NaCl and H2O-CO2-NaCl heterogenic fluids. //Dokl. RAS, 1992, V.325, N.2.
  4. Chichagov A.V., Shilova Z.V., and Lopatin A.L. Qualitative X-ray analysis based on calculated standards. //Kristallografiya, 1992, V.37, N.4, pp. 942-953.
  5. Korotaev M.Yu., Zaraiskii G.P., Kolonin G.R., Matveeva S.S. Fluid regime of the formation of greisen deposits based on physico-chemical data. // Geologogenetic and physico-chemical fundamentals of the model of greisen ore formation. Novosibirsk, Nauka SB, 1992, p. 213-233.
  6. 6. Kolonin G.R., Balashov V.N., Zaraiskii G.P. Structure of the genetic model of greisen deposits. // Geologogenetic and physico-chemical fundamentals of greisen ore formation. Novosibirsk, Nauka SB, 1992, p. 96-112.
  7. Epelbaum M.B., Salova T.P. Forms of water in perlites and genesis of volcanic glasses. // Proc. XVI Int. Congr. on Volcanic Glass. Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidr., 1992. V. 6. pp.521-526.
  8. Epelbaum M.B., Salova T.P., Simakin A.G., and Kalinin A.S. Thermal field, fluid separation, and mobili-


    zation of ore matter in intrusion formation. // Geogenetic and physicochemical basis for the model of an ore-bearing greisen formation, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1992, pp. 125-137.

  9. Gorbachev N.S., Naldrett A., Asif M., Kunilov V., Fedorenko V., Lightfoot P. The composition of the Ni-Cu ores of the Noril'sk region. // Can. Mineral., 1992. V. 30. pp. 494-495.
  10. Gorbachev N.S., Naldrett A., Lightfoot P. Source and evolution of Siberian trap laves, Noril'sk district, Russia: implications for the origin sulfides. // Can. Mineral., 1992. V. 30, pp. 493-494.
  11. Gorbachev N.S., Naldrett A., Lightfoot P., Fedorenko V., Docherty W. Geology and Geochemistry of intrusions and flood basalts of the Noril'sk region USSR with implication to the origin of the Ni- Cu-ores. // Econ. Geol., 1992. V. 87, N. 4, pp. 975-1004.
  12. Graphchikov A.A. Orthopyroxene-magnetite-quartz oxygen barometer for Mn-bearing rocks (experimental calibration). // Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 1992. V. 101, No. 2, pp. 191-199.
  13. Grew E.S., Yates M.G., Konilov A.N., Marquez N. Kornerupine from the Archaean Kola Series at Sholt-Yavr, Kola Peninsula, Russia // Mineralogical Magazine, 1992. 56, pp.247-251.
  14. Grew E.S., Yates M.G., Romanenko I.M., Christy A.M., Swihart G.H. Calcian, borian sapphirine from the serendebite deposit at Johansburg. USA, New York. // Eur. J. Mineral, 1992. No. 4. pp.475-485.
  15. Plyusnina L.P., Zaraiskii G.P. Experimental modeling of basite-hyperbasite bimetasomatic interaction at 500oC and 1 kbar. Doklady RAS, 1992, V 325, N 5 , p. 1013-1016.
  16. Ivanov A.P., Safroshkin V.Yu., Trukhin V.I., and Nekrasov A.N. Spectral thermomagnetic analysis of rocks. // Fizika Zemli, 1992, N.3, pp. 62-71.
  17. Kalinichev A.G. Monte Carlo Simulations of water under supercritical conditions. II. Convergence characteristics and the system size effects. // Z. Naturforch. 1992. V. 47a, pp. 992-998.
  18. Kalinichev A.G. Self-diffusion in compressed supercritical water: A molecular dynamics study. // In: Recent Trends in High Pressure Research. Proc. XIII AIRAPT Conference, Ed. by A.K.Singh, Oxford & IBH Publ. Co., New Delhi, 1992, pp. 498-500.
  19. Kalinichev A.G., Heinzinger K. Computer Simulations of Aqueous fluids at high temperatures and pressures. // Thermodynamic Data. Systematics and Estimation. Ed. Saxena S.K., 1992. Springer Verlag Pub., pp.1-59.
  20. Kotelnikov A.R., Martynov K.V., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Chernysheva I.V., and Shumskaya T.V. The method of concurrent reactions: experimental study of the distribution of Sr and Ba in the feldspar-carbonate-fluid system at 800oC and 2 kbar. //Geokhimiya, 1992, N.5, pp. 772-776,
  21. Marakushev A.A. and Mamedov A.I. Regular variations of acid volcanic glass composition. //Izv. RAS, Ser. Geol., N. 11, pp. 5-27.
  22. Marakushev A.A. and Paneyakh N.A. Mineralogical and petrological comparison of chromite-bearing and Pt-bearing ultrabasic intrusions.// Vestn. MSU, 1992, N.5, pp. 3-18.
  23. Marakushev A.A. and Yakovleva E.B. Layering of the glassy groundmass of acid effusive rocks. // Dokl. RAS, 1992, vol. 324, pp. 852-856.
  24. Martynov K.V., Kabalov Yu.K., and Kotelnikov A.R. Structural properties of the synthetic solid solutions of the strontianite-viterite series ((Sr,Ba)CO3. //Vestn. MSU, Ser. 4, Geol., 1992, N.6, pp. 91-93.
  25. Nambiar C.G., Rao B.B., Parthasarathy P., Fed'kin V.V. Geochemistry and genesis of charnokites and associated gneisses from Northern Kerala, India. // High grade Metamorphics, Theophrastus Publ. S.A. Athens 622, Greece, 1992. pp.187-215.
  26. Nekrasov I.Ya, and Osadchii E.G. The synthesis conditions for Pt-bearing sulfides in Fe-Pt-S, Fe-Cu-Pt-S, and Fe-Ni-Pt-S systems.// Dokl. RAS, 1992, V.326, N.1, pp. 345-347.
  27. Novikov G.V., Kostchug D.G., Rager H. Analysis of poorly resolved spectra: room temperature IR spectra of quartz. // Bruker Report, 1992. N 8.
  28. Skachenko S.I., Saran Yu.A. Korzhinskii M.A., Pokrovskii A.S., Shteiberg G.S., Shmulovich K.I. High temperature gas jets: volcano Kudryavy, is. Iturup, Kuril islands. Doklady RAS, 1992, V 325, N 4, p. 823-828.
  29. Simakin A.G., Khudyaev V.S. Mechanics of formation of granite intrusions. In: Genetic model of greisen deposits. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1992, p. 137-154.
  30. Perchuk L.L., Gerya T.V. The fluid regime of metamorphism and the charnockite reaction in granulites: review. // Intern. Geology Review. 1992. V. 34, N.1, pp. 1-58.
  31. Perchuk L.L., Podladchikov Yu.Yu., Polyakov A.N. Hydro-dynamic modelling of some metamorphic processes. // Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 1992. V. 10, pp. 311-319.
  32. Podlesskii K.K. and Kurdyukov E.B. Sapphirine in assemblage with quartz in the Chogar and Sharyzhalgai complexes, Eastern Siberia. //Izv. RAS, Ser. Geol., 1992, N.5, pp. 62-67.
  33. Polyakov A., Podladchikov Yu. Diapirism and topography. // Geophys. J. Int. 1992. V. 109. pp. 553-564.
  34. Redkin A.F., Ivakhnenko S.A., Litvin Yu.A., Chipenko G.V., and Zanevskii O.A. Interaction between boron nitride and above-critical aqueous fluid at T=500-700oC and P = 1 kbar, Izv RAS, Ser. Neorg. Mat., 1992, V.28, N.2, pp. 358-364.
  35. Sazonov L.V., Korotaev N.N., Simakin A.G. The origin conditions of molten pegmatites. //Geokhimiya, 1992, N.6, pp. 871-880.
  36. Shmulovich K.I. and Tkachenko S.I. Liquid-vapor equilibria in water-salt systems (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2) at 400-600oC. //Dokl. RAS, 1992, V.326, N.6, pp. 1055-1059.
  37. Simakin A.G. and Khudyaev V.S. A mechanism of granite intrusion formation. // Genetic Model for Greisen Deposits, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1992, pp. 137-154.
  38. Simakin A.G., Serov N.N., and Chevychelov V.Yu. Anisotropy of the growth rate of alkaline feldspar in granitic melt.// Geokhimiya, 1992, N.12.


  1. Sinitsyn V.A., Khodorovskii M.S., and Novikov M.P. Accessory monazites in the metasomatic column of the Precambrian U-bearing albitites. //Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrainy, 1992, V.10, pp. 122-126.
  2. Tkachenko S.I. and Shmulovich K.I. //Dokl. RAS, 1992, V.326, N.6, pp. 1055-1059.
  3. Tkachenko S.I., Taran Yu.A., Korzhinskii M.A. Pokrovskii A.S., Shteinberg G.S., and Shmulovich K.I. High-temperature gas jets: Kudryavyu Volcano, Iturup, Kuril Islands. // Dokl. RAS, 1992, V.325, N.4, pp. 823-828.
  4. Vinograd V.L. and Perchuk L.L. Markov's chains and configuration solid solution thermodynamics. // Vestnik MSU, Ser. 4, Geol., 1992, N.5, pp. 2-12.
  5. Zaraisky G.P. Si, Al, and W behavior in HF aqueous solutions in relation to greisen problem. "Water-Rock Interaction" Kharaka & Maest eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1992, vol.2, pp. 1629-1632.
  6. Zha C.S., Kalinichev A.G., Bass J.D., Payne D.A. Pressure dependence of optical absorbtion in PbTiO3 to 35 GPa: Observation of the tetragonal- to-cubic phase transition. // J. Appl. Phys., 1992. V. 72, N. 8. pp. 3705-3707.
  7. Zharikov V.A., Dubinina E.O., Shapovalov Yu.B., and Suvorova V.A. Genesis of the ore-bearing fluid of the Akchatau rare-metal deposit from isotopic data. // Geokhimiya, 1992, N.2, pp. 163-170.
  8. Zotov I., Yanev Y., Epelbaum M., Konstantinov L. Effect of water on the structure of rhyolite glasses - X ray diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy studies. // J. of Non-Gristalline Solids 1992. V. 142. pp. 234-246. North-Holland.

Papers 1993

  1. Zharikov V.A., Zaraiskii G.P., Epelbaum M.B., Kotel'nikov A.R. Petrological and geochemical prerequisites for a safe burial of HLW in the deep seated geological formations. // Nuclear energy and human safety. NE-93 (Proceedings of the 4-th yearly scientific conference of nuclear society. Nizhnii Novgorod, 1993, part II.
  2. Akhmedzhanova G.M., Kotelnikov A.R., and Parmuzina M.S. Study of leach rates of alkaline and alkali-earth elements from natural minerals (framework silicates and apatite). // Nuclear Eneregy and Human Safety. The 4th Annual Scientific Conference of the Nuclear Society), Nizhnii Novgorod, 1993, Pt. 2., pp. 965-967.
  3. Aksyuk A.M. and Zaraiskii G.P. The conditions of water-rock interaction in the abyssal geological formations used for the disposal of radioactive wastes.// Nuclear Eneregy and Human Safety. The 4th Annual Scientific Conference of the Nuclear Society, Nizhnii Novgorod, 1993, Pt. 2.
  4. Bass J.D., Kalinichev A.G.. Effect of piezoelectricity on the elastic properties of KNbO3 orthorhombic single crystal. // EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Uinon. 1993. V. 74. 162.
  5. Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 1993. V.97. pp.872-876.
  6. Bindeman N.I., Perchuk L.L. Experimental studies of the magma mixing. // Intern. Geol. Review., 1993. V. 35. No. 8. pp. 721-738.
  7. Bondarenko G.V., Gorbaty Yu.E. High-pressure high-tempera-ture two-chamber cell with changeable path lengths for accu-rate measure ments of absorption coeffocients. // Rev. Sci. Instr., 1993. 64. 2346.
  8. Brugman E., Naldrett A.J., Lighfoot P.S., Gorbachev N.S. et. al. Siderophile and chalcophile metals tracers of the evolution of the Siberian Trap in the Noril'sk region Russia. // Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta. 1993. V. 57. pp. 2001-2018.
  9. Chudinovskikh L.T., Zharikov V.A., Nekrasov A.N., Kalinin V.A., Nasimov R.M., Bayuk I.O. Compression of synthetic pyrope up to 10 GPa. // Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett., 1993. V.16, N. 1.
  10. Dadze T., Koshemchuk S., Moissette A., Sorokin V., Dubessy J. Experimental study of graphite reactivity in aqueous sulphuric acid solutions at 250oC and 500 bar. // Experiment in Geosciences. 1993. V. 2. No. 1. pp. 14-16.
  11. Dadze T.P. and Sorokin V.I. Experimental determination of H2S, HSO4-, SO2(aq), H2S2O3, S-(aq), and S-(tot) in the aqueous phase of the S-H2O system at high temperatures. //Geokhimiya, 1993, N.1, pp. 38-53.
  12. Dadze T.P. and Sorokin V.I. Experimental determination of the concentrations of H2S, HSO4-, SO2aq, H2S2O3, Soaq and Stot in the aqueous phase in the S-H2O system at elevated temperatures. // Geochem. Int., 1993. V.30. No. 8. pp. 36-51.
  13. Dadze T.P., Migdisov A.A., Sorokin V.I. Sulfur in Ore-Forming Solutions of the Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka. // Resource Geology Special Issue. 1993. No. 15. pp. 360-364.
  14. Dadze T.P., Sorokin V.I. Experimental determination of concentrations of H2S, HSO4, SO2, H2S2O3, S-aq and S-tot in the aqueous phase of the system S-H2O at 220-440oC. // Experiment in Geosciences. 1993. V.2. N. 1. pp. 1-8.
  15. Dubinina E.O. Oxygen-isotope exchange in the quartz-water system at 600oC and 1 kbar.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.331, N.6, pp. 719-722.
  16. Epelbaum M.B. and Chekhmir A.S. Evaluation of relative basicity of magmatic melts. // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V. 2, pp. 115-130.
  17. Ezhov S.V. and Zaraiskii G.P. Experimental simulation of epidote-bearing skarns.// Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V.1, pp. 136-156.
  18. Fed'kin V.V., Yakovleva L.Yu. Experimental study of staurolite-garnet exchange equilibrium at t=700 and 800oC. // Nat. Acad. Sci. Letters, 1993. V. 16. N. 1. pp. 37-38.
  19. Fed'kin V.V., Yakovleva L.Yu. Staurolite-garnet exchange equilibrium : experiment, calculation, applica-


    tion. Experiment in Geosciences 1993.V. 2. N.2. pp. 1-11.

  20. Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N., Graphchikov A.A. Geological thermometry and barometry of metamorphic complexes: Central Kola Archean granulite-gneiss region. // International Geol. Review, 1993. V. 35. N.5. pp.401-435.
  21. Gavrikova S.N., Natman A.P., Nikolaeva L.L., Orlov V.N., and Sultanov D.M. Mafic dikes and inclusions in tonalitic gneisses of the Stanovaya Precambrian Zone (southern margin of the Aldan Shield). //Petrologiya, 1993, V.1, N.1.
  22. Gorbachev N.S., Brugmann G., Naldrett A., Khodorevskaya L.I., and Azif A. Partition of Au among fluid, basalt, and sulfide at magmatic and post-magmatic conditions (from experimental data).// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.333, N.3, pp. 356-359.
  23. Gorbachev N.S., Brugmann G.E., Naldrett A. Khodorevskaya L.I., and Azif M. Redox conditions and distribution of platinum-group elements in sulfide-silicate systems. //Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.331, N.2, pp. 220-23.
  24. Il'chenko E.I. and Korzhinskaya V.S. Hydroxides in synthetic and natural zircons.// Mineralog. Zh., 1993, V. 15, N.5.
  25. Ivanov I.P. Thermodynamic modeling of mineral parageneses and zoning of secondary quartzites in the open Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system.// Geokhimiya, 1993, N. 5, pp. 612-643.
  26. Kalinichev A.G. Molecular dynamics computer simulations of supercritical water. // In: Proc. 4th Intern. Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions, Inst. Lorrain des Geosciences, Nancy, 1993, pp. 99-102.
  27. Kalinichev A.G., Bass J.D., Zha C.S., Han P.D., Payne D.A. Elastic properties of orthorhombic KNbO3 single crystals by Brillouin scattering. // J. Appl. Phys., 1993. V. 74. pp. 6603-6608.
  28. Kalinichev A.G.. Molecular dynamics and self-diffusion in supercritical water. //
  29. Kalinichev A.G.. Properties of supercritical water by molecular dynamics with flexible molecules. // EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Uinon, 1993. V. 74. 327.
  30. Khodorevskaya L.I. and Gorbachev N.S. Experimental study of partition of Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe, and Cl between andesite melt and chloride aqueous fluid at high P-T parameters. // Dokl. RAS., 1993, V. 330, N. 5.
  31. Kim N.A., Bobrukevich A.V., Nekrasova R.A., and Shcheka Zh.A. Kinetics of the interaction between the phonolite melt enriched in REE and alkaline chloride fluid. // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V.2, pp. 84-100.
  32. Konilov A.N. and Fonarev V.I., Phase relations and mineral compositions in charnockites. I. Experimental data on the KAlO2-MgO-FeO-SiO2-H2O(+CO2) system. // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V.1, pp. 105-120.
  33. Konilov A.N., Fonarev V.I. An experimental study of the charnockite assemblage biotite + orthopyroxene + K-feldspar + quartz. // Petrology, 1993. V. 1. N. 3. pp. 224-240.
  34. Korzhinskii M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Romanenko I.M., Shteinberg G.S., and Shmulovich K.I. Geochemistry and rhenium mineralization of the high-temperature gas jets of the Kudryavy Volcano, Iturup, Kuril Islands.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.330, N.5, pp. 627-629.
  35. Korzhinsky M.A. Chemical behavior of species in the system H2O-HCl-NaCl-CO2 at elevated T and P. // Experiment in Geosciences. 1993. V. 2. No. 1.
  36. Korzhinsky M.A. Hydrothermal equilibria in chloride-carbon-oxidwater system in a range of T-P-parameters (experimental data). // Experiment in Geosciences. 1993. p. 48.
  37. Kryukova A.I., Volkov Yu.F., Zyryanov V.N., et al. Thermostable crystalline complex phosphates for HLW immobilization. // Proc. the 3d Annual, Conference of the International Nuclear Society, St. Petersburg, 1993.
  38. Lakshtanov L.Z. Soret coefficients of NaCl solutions under hydrothermal conditions. // Experiment in Geosciences. 1993. V. 1. No. 2. pp. 1-4.
  39. Lichtner P.C., Balashov V.N. Metasomatic zoning: Appearance of ghost zones in the limit of pure advective mass transport. // Geoch. et Cosmoch. Acta, 1993. V. 57. pp. 369-387.
  40. Lightfood P., Naldrett A., Hawkesworth C., Gorbachev N. Chemostratigraphy of Siberian trap lavas, Noril'sk district, Russia: implications for the evolution of flood basalt magma. // Can. Mineral., Special. publ., 1993. No. 5. pp. 1-42.
  41. Lightfoot P., Hawkesworth C., Gorbachev N. et all. Remobilisation W of the continental lithosphere: major and trace elements, Sm-Nd and Pb isotope evidence from picritic and tholeitic lavas of the Noril'sk distict, Siberian Trup, Russia. // Contr. Min. Petr., 1993. V. 57. pp. 2001-2018.
  42. Lightfoot P.C., Hawkesworth C.J., Hergt J., Naldrett F., Gorbachev N.S. et. al. Remobilisation of the continental litho-sphere by a mantle plume: major, trace-elements, and Sr-, Nd-, and Pb-isotope evidence from picritic and tholeiitic lavas of the Noril'sk District, Siberian Trup, Russia. // Contrib. Mineral. Petrology, 1993. V. 144. pp. 171-188.
  43. Litvin Yu.A., Gasparik T. Melting of jadeite to 16.5 GPa and melting relations on the enstatite-jadeite join. // Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 1993. V. 57. No. 9. pp. 2033-2040.
  44. Lunin S.Eu., Osadchii Eu.G. Solid state E.M.F. studies of equilibria in the systems Ag-Sb and Ag-Sb-S. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1993. Vol. 2. No. 1. pp. 20-23.
  45. Marakushev A.A. and Gorbachev N.S. The geochemical types of trappean rocks as for the genesis of Cu-Ni deposits of Norilsk Region.// Geol. Rudn. Mestorozhd., 1993, V. 35, N. 3, pp. 284-288.
  46. Marakushev A.A. and Shapovalov Yu.B. Experimental modeling of ore concentration in granite systems.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V., 330, N.4, pp. 84-106.
  47. Marakushev A.A. and Suk N.I. Experimental modeling of the Khibiny layered nepheline-syenite massif to clarify the genesis of apatite deposits.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V. 330, N. 2, pp 241-244.


  1. Marakushev A.A. and Yakovleva E.B. The liquation heterogeneity of the glassy groundmass of acid effusive rocks.// Vestnik MSU, Ser. 4. Geol. , 1993, N.6, pp. 84-106.
  2. Marakushev A.A. Evolution of cosmic material and planet for mation (preprint). // Chernogolovka: OIHF-Press. 1993. 50 p.
  3. Marakushev A.A. Geodynamic conditions of diamond origin, Bull. MOIP, Otd. Geol., 1993, V. 68, Iss.2, pp. 3-18.
  4. Marakushev A.A., Bogatyrev O.S., Fenogenov A.N. The genesis of the Puchezh-Katunk ring structure, Russian Platform.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V. 328, N.3, pp. 384-388.
  5. Marakushev A.A., Bogatyrev O.S., Fenogenov A.N., Paneyakh N.A., and Fedosova S.P. Impactogenesis and volcanism, 1993, N. 6, pp. 1-22.
  6. Marakushev A.A., Paneyakh N.A., and Sharfman V.S., The genesis of sulfide ores of volcanic formations.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V. 329, N. 1, pp. 87-90.
  7. Mironov A.G., Epelbaum M.B., and Chekhmir A.S. The experimental studies of relative water solubility in granite and basalt melts at 900-1100oC and 2 kbar by tritium autoradiography method.// Geokhimiya, 1993, N.2, pp. 487-498.
  8. Mironov A.G., Epelbaum M.B., and Chekhmir A.S. Water solubility in granite and basalt melts at 2 kbar (from tritium autoradiography data). // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V. 2, pp. 15-32.
  9. Omel'yanenko B.I., Zaraisky G.P., Starostin V.I., Petrov B.M., Yudintsev S.V. The petrographical criteria of selection of geological environments for building high-level waste (HLW) Repository. "Proc. 1993 New-York Intern. Conf. Nucl Waste Maneg and Environ. Remed". New-York, 1993, Vol.1, pp.697-702
  10. Orlova A.I., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R., Demarin T.V., and Rakitina E.V. Cramic phosphate matrices for high-level wastes: behavior at hydrothermal conditions. // Radiokhimiya, 1993, V. 35, N. 5, pp 120-126.
  11. Orlova F.I., Artem'eva E.Yu., Volkov Yu.F., Zyryanov, V.N. High-quality ceramics for immobilization and safe storage of HLW. // Proc. XV Mendeleev Congress, Obninsk, 1993.
  12. Perchuk L.L. Alkali mobility in metamorphism and relevant geobarometry.// Dokl. RAS., 1993, V. 331, N. 2, pp. 230-234.
  13. Perchuk L.L. and Gerya T.V. Evidence for potassium mobility in gneiss charnockitization. // Dokl. RAS., 1993, V. 330, N. 2, pp. 245-248.
  14. Perchuk L.L. and Gerya T.V. Thermodynamic activity of H2O in gneiss charnockitization. // Dokl. RAS., 1993, V. 330, N. 1, pp. 95-98.
  15. Perchuk L.L., and Gerya T.V. Fluid control of charnockitization. // Chemical geology. Special issue: Fluid rock interaction in the deeper continental lithosphere. Eds. J.L.R.Touret, A.B. Thompson, 1993. V. 108. N. 1-4. pp. 175-186.
  16. Perchuk L.L., Nosyrev I.V., and Kadurin V.N. A geodynamic model for cratonization of greenstone belts. Search criteria and prospects of economic gold of Ukraine. Proc. 2nd Interdepartment Conference, 1993, pp. 15-38.
  17. Plyusnina L.P., Likhoidov G.G., and Zaraisky G.P. The origin conditions of rodingites from experimental data. // Petrologiya, 1993, V. 1, N. 1, p. 5.
  18. Redkin A.F. Investigation of Cs, Sr, U(IV) sorption on analcime and mica-lauer phases at elevated T and P. // Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Nuclear Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. 1993. V. 1 . pp.163-168.
  19. Rosen E., Osadchii E., and Tkachenko S. Oxyden fugacities directly meassured in fumaroles of the volcano Kudrjaviy (Kuril Isles). // Chemi der Erde, 1993. V. 53. S. 219-226.
  20. Shmulovich K.I. and Plyasunova N.V. Phase equilibria in H2O-CO2-salt (CaCl2, NaCl) ternary systems at high temperatures and pressures. // Geokhimiya, 1993, N. 5, pp 666-684.
  21. Simakin A.G. and Trubitsyn V.P. The structure of the upper boundary layer of a crystallizing intrusion on sedimentation of crystals. // Fizika Zemli, 1993.
  22. Simakin A.G. Granite formation at the interaction of mantle melts with the continental crust. // Experiment in Geosciences 1993. V. 2. N. 4. pp. 1-11.
  23. Simakin A.G. Kinetic regularities of growth of magmatic minerals. // Petrologiya, 1993, V. 1, N. 5, pp. 550-556.
  24. Sorokin V.I., Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A. Sulphur solubility in water and thermodynamics of aqueous species Soaq, H2S, SO2aq, H2S2O3, HSO4. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1993. V. 2, N. 1, pp. 1-6.
  25. Suk N.I. Features of liquid immiscibility in P-bearing silicate-salt melts. // Dokl. RAS., 1993, V. 329, N. 3, pp. 335-338.
  26. Suk N.I. Liquid immiscibility in alkaline melts (experimental study). // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V. 2, pp. 54-66.
  27. Suk N.I. Liquid immiscibility in P-bearing melts as for the genesis of apatite deposits. // Petrologiya, 1993, V. 1, N. 3, pp. 282-291.
  28. Tikhomirova V.I. and Akhmedzhanova G.M. The mechaism of arsenic effect on gold solubility in the Au-As-HCl-KCl system at 300oC and controlled hydrogen partial pressure. // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, vol. 2, pp. 131-140.
  29. Trukhin V.I., Konilov A.N., Valeev Yu.K., Nekrasov A.N. Hemoilmenite-rutile equilibrium and investigation of magnetic properties of synthetic hemoilmenite. // Experiment in Geosci. 1993, Vol. 2, N.4, pp. 2-14.
  30. Varlamov D.A., Garanin V.K., and Kostrovitskii S.I. The specific ore mineral assemblage included in garnet from the Internatsional'naya kimberlite pipe. //Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.328, N.5, pp. 596-600.
  31. Varlamov D.A., Kostrovitskii S.I., and Garanin V.K. Srilankite: the second find in the world. //Dokl. RAS, 1993, V. 328, N. 5, pp. 601-604.
  32. Zaraisky G.P. Experimental modeling of metasomatism.// Petrologiya, 1993, V.1, N.5.


  1. Zaraisky G.P. Progress in the theory of metasomatic zoning. // Petrologiya, 1993, V.1, N.5.
  2. Zaraisky G.P. The contribution of experiment to metasomatism studies problem. // Experimental in Mineralogy. Proc. XII All-Russia Conference on Experimental Mineralogy), Moscow: TsNIEIugol', 1993, V.1, pp. 9-40.
  3. Zerr A., Chudinovskikh L.T., Li Zhang, Reichmann H.-J., Boehler R. Pressure induced anisotropy of argon, pressure scale and equation of state (NaCl, Ar and ruby; (Mg,Fe)O; wustite-Fe0.92O). // HASYLAB Jahresbericht, Hamburg, 1993. pp.650-651.
  4. Zharikov A.V., Vitovtova V.A., Pek A.A., Shmonov V.M. Permeability of amphibolite core-samples from Kola (Russia) and KTB (Germany) deep drill holes at temperatures up to 600oC and pressure up to 200 MPa. // Annales Geophysical, Supplement, 1993. pp. 1-11.
  5. Zharikov V.A., and Khodorevskaya L.I. Amphibolite melting: T-P dependence of partial melt composition. Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.330, N.2, pp. 249-251.
  6. Zharikov V.A., Epelbaum M.B., Zaraisky G.P., Simakin A.G., Khudyaev V.S. A model for the orthomagmatic genesis of tungsten bearing greisen veins with reference to the Akchatau deposit, Central Kazakhstan. // Proc. of the Eighth Quad-rennial IAGOD Symposium. E.Schweizerbartsche Verlag Sbuchhandlung. Stuttgart. 1993. pp. 341-352.
  7. Zharikov V.A., Gorbachev N.S., and Kashirtseva G.A. Experimental study of partition of REE between fluid and basalt melt at P=5 kbar and T = 110-1300oC.// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.330, N.3, pp. 363-365.
  8. Zharikov V.A., Gorbachev N.S., Doherty V. Fractionation of REE and yttrium in fluid-magmatic systems at high pressures (from experimental data).// Dokl. RAS, 1993, V.331, N.1, pp. 91-94.
  9. Zharikov V.A., Ishbulatov R.A., Chudinovskikh L.T. Recent advances in the field of experimental petrology at the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka. // Indian Nat. Acad. Sci. Letters, 1993. V. 16. No. 1. pp. 39-44.

Papers 1994

  1. Aksyuk A.M., Zaraiskii G.P. Water-rock interaction. Brief review of the problem in relation to the burial of the radioactive wastes in geological thicknesses.// Geochemical problems of the burial of radioactive wastes. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, V.18, Miass, 1994, pp.17-63.
  2. Aksyuk A.M., Zhykovskaya T.N., Tikhomirova V.I. Experimental study of stroncium sorbtion on porphyrite // Experiment in Geosciences. 1994. V. 3. ¹ 2. pp. 60-61.
  3. Aksyuk A.M., Zukovskaya T.H. Experimental study on some mineral equilibria in the fluorine systems at high temperatures and pressures. // Experimental problems in geology. 1994, M.: Nauka, pp. 597-607.
  4. Aksyuk A.M., Zukovskaya T.N., Tikhomirova V.I. Experimental study of the strontium sorbtion by porphirite.// Geochemical problems of the burial of radioactive wastes. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, vyp.18, Miass, 1994, pp. 203-219.
  5. Alyokhin Yu.V. Physico-chemical properties, dynamics, and evolution of hydrothermal fluids.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow: Nauka, 1994, pp.498-501.
  6. Alyokhin Yu.V., Vakulenko A.G., Razina M.V. Solubility and heterophase hydrolysis in low dense fluids.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow: Nauka, 1994, pp. 543-555.
  7. Aranovich L.Ya., Kosyakova N.A., Perchuk A.L., Fed'kin V.V. Thermal events in lithosphere: qualitative estimates based on geothermobarometry.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow: Nauka, 1994, pp.294-323.
  8. Aranovich L.Ya. Metamorphism and geodynamics.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow: Nauka, 1994, pp.278-279.
  9. Balashov V.H. Theoretical foundations of the general model of HAW transport in the rocks related with chemical interaction.// Geochemical problems of the burial of radioactive wastes. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, v.18, Miass, 1994, pp.64-82.
  10. Balashov V.N., Khudyaev V.S. Numerical modeling of the infiltration metasomatic zoning at the local equilibrium: program EHS.// Experimental problems in Geology. Moscow, Nauka, 1994, pp.456-479.
  11. Balitskii V.S. Synthesis and modification of minerals.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow: Nauka, 1994, pp.624.
  12. Balitsky V.S., Sorokina S.L., Chichagov A.V., Bondarenko G.V. Growing of high temperature quartz crystals in hydrothermal solutions.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow: Nauka, 1994, pp.625-627.
  13. Barelko V.V., Zhakirov I.V., Pechatnikov E.L. On the effect of molecular clasterization in the one component gas medium on the parameters of its phase equation.// Journal of chemical physics, 1994, V.13, N.6.
  14. Bass J.D., Kalinichev A.G. Elastic and piezoelectric properties of PbTiO3 tetragonal single crystal by Brillouin scattering. // EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Uinon, 1994. V. 75. 187.
  15. Besmen N.I. The above liquidus inhomogeneity and cluster dif-ferentiation of fluid magmatic melts. // Mineral. Magazin, 1994. V. 58, pp. 81.
  16. Bezmen N.I., Azif M., Brugmann G.E., Romanenko I.M., Naldrett A.J. Distribution of Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir, Os and Sn between sulfide and silicate melt. // Geochim et Cosmochim Acta, 1994. V. 58, pp. 1256-1260.
  17. Bondarenko G.V., Gorbaty Yu.E. Dimerization of molecules in water vapor.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.501-508.
  18. Bublikova T.M., Balitsky V.S., Pokrovskii V.A., Tikhomirova V.I. Investigation on the phase formation in the system CuO-CO2-H2O-NH3 and malachite solubility in aqueous ammonia solutions.//Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.635-651.


  1. Chekhmir A.S., Simakin A.G., Epelbaum M.B. Diffusion mobility of magmatic melt components depending on the medium viscosity nature of a diffusing cation. // Experiments in Geosciences, 1994. V.3, N.3, pp. 11-20.
  2. Chevychelov V.Yu., Salova T.P., Epelbaum M.B. Differentiation of ore components (Pb, Zn, W, Mo) in a fluid-magmatic granitoide system. // Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 104-121.
  3. Chichagov A.V. Information-calculating system on crystal structure data of minerals ("MINCRYST"). // Materials Science Forum. Trans. Tech. Publ., Switzerland, 1994. V. 166-169. pp. 193-198.
  4. Chichagov A.V., Lopatin A.L., Molchanov Yu.I., Belonozhko A.B., Shilova Z.V., Dokina T.N., Samochvalova O.L., Ushakovskaya T.V., Drozhina N.A. Information-calculating system on crystal structure data of minerals ("MINCRYST"). // Experiment in Geosciences, 1993. V.2, N.1, pp.9-13.
  5. Chichagov A.V., Lopatin A.L., Shilova Z.V., Belonozhko A.B., Dokina T.N., Samokhvalova O.L., Ushakovskaya T.V., Drozhzhina N.A. Information-calculation system based on crystallostructural data (MINCRYST).// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.653-664.
  6. Dadze T.P., Sorokin V.I. Sulfur solubility in the system S-H2O.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp. 520-533.
  7. Dubinina E.O., Lakshtanov L.Z. An investigation of oxygen isotope exchange at the ynthesis of the mineral under the hydrothermal onditions: theoretical modeling and experiment in the quartz - fluid system. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994, V.4, pp.1-19.
  8. Dubinina E.O., Suvorova V.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Sulfur isotopes in the ore genesis of the Akchatau deposit.// Doklady RAS, 1994.
  9. Epelbaum M.B. Investigation of fluid-magmatic systems.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 80-83.
  10. Epelbaum M.B., Chekhmir A.S., Golodnova A.I., Salova T.P. Some technological aspects of producing matrixes from magmatic rocks for the immobilization of radioactive wastes.// Geochemical problems of the disposal of radioactive wastes. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, vyp.18. Miass, 1994, pp. 104-125.
  11. Epelbaum M.B., Salova T.P., Zavel'skii B.O., Yanev Y. Relation of water forms in volcanic glasses and its effect on swelling.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.142-155.
  12. Epelbaum M.B., Simakin A.G., Dikov Yu.P., Pak A.A. Crystal zoning as one more possible barrier for radionuclides distribution.// Geochemical problems of the disposal of radioactive wastes. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, vyp.18. Miass, 1994, pp. 126-138.
  13. Epelbaum M.B., Stolyarova T.A., Salova T.P. Thermodynamic investigation of rheolite glasses.// Geochemistry, 1994, N.12, pp.1735-1744.
  14. Ezhov S.V. Correlation of the processes of scarn formation and deposition of sulfide ores at the polymetallic deposits of the Altyn-Topkanskii ore region (Central Asia).// Geology of ore deposits, 1994, V.36, N.3, pp.237-249.
  15. Ezhov S.V. Main features of the genesis of scarn-polymetallic deposits of Altyn-Topkanskii ore region. // Doklady RAS, 1994, V.337, N.2, pp. 224-227.
  16. Ezhov S.V., Zaraiskii G.P. Experimental study on the formation of bimetasomatic scarns of epidote bearing and sulfide mineralization. // Bull. MOIP, deptm. geol., 1994, V.69, vyp.1, pp. 70-81.
  17. Fed'kin V.V. Research-methodical and apparatus investigation in the area of experimental mineralogy.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 651-652.
  18. Fed'kin V.V., Yakovleva L.Yu. Experimental study on staurolite-garnet exchange equilibrium.// Doklady RAS, 1994, V.339, N. 2, pp. 234-238.
  19. Fed'kin V.V., Yakovleva L.Yu. Staurolite-garnet exchange equilibrium: experiment, calculation, application.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 355-367.
  20. Fonarev V.I., Graphchikov A.A., Konilov A.N. Experimental study of the equilibria with minerals of variable composition and geological thermometry.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.323-325.
  21. Gorbachev N.S., Brugmann G., Naldrett A., Khodorevskaya L.I., Azif A. Distribution of platinum metals and gold between fluid and basalt melt at T=1100-1350oC, P=5 kbar.// Doklady RAS, 1994, V335, N.3, pp.356-358.
  22. Gorbachev N.S., Kashirtseva G.A., Naldrett A. Extracting and transport properties of fluids in basalt magmatic systems at high pressures. // Experimental problems in geology . Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.155-180.
  23. Gorbachev N.S., Lighfut P., Docherty V., Naldrett A. The pioneer data on the experimental modeling of core contamination and major magmas: distribution of rare earth elements and yttrium. // Doklady RAS, 1994, V.335, N.1, pp. 81-83.
  24. Gorbaty Yu.E. and Okhulkov A.V.. High-pressure x-ray cell for studying the structure of fluids with the energy dispersive technique. // Rev. Sci. Instr. 1994. V. 65. 2195.
  25. Gorbaty Yu.E., Demianets Yu.N., Okhulkov A.V. Pressure effect on the structure of liquid water. In: Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.508-516.
  26. Gorbaty Yu.E., Bondarenko G.V. Soldered high-pressure high-temperature supphire window. // Rev. Sci. Instr. 1994. V. 65. 2739.
  27. Gordon T.M., Aranovich L.Ya., Fed'kin V.V. Exploratory data analysis in thermobarometry: An example from the Kisseynew sedimentary gneiss belt, Manitoba, Canada. // American Mineralogist. 1994. V. 79, pp. 973-982.
  28. Gussak V.D., Romanenko I.M. Identification of low alloyed pipe system steels. //Gas industry. 1994, N.2, pp.28-30.
  29. Ishbulatov R.A. Experimental study on the processes of interaction of mantle rocks and carbonate melts.// Ex-


    perimental problems in geology, M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.63-71.

  30. Ivanov I.P., Chernyshova G.N., Dmitrenko L.G., Ryzhkov S.M., Korzhinskaya V.S. A new hydrothermal apparatus for the study of mineral equilibria and solubility of minerals.// Experimental problems in geology, M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.706-720.
  31. Ivanov I.P., Korzhinskaya V.S., Plyasunova N.V., Redkin A.F., Chevychelova T.K. Physico-chemical conditions of beresites formation. M.: Nauka, 1994, pp. 479-497.
  32. Ivanov I.P., Kotova N.P., Plyasunov A.V. Investigation of phase equilibria of the subsolidus and subliquidus in the system (Na,Cs)2O-SrO-Al2O3-P2O5 in connection with the problems of vitrification and deep disposal of RAW.// Geochemistry, 1994, N.10, pp.1445-1447.
  33. Ivanov I.P., Kotova N.P., Plyasunov A.V. Phase equilibria in the system (Na,Cs)2O-SrO-Al2O3-P2O5 (to the problem of deep disposal of RAW).// Geochemical problems of the disposal of RAW. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, v.18, Miass, 1994, pp.181-202.
  34. Ivanova L.I., Lakshtanov L.Z. Surface properties of aluminum and silicon oxides in the electrolyte solutions at temperatures to 250oC.// Experimental problems in geology, M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.578-588.
  35. Kalinichev A.G., Bass J.D. Hydrogen bonding and intramolecular vibrations of supercritical water by computer simulations. // EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Uinon, 1994. V. 75, 137.
  36. Kalinichev A.G., Bass J.D. Hydrogen bonding in supercritical water: A Monte Carlo simulation. // Chem. Phys. Lett., 1994. V. 231, pp. 301-307.
  37. Khodorevskaya L.I. Some regularities of the precipitation of sheelite in scarn rocks.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 446-456.
  38. Kiseleva I.A., Kotelnikov A.R., Martynov K.V., Ogorodova L.P., Kabalov Ju.K. Thermodynamic properties of the strontianite-witherite solid solutions. // Phys. Chem. Mineral., 1994. V. 16.
  39. Korotaev M.Yu., Matveeva S.S., Alyokhina Yu.Yu., Bastrakov E.N., Kim M.N., Pavlova S.G. Geochemical model of greisen formation.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.419-446.
  40. Korzhinskii M.A. General regularities of chemical behavior of salt and acid components in a complex chloride-carbonic acid water fluid at elevated P-T parameters.// Experimental problems in geology, M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.607-624.
  41. Korzhinsky M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Shmulovich K.I., Taran .A., Steinberg G.S. Discovery of a pure rhenium mineral at Kudriavy volcano. // Nature, 1994. V. 369, No. 6475. pp. 51-52.
  42. Koshemchuk S.K., Alyokhin Yu.V., Lakshtanov L.Z. Results of the investigation on the heterophase filtration.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.556-570.
  43. Kotelnikov A.R., Zyryanov V.N., Epelbaum M.B. Conception of phase and chemical correspondence at the disposal of high level wastes in the earth crust rocks.// Geochemical problems of the disposal of RAW. Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, v.18, Miass, 1994, pp. 83-103.
  44. Kotelnikov A.R., Zyryanov V.N., Epelbaum M.B. Phase and chemical compatibility of matrix materials and wall rocks at disposal of high level wastes. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V. 3., N.2, pp. 9-21.
  45. Kotova N.P., Balitsky V.S., Balashov V.N. Hydrolysis of sodium phosphate at elevated temperatures and pressures.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.627-635.
  46. Lakshtanov L.Z. Thermodiffusion in the electrolyte solutions in hydrothermal conditions.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.570-578.
  47. Lakshtanov L.Z., Shmonov V.M., Dadze T.P., Van der Erden A., Yansen B. Free surface energy of the quartz-water interface under hydrothermal conditions.// Dokl. RAS, 1994, V.338,N1-2, pp.89-91.
  48. Lakshtanov L.Z., Shmonov V.M., Dadze T.P., Van der Erden A., Yansen B. Free surface energy of the quartz system at high temperatures and pressures.// Geochemistry, 1994, N 10, pp. 1479-1488.
  49. Lightfoot P.C., Naldrett A.J., Gorbachev N.S. Chemostratigraphy of Siberian trap lavas, Noril'sk district, Russia: implications for the source of floot basalt magmas and their associated Ni-Cu mineralisation. // Sudbery-Noril'sk Symposium Volume, OGS Spesial Publication, 1994. N.5, pp.1-52 .
  50. Litvin Yu.A. Multicomponent mineral equilibria, magmatic differentiation and petrogenesis under the conditions of garnet-peridotite mantle.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 13-29.
  51. Marakushev A.A. Advances and problems in the petrological science in Russia. // Earth Sci.Frontiers. Beijing (China), 1994. Vol. 1, N.1-2, pp. 13-26.
  52. Marakushev A.A. Advances and problems of the petrological science in Russia.// Bull. Mosc. society of nature explores. Geological department, 1994, V.69, N.3, pp.128-136.
  53. Marakushev A.A. Genetic groups (families) of meteorites, lunar, and terrestrial rocks. // Petrology. 1994. V. 2, N. 4. pp. 332-358.
  54. Marakushev A.A. Position of platinum metals in the system of experimental states of chemical elements and formation types of their deposits.// Russian platinum. Problems of development of mineral raw base of platinum metals M.: "Geoinformmark" company, 1994, pp.206-227.
  55. Marakushev A.A. Presence of ore in magmatic complexes.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.181-182.
  56. Marakushev A.A., Gramenitskii E.N., Bezmen N.I., Stolyarova T.A., Suk N.I., Schekina T.I., Gavrilov N.M. Processes of ore concentration in magmatic systems.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 182-245.
  57. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Experimental study on the ore concentration in fluoride granite systems.// Petrology, 1994, V.2, N.1, pp. 4-23.
  58. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Main problems of origin of hydrothermal ore deposits (experimental


    investigations) // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V. 3, No. 3. pp. 1-10.

  59. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B., Glazovskaya L.I., Parphenova O.V. Experimental study on the fluoride extraction of rare earth metals and a problem of genesis of their deposits.// Geology of ore deposits, 1994, V.36, N.4, pp. 291-309.
  60. Migdisov A.A. Experimental study on the system sulfur-water- hydrogen sulfide at the parameters of low temperature hydrothermal fluid.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.520-533.
  61. Mints M.V., Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N., Kunin N.M. Geodynamic environment of the formation of granulite-gneiss belts.//
  62. Naldrett A.J., Fedorenko V.A., Lightfoot P.S., Gorbachev N.S. Ni-Cu-PGE deposits of the Noril'sk region, Siberia, their formation in conduits for flood basalt volkanism. // "Economic Geology in Europe and Beyond II" BGS, Keywort, 1994. pp. 1-51.
  63. Nekrasov R.A., Scheka Zh.A., Kim N.A., Bobrukevich A.V. Distribution of rare earths (La and Y) between phonolite melt and alkaline-chloride fluid at 1200oC and P=1 kbar.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 245-278.
  64. Novikov G.V., Hafner S.S., Sipavina L.V., Shibaev A.P. Hyperfine interactions and magnetic transition in monoclinic FeGeO3. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V. 3, N.1, pp1-20.
  65. Novikov G.V., Sipavina L.V., Shibaev A.P.. Local fields on 57Fe nuclei in FS-III. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V.3., N.2, pp1-8.
  66. Okhulkov A.V., Demianets Yu.N., Gorbaty Yu.E. X-ray Scattering in Liquid Water at Pressures up to 7.7 kbar: Test of a Fluctuation Model. // J.Chem.Phys., 1994, V 00, pp. 1578-1587.
  67. Omelianenko B.I., Petrov V.A., Yudintsev S.V., Zaraiskii G.P., Starostin V.I. Petrographic criteria of the choice of geological environment for the disposal of high level wastes.// Problems of the environment and natural sources. M.: VINITI, 1994, V.1, pp. 17-27.
  68. Osadchii E.G.. Lunin S. Determination of activity-composition relations in (FexZn1-x)S solid solutions at 850-1020 K by solid-state emf measurements. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V.3., N. 4., pp.48-50.
  69. Pek A.A., Dikov Y.P., Malkovsky V.I., Epelbaum M.B. Zonal crystals as a supersafe radioactive waste form for incorporation of the long-lived radionuclides. // Proc. of the Nuclear and Hazardous waste management International Topical Meeting "Specrum 94". Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 1994. V. 2., pp.1291-1294.
  70. Perchuk L.L. Investigation of the geodynamic nature of the evolution of magmatism and metamorphism.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 279-294.
  71. Persikov E.S., Bukhtiyarov P.G. The pressure effect on the viscosity of water-bearing and water-free melts on the join albite-diopside. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V. 3., N. 2, pp.26-27.
  72. Plyasunov A.V., Grenthe I. The temperature dependence of stability constants for the formation of polynuclear cationic complexes. // Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 1994. V. 58, No. 17. pp.3561-3582.
  73. Plyasunov A.V., Ivanov I.P. To the problem of the sphalerite solubility in water and aqueous solutions of sodium chloride at elevated temperatures.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.536-543.
  74. Podladchikov Yu., Poliakov A., Yuen D. The effect of lithospheric phase transitions on subsidence of extending continental lithosphere. // EPSL, 1994. V. 124, pp. 95-103.
  75. Podladchikov Yu., Wickham S. Crystallization of hydrous magmas: calculation of associated thermal effects, volatile fluxes, and izotopic alleration. // Journal of Geology, 1994. V.102, pp. 4-25.
  76. Redkin A.F., Hemley J.J. The investigation of Cs and Sr sorption on mixed-layer and zeolite-like phases in rock-buffered systems at 250 to 300oC and P H2Osat to 1 bar. // Open-File preliminary Report, Reston, VA March 29, 1994. 35 pp.
  77. Shapovalov Yu.B. Investigation of the behavior of Cs and Sr bearing alumosilicate glass in ground water at 25-300oC and a pressure of 200 atm.// Geochemical problems of the disposal of radioactive wastes.//Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, vyp.18. Miass, 1994, pp. 166-180.
  78. Shen Y.R., Englisch U., Chudinovskikh L., Porsch F., Haberkorn R., Beck H.P., Holzapfel W.B. A structural study on the PbFCl-type compounds MFCl (M=Ba,Sr and Ca) and BaFBr under high pressure. // J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 1994. V.6, pp.3197-3206.
  79. Shmonov V.M., L.Z.Lakshtanov, Dadze T.P. Water-rock interaction with the consideration of the quart-water surface energy. // Experiment in Geoscinces, 1994. V.3, N. 2, pp.45-46.
  80. Shmonov V.M., Vitovtova V.M., Aksyuk A.M. Transport medium for hydrothermal solutions.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 588-597.
  81. Shmonov V.M., Zarubina I.V., Vitovtova V.M., Voronov V.S. Microcrack permeability in rocks under stress and temperature, based on the direct observation in a scanning electron microscope. // Experiment in Geoscience, 1994. V. 3, N. 4, pp. 20-35.
  82. Simakin A.G., Chevychelov V.Yu. Kinetics of the crystallization of granite melt. Contribution to the modeling of contact granite facies.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.121-142.
  83. Simakin A.G., Trubitsyn V. and Schmeling H. Structure of the upper boundary layer of a solidifying intrusion with crystal sedimentation. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 1994, V.126, pp.333-349.
  84. Sretenskaya N.G. Determination of the constants of strong electrolytes dissociation based on the data of their electroconductivity in water-dioxane mixtures.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.516-520.
  85. Suvorova V.A., Dubinina E.O. A new apparatus for the conversion of O2 and CO2 with the purpose of its isotope analysis.// Geochemistry, 1994, N.2, pp. 286-290.


  1. Suvorova V.A., Dubinina E.O., Shmulovich K.I. Experimental study of the isotope salt effect.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 684-693.
  2. Tikhomirova V.I., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Nekrasov I.Ya. An investigation of the effect of arsenic and redox conditions on solubility of gold in halogenide solutions at 200-300oC and a pressure of 50 MPa. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1994. V. 3, N.1,. pp. 1-9.
  3. Tikhomirova V.I., Chernavina N.I., Akhmedzhanova G.M. Complex chemical analysis of the natural apatites. Part 1: Distribution of elements incorporated in apatite and analysis of components of cation character.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.693-702.
  4. Tikhomirova V.I., Desyatova T.A., Postnova L.E. Complex chemical analysis of natural apatites. Part II. Analysis of apatite components of anion character.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 702-706.
  5. Weinberg R.F., Podladchikov Yu. Diapiric ascent of magmas through power-law crust and mantle. // JGR, 1994. V. 99, N.B5, pp. 9543-9559.
  6. Zakirov I.V., Sretenskaya N.G. Technique of experimental determination of phase compositions in heterogeneous conditions. // Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.664-668.
  7. Zaraiskii G.P. Experimental modeling of the obliteration of a singl crack at the filtration of water in porphirite.// Geochemical problems of the disposal of RAW. (Contributions to physico-chemical petrology, v.18), Miass, 1994, pp.139-165.
  8. Zaraiskii G.P. Physico-chemical conditions of the formation of acid metasomatites and related with them mineralization.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp. 368-371.
  9. Zaraiskii G.P., Shapovalov Yu.B., Soboleva Yu.V., Stoyanovskaya F.M., Zonov S.V., Ryadchikova Ye.V., Dubinina Ye.O. Physico-chemical conditions of the greisenization at the Akchatau deposit based on geological and experimental data.// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.372-419.
  10. Zharikov V.A., Chudinovskikh L.T., Nekrasov A.N., Demianets Yu.N., Kalinin V.A., Nasimov R.M., Bayuk I.O. The use of a diamond anvil cell for studying the thermodynamic properties of minerals. // Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.71-80.
  11. Zharikov V.A., Epelbaum M.B., Bogolepov M.V., Simakin A.G. Processes of granite formation (experimental study, computer simulation).// Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.83-104.
  12. Zharikov V.A., Fed'kin V.V. Preface. // Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp.3-11.
  13. Zhdanov N.N., Osadchii Ye.G., Kondratiev V.V., Beloborodov S.M., Sorokin V.I. et al. Potentiometric probe (113). Apparatus and results of the investigation of natural objects. // Experimental problems in geology. Moscow:Nauka, 1994, pp. 668-684.
  14. Zyryanov V.N. Phase equilibria, rheology, and differentiation of mantle melts.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp.12-13.
  15. Zyryanov V.N., Nicolls I. Generation and evolution of lamproite magmas.// Experimental problems in geology. M.:Nauka, 1994, pp. 29-63.

Papers 1995-1997

  1. Akhmedzhanova G.M., Tikhomirova V.I. Condition of formation and stability of Au-As intermetallic composers at the hydrothermal solutions. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995. ¹ V4, N.4. p26.
  2. Aksyuk A.M., Zaraisky G.P. Water-rock interaction: consideration for high-level nuclear waste repository in deep geological formation. Experiment in Geosciences, 1995, V.4, N.1, pp. 1-23.
  3. Aksyuk A.M., Zhukovskaya T.N., Tikhomirova V.I. Sorption of strontium on porphyrite at room and enhanced temperature (experimental data). // Proc. 5th. Int. Conf. on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. 1995. V.1, pp.691-694.
  4. Aranovich L.Ya., Pattison, D.R.M. Reassessment of the garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange thermometer: I. Evaluation of the Pattison and Newton (1989) experiments. // Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 1995. V. 119. pp. 16-29.
  5. Balashov V.N. Diffusion of electrolites in hydrothermal systems: free solution and porous media. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich,B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 215-252.
  6. Berman R.G., Aranovich L.Ya., Pattison, D.R.M. Reassessment of the farnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange thermometer: II. Thermodynamic analysis. // Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 1995. V. 119. pp.30-42.
  7. Bezmen N.I., Lakshtanov L.Z., Levsky L.K., Levchenkov O.K., Rizvanova N.A., Belous A.E. Pertitioning of 206Pb and 238U between zircon and hydrothermal fluid. // Experiment in Geosciences , 1996. V.5, No.1, pp.69-71.
  8. Bondarenko G.V., Gorbaty Yu.E. A Raman stuy of interaction between Sulfur and ater up to 500oC at a constant Pressure of 1000 bar. // Experiment in Geosciences , 1995. V.4, N.4, pp.1-2.
  9. Chevychelov V.Yu. Base (Pb,Zn) and rare (W,Mo) metals behavior in the system chloride fluid-granitoid melt (experimental data) . // Mineral Deposits: from Their Origin to their Environmental Impacts. Balcema. Rotterdam, 1995. pp. 423-426.
  10. Chevychelov V.Yu. Partitioning of ore components between the phases at fluid granitoid-melt interaction processes. // Water-Rock Interaction. Balkema. Rotterdam, 1995. pp. 793-796.
  11. Chevychelov V.Yu., Chevychelova T.K. Partitioning of Pb, Zn, W, Mo, Cl, and major elements between aqueous fluid and melt in the systems granodiorite (granite, leucogranite)-H2O-NaCl-HCl // N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 1997. V. 172. 1. pp. 101-115.


  1. Dubinina E.O., Suvorova B.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Sulfur isotopes in the ore genesis of Akhchatau deposit (Kazakhstan). // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.341, N.1, pp. 102-105.
  2. Epelbaum M.B. High gas pressure apparatus for the investigation of the effect of temperature, pressure, and duration of treatment on the processes in the substance. // Mashinostroenie, 1995, N 9, pp. 15-17.
  3. Epelbaum M.B., Chekhmir A.S., Salova T.P., Golodnova A.I. Matrices from magmatic rocks for immobilization of radioactive Waste. // Proc. 5 Int. Conf. Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Re-mediation. 1995. V. 1. pp.669-703.
  4. Ezhov S.V. Experimental studies of skarn ore formation and transformation of ore agregates.// Experiment in Geosciences. 1996. V. 1, N.1, pp. 11-12 .
  5. Ezhov S.V., Zaraiskii G.P. Peculiarities of experimental scarn formation under the conditions of frontal solutions filtration. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V 334, N 6.
  6. Fed'kin V.V., Danilovich Yu.R. Thermal evolution of the Rakhov Mountains metapelites, Ukrainian Carpathians. // Proc. XV Congr. CBGA. Athens, 1995. No. 4/2. pp.596-598.
  7. Fed'kin V.V., Karamata S. Some features of the thermal history related to the contact zone of the Bistrice ultrabasic massif. Proc. XV Congr. CBGA. Athens, 1995. N.4/2. pp.599-602.
  8. Fonarev B.I., Rao A.T., Konilov A.N. Evaluation of P-T of metamorphism and tectonothremal history of the granulites from the Visakhapatnam area in the Easten Ghats, India. // India and Antarctica during Precambrian. Ed. M.Yoshida and M.Santosh. Bangalire, 1995.
  9. Fonarev V.I., Gavrikova S.N., Soultanov D.M. Metamorphic events in the Precambrian on the Southern Aldan Shield, East Siberia, Russia. // Petrology, 1995. V. 3. N.2, pp.152-162.
  10. Fonarev V.I., Kreulen R. Polymetamorphism in the Lapland Granulite Belt: evidence from fluid inclusions. // Petrology, 1995. V.3. N.4, pp. 340-356.
  11. Gerya T.V., Perchuk L.L., Tribule K., Odren K., Cez'ko A.I. Petrology of Tumanshetskii zonal metamorphic complex, Eastern Sayan.// Petrology, 1997, N6.
  12. Gorbachev N., Naldrett L., Lightfut P., Docherty V. Experimental study on the distribution of rare earth elements and yttrium between sulfide and silicate melts.// Doklady RAS, 1995, V.341, N.2, pp. 243-246.
  13. Gorbachev N.S., Khodorevskaya L.I. Distribution of chlorine between water fluid and basalt melts at high pressures: behavior of chlorine and water in the processes of magmatic degazation. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.340, N.5, pp. 672-675.
  14. Gorbaty Yu.E., Bondarenko G.V. High-pressure high-temperature Raman cell for corrosive liquids. // Rev. Sci. Instruments, 1995. V. 66. pp. 4347-4349.
  15. Gorbaty Yu.E., Kalinichev A.G. Hydrogen bonding in supercritical water. I. Experimental results. // J. Phys. Chem., 1995. V. 99. pp. 5336-5340.
  16. Gramenitskii E.N., Schekina T.A., Romanenko I.M. Natural specialization of granites to tungsten in the light of experimental data. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V 340, N 6, pp. 801-804.
  17. Ivanov I.P. Hydrolysis reaction CO-solubility of minerals in the K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system with T=200-450oC at P=1 kbar and modelling of mineral zoning in hydrothermal alumosilicates. // Experiment in Geossciences, 1995. V.4, N.2, pp.1-15.
  18. Kalinichev A.G., Bass J.D. Computer simulations of supercritical water over a wide range of densities. // In: Physical Chemistry of Aqueous Systems. Proc. 12th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam. Ed. by H.J.White Jr., J.V.Sengers, D.B.Neumann, J.C.Bellows. Begell House, New York, 1995, pp. 245-252.
  19. Kalinichev F.G., Heinzinger K. Molecular dynamics of supercritical water: A computer simulation of vibrational spectra with the flexible BJH potential. // Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1995, V.59, pp. 641-650.
  20. Kanazirsky M., Zaraisky G.P., Queralt I., Plana F. Experimental modeling of advanced argillic alteration of hosted rocks at cupper porphyry deposit Asarel (Bulgaria). // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995, V.4, N.4, pp. 16-19.
  21. Korzhinskaya V.S., Zaraiskii G.P. Experimental study of the sheelite-ferberite equilibrium in the chloride fluid at T=300-600oC, P=1 kbar. Doklady RAS, 1997, V 353, N.5.
  22. Korzhinskaya V.S., Zaraisky G.P. Calcium-to-iron ratio in a chloride fluid in equilibrium with scheelite-ferberite association at T=300-600oC, P=1 kbar. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995, V.4, N.4, pp. 46-47.
  23. Korzhinsky M.A. The behavior of components in complex fluid mixtures under high T-P conditions. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 163-192.
  24. Korzhinsky M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Shmulovich K. I., Steinberg G.S. Native Al and Si Formation. // Nature, 1995. V. 375, No. 6532, pp. 544.
  25. Koshemchuk S.K., Magomedov M.A., Alyokhin Yu.V., Lakshtanov L.Z. Partition processes at the stationary two-phase filtration in the systems gas-water. // Geochemistry, 1995, V 3, pp. 441-455.
  26. Kotelnikov A.R. and Chernysheva I.V. Excess free energies of mixing of Sr,Ba- bearing feldspar solid solutions (experimental data). // Mineralogical Mag., 1995. V. 59. pp.79-91.
  27. Kotelnikov A.R., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Zyryanov B.N. Study on the stability of matrices for the fixation of RAW to the leaching of natural and synthetic minerals. // Abstracts of the XIII th Russian conference on the experimental mineralogy. (12-15 September, 1995), Chernogolovka, p. 258.
  28. Kotelnikov A.R., Bychkov A.M., Zyryanov V.N., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Gavlina O.T. Phase transformation of zeolite into feldspar - a way for producing alumosilicate matrices for binding radionuclides. // Geochemistry, 1995, N.10, pp. 1527-1532.
  29. Kovalenko V.I., Epelbaum M.B., Tsareva G.M. Experimental data on the melting of spodumene granite in


    the presence of water. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.350, N. 6, pp. 1-4.

  30. Kroll H., Kotelnikov A.R., Goettlicher J., Valyashko E.V. (K,Sr) - feldspar solid solutions: the volume behavior of heterovalent feldspars. // Eur. J. Mineral., 1995. V. 7. pp.489-499.
  31. Marakushev A.A. Character of natural mineral formation. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V 341, N 6, pp.807-812.
  32. Marakushev A.A. Geological position, geochemistry, and thermodynamics of diamond-bearing impactogenesis. // Vestnik of MSU, Ser.4, Geology, 1995, N.1, pp.3-27.
  33. Marakushev A.A. Origin of platinum metals deposits and their experimental modeling. // Russian platinum. V II. B.1, Moscow: Geoinformmark, 1995, pp.49-63.
  34. Marakushev A.A., Mitreikina O.B., Zinov'eva N.G., Granovskii L.B. Diamond-bearing meteorites and their genesis. // Petrology, 1995, N.5, pp. 3-21.
  35. Marakushev A.A., Mitreikina O.B., Zinov'eva N.G., Granovskii L.B. Origin of diamonds in meteorites. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.341, N.1, pp. 106-110.
  36. Marakushev A.A., Pertsev N.N., Zotov I.A., Paneyakh N.A., Cherenkova A.F. Some petrologic aspects of diamond genesis. // Geology of ore deposits, 1995, V. 37, N.2, pp.105-121.
  37. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. An experimental investigation of chondrite formation. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995. V.3, N.4, pp. 1-10.
  38. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Behavior of molybdenum, lead, and zinc in the processes of fluoride salt extraction. // Doklady RAS, 1996, V.351, N.5, pp.670-672.
  39. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B. Experimental study of phase distribution of platinum and palladium at the iron-sulfide-silicate layering of melts. // Doklady RAS, 1996, V.346, N.2, pp.234-236.
  40. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B., Zinov'eva N.G., Mitreikina O.B. Experimental study of the processes of chondrites formation. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.345, N 6, pp. 797-801.
  41. Marakushev A.A., Shapovalov Yu.B., Zinov'eva N.G., Mitreikina O.V. Experimental study of iron-sulfide-silicate melt immiscibility in the context of chondrite genesis. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995. V.4, N.3. pp.1-5.
  42. Mintz M.B., Fonarev V.I., Konilov A.N. Paleogeodynamic reconstructions of the conditions of Lapland granulites metamorphism, north-east of the Baltic shield. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.343, N.3, pp. 367-372.
  43. Naldrett A.J., V.A. Fedorenko, P.C. Lightfoot, N.S. Gorbachev e.a. Ni-Cu-PGE deposits of the Noril'sk region, Siberia, their formation in conduits for flood basalt volcanism., // Econ. Geol. in Europe and Beyond II BGS, London. 1995. pp. 18-36.
  44. Nekrasov I.Ya., Lunin S.E., Osadchii E.G. Peculiarities of silver sulfoselenides of the Sprut deposit (Kamchatka). // Doklady RAS, 1995, V 345, N 6, pp.783-785.
  45. Novikov G.V., Sipavina, S.S. Hafner. Low temperature magnetic transitions in chain germanates. // Solid State Communications, 1995. V. 95, N.6. pp. 405-408.
  46. Redkin A.F., Hemley J.J., Dougthen M.W. and Cygan G.L. The ion-exchange capacity and Cs, Sr leachability of natural clinoptilolites at 200-300 C and Psat. // Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation Berlin, 1995, Vol.1, pp.831-836.
  47. Redkin A.F., Hemley J.J. Investigation of radionuclide sorption by zeolite-bearing mineral assemblages at elevated temperatures and water pressures. Open-File Report of U.S. Department of the interior of geological survey and Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996, 37p.
  48. Plusnina L.P., Likhoidov G.G., Zaraiskii G.P., Afanas'eva T.B. Granite-dunite interaction and gold solubility in water-chloride solutions at 400-500oC, P=1 kbar. // Petrology, 1995, V.3, N. 2, pp. 216-223.
  49. Redkin A.F., Hemley J.J. Investigation of radionuclide sorption by zeolite-bearing mineral assemblages at elevated temperatures and water pressures. Open-File Report of U.S. Department of the interior of geological survey and Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996, 37p.
  50. Redkin A.F., Hemley J.J., Dougthen M.W. and Cygan G.L. The ion-exchange capacity and Cs, Sr leachability of natural clinoptilolites at 200-300oC and Psat. // Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation Berlin, 1995, Vol.1, pp.831-836.
  51. Reed S.J.B, Romanenko I.M. Electron Probe Microanalysis. // Advanced Mineralogy v.2. Methods and Istruments. Ed. Marfunin A.S.: Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg. 1995. V.2, 442p.
  52. Salova T.P., Epelbaum M.B., Stolyarova T.A., Zavel'sky V.O. Relationship between molecular water and hydroxyl groups in rhyolitic and quartz glasses // Chemie der Erde. 1996. V. 56. pp.383-386.
  53. Salova T.P., Epelbaum M.B., Stolyarova T.A., Zavelsky V.O. A calorimetric study of hydrous rhyolite glasses // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995. V.4, N.3, pp. 15-19.
  54. Salova T.P., Stolyarova T.A., Epelbaum M.B., Zavel'skii V.O. Calorimetric study of the water-bearing quartz glass and zeolite. // Geochemistry, 1997, N.1, pp. 69-73.
  55. Serghiou G., Zerr A., Chudinovskikh L., Boehler R. The coesite-stishovite transition in a laser-heated diamond cell. // Geophys. Res. Lett., 1995. V.22, N4, pp.441-444,
  56. Shmonov V.M., Vitovtova V.M., Zarubina I.V. Permeability of rocks at elevated pressure and temperature. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D. Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp.285-311.
  57. Shmulovich K.I., Sorokin V.I., Zaraisky G.P. Hydrothermal experimental techniques used at the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy Russian Ac. of Sci. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 43-56 .


  1. Shmulovich K.I., Tkachenko S.I., Plyasunova N.V. Phase equilibria in fluid systems at high pressures and temperatures. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 193-214.
  2. Simakin A.G., Chevychelov V.Yu. Experimental study of Fsp crystallization from the granite melt with different water content. // Geochemistry, 1995, V.2, pp.216-238.
  3. Simakin A.G., Epelbaum M.B. Regime of volatile components in the processes of melting of water-containing rocks at the contact with basite melt. // Petrology, 1995, V.3, N.4, pp.340-350.
  4. Simakin A.G., Trubitsin V.P. Evolution of the structure of cooling magmatic chamber. // Physics of Earth, 1995, N 2, pp. 40-52.
  5. Sorokin V.I., Dadze T.P. Solubility and complex formation in the system Hg-H2O, S-H2O, SiO2-H2O and SuO2-H2O. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 57-94.
  6. Sorokin V.I., Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A. Sulphide-sulphate Relations on Ore Deposition. // Proc. of the 8th Intern. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction. Vladivostok, 1995. pp. 833-835.
  7. Sorokin V.I., Orlov P.Yu, Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A. Study of the system S-H2O by the method of Raman spectroscopy at 200-365oC. // Doklady RAS, 1995, V.341, N.1, pp. 72-74.
  8. Sorokin V.I., Orlov R.Yu., Dadze T.P., Kashirtseva G.A. Study of gas and fluid phases of the S-H2O system by Raman spectroscopy method at 200-350oC. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1996. V. 4. No. 4. pp.4-5.
  9. Suvorova V.A., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R., and Tikhomirova V.I. Study of possible combining radioactive iodine by ceramic matrices based on NaX zeolite. // Experiment in Geoscience, 1996. V.5, No.2, pp.50-52.
  10. Suvorova V.A., Akhmedzhanova G.M., Zyryanov V.N. and Kotelnikov A.R. Synthesis and properties of iodine-fixing ceramic matrices based on Cu-substituted zeolites. // Experiment in Geosciences, 1996. V.5, N.2, pp.49-50.
  11. Suvorova V.A., Dubinina E.O. Determination of isotope composition of oxygen in small amounts of water. // Geochemistry, 1995, N.10, pp. 14-15.
  12. Taran Y.A., Hedenquest J.W., Korzhinsky M.A., Tkachenko S.I., Shmulovich K.I. Geochemistry of magmatic gases from Kudriavy volcano, Iturup, Kuril Island. // Ceoch. et Cosm. Acta, 1995. V. 59. No. 9. pp. 1749-1761.
  13. Tkachev S.N., Bass J.D., Kalinichev J.D. Viscoelastic properties of liquid water up to 12 kbar by Brillouin spectroscopy. // EOS, Trans.Amer.Geophys.Uinon, 1995, V. 76, P. 545.
  14. Trukhin V.I., Nekrasov A.N., Konilov A.N., Zhilyaeva V.A., Safroshkin V.Yu. Magnetism and phase composition of the hemoilmenites synthesized in hydrothermal conditions. // Physics of Earth, 1995, N.11.
  15. Yardley B.W.D., Shmulovich K.I., An introduction to crustal fluids. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. Ð. 1-12.
  16. Zakirov I.V., Sretenskaya N.G., Chistyakov V.V. Theoretical and experimental study of molecular clasterization processes at the singl-component gase substances.// Experimental and theoretical modelling of the mineral formation processes. Moscow, "Nauka" Pubbl. (in press).
  17. Zaraisky G.P. Greizen metasomatic zoning at W-Mo deposit Akchatau, Central Kazakhstan. // Mineral Deposits: from Their Origin to Their Environmental Impacts. Balcema. Rotterdam, 1995, pp.551-554
  18. Zaraisky G.P. The influence of acidic fluoride and chloride solutions on the geological behaviour of Al, Si and W. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 139-162.
  19. Zaraisky G.P., Balashov V.N. Thermal decompaction of rocks. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 253-284.
  20. Zaraisky G.P., Stoyanovskaya F.M. Experimental modeling of gain and loss of rare metals (W, Mo, Sn) during of greisenization and alkalic metasomatism. - Experiment in Geosciences, 1995, V.4, N.4, pp. 19-21.
  21. Zharikov V.A. Fluids in Geological processes. // Fluids in the Crust. Eds. K.I.Shmulovich, B.W.D.Yardley, G.G.Gonchar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. pp. 13-42.
  22. Zharikov V.A., Khodorevskaja L.I. Melting of amphibolites and genesis of tonalite-trondhjemite magmatic suites (from experimental data). // Experiment in Geosciences, 1995. V.4, N.2, pp. 18-23.


Doctor theses

  1. Balashov V.N. Diffusion mass transfer in the hydrothermal systems. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1992.
  2. Bezmen N.I. Liquid differentiation of fluid melts and magmatic mineralization. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1992.
  3. Ezhov S.V. Geological conditions of the mineralization location and genesis of scarn-polymetallic deposits of the Altyn-Topkaiskii ore region (North Tadzhikistan). Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1996.
  4. Gorbachev N.S. Fluid-magmatic interaction in the sulfide-silicate systems. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1992.
  5. Kotelnikov A.R. Isomorphism in the framework alumosilicates. Synopsis of thesis., Chernogolovka, 1995.
  6. Osadchii Eu.G. Sulfide-tin systems. Experimental study. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1993.
  7. Sorokin V.I. Physico-chemical conditions of the formation of antimony-mercury rock association. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1991.

Candidate theses

  1. Bindsman I.P. Petrological and experimental models of the mixing of contrast silicate melts. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1991.
  2. Bogolepov M.V. Experimental study of model systems in relation to the problem of granitization. Abstract of the candidate thesis. Chernogolovka, 1993, 16 p.
  3. Dubinina E.O. Behavior of stable isotopes at rare metal ore formation at the Akhchatau deposit. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1993.
  4. Koshemchuk S.K. Experimental and theoretical investigation on phase partition upon filtration. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1993.
  5. Lunin S.E. Experimental investigation on the conditions of silver selenides and sulfurselenides formation. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1992.
  6. Martynov K.V. Equilibria of the rock forming carbonates under hydrothermal conditions. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1991.
  7. Migdisov A.A. Experimental study on the stability of hydrogen polysufides in the heterophase fluid systems at the parameters of low- and medium temperature hydrothermal processes. Synopsis of thesis, Moscow, 1995.
  8. Plyasunova N.V. Experimental study on the phase equilibria in the systems H2O-CO2-NaCl and H2O-CO2-CaCl2 at 500-700oC and pressures to 5 kbar. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1993.
  9. Podladchikov Yu.Yu. Convective heat-mass exchange at the melting and transport of magmas. Synopsis of thesis, Vladivostok, 1991.
  10. Suk N.I. Experimental study on the feldspathoid melts in connection with the genesis of apatite deposits of Khibiny type. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1991
  11. Van K.V. Qualitative local X-ray spectral analysis of individual particles and phases of 1-5 mn in size. Synopsis of thesis, Chernogolovka, 1991.

Author's certificates and patents

  1. Akhmedzhanova G.M., Bychkova A.M., Gavlina O.T., Zyryanov V.N., Kotelnikov A.R. The method of fixation to the solid medium of radioactive isotopes of alkaline and alkaline-earth metals. Patent RF n 2038637. (Priority of 29 July, 1992).
  2. Balitsky V.S., Sorokina S.L. The method of producing quartz crystals. Author's certificate N 176199 of 22 January, 1992.
  3. Balitsky V.S., Zhizheiko I.A. The method of corundum coloration. Patent RF N 2036984 of 9 July 1995 (Priority of 14 May,1991).
  4. Certificate of the trademark of IEM RAS N 113714 of 6 September, 1993.
  5. Epel'baum M.B., Chekhmir A.S., Zyryanov V.N., Kotel'nikov A.R. The method of disposal of radioactive wastes in the rocks. Patent RF N 2064696 of 27 July, 1996. (Priority of 24 June, 1993).
  6. Epel'baum M.B. The method of producing glass ceramics from quartz glass. Patent RF N 909914 of 10 January, 1994.
  7. Epel'baum M.B., Salova T.P., Ovcharenko E.G. The method of producing swollen perlite. Patent RF N 1145002 of 10 January, 1994. (Priority of 15 November, 1984).
  8. Shmulovich K.I., Mischenchuk O.A. The method of producing articles with hermetic electroisolation. Patent RF N 1781709 of 15 December, 1994. (Priority of 18 June, 1991).
  9. Tikhomirova V.I., Styrkas A.D. The method of noble metals concentration. Author's certificate N 1598459.
  10. Zhdanov I.I., Osadchii Eu.G., Beloborodov S.M. Apparatus for the investigation of thermal waters in drill holes. Patent RF N 1681643 of 10 January, 1994. (Priority of 1 June,1991).


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