Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 74, Issue 1-2, November 1996

   * Origin of the Joya Honda maar, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
     Aranda-Gomez, J.J. and Luhr, J.F.
     page 1-18
   * Thermal effects of magma degassing
     Sahagian, D.L. and Proussevitch, A.A.
     page 19-38
   * A model for the opening of ephemeral vents in a stationary lava flow
     Dragoni, M. and Tallarico, A.
     page 39-47
   * Sulfur, chlorine and fluorine degassing and atmospheric loading by the
     Roza eruption, Columbia River Basalt Group, Washington, USA
     Thordarson, Th. and Self, S.
     page 49-73
   * Pre-eruptive volatile content and degassing history of an evolving
     peralkaline volcano
     Barclay, J., Carroll, M.R., Houghton, B.F. and Wilson, C.J.N.
     page 75-87
   * In situ chemical fractionation in thin basaltic lava flows: examples
     from the Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand, and a general physical
     Rogan, W., Blake, S. and Smith, I.
     page 89-99
   * Statistical analysis of New Zealand volcanic occurrence data
     Bebbington, M.S. and Lai, C.D.
     page 101-110
   * A Miocene basanite peperitic dyke at Stanley, northwestern Tasmania,
     Goto, Y. and McPhie, J.
     page 111-120
   * Source strength assessment of volcanic trace elements emitted from the
     Indonesian arc
     Eun-Yun, N., Le Cloarec, M., Ardouin, B. and Tjetjep, W.S.
     page 121-129
   * Scaling effects on vesicle shape, size and heterogeneity of lavas from
     Mount Etna
     Gaonac'h, H., Stix, J. and Lovejoy, S.
     page 131-153