Tables of Contents service for
Volume 70, Issue 1-2, January 1996
- The geochemistry of ashes from Vesterisbanken Seamount, Greenland Basin: implications for the evolution of an alkaline volcano
Haase, K.M., Hartmann, M. and Wallrabe-Adams, H.-J.
page 1-19
- The internal structure of lava flows--insights from AMS measurements I: Near-vent a'a
Canon-Tapia, E., Walker, G.P.L. and Herrero-Bervera, E.
page 21-36
- Magma dynamics beneath Kameni volcano, Thera, Greece, as revealed by crystal size and shape measurements
Higgins, M.D.
page 37-48
- The caldera-forming eruption of Ksudach volcano about cal. A.D. 240: the greatest explosive event of our era in Kamchatka, Russia
Braitseva, O.A., Melekestsev, I.V., Ponomareva, V.V. and Kirianov, V.Yu.
page 49-65
- On the self-organized critical state of Vesuvio volcano
Luongo, G., Mazzarella, A. and Palumbo, A.
page 67-73
- Computer-assisted image analysis on clast shape fabric from the Orvieto-Bagnoregio ignimbrite (Vulsini District, central Italy): implications on the emplacement mechanisms
Capaccioni, B. and Sarocchi, D.
page 75-90
- A subaqueous welded tuff from the Ordovician of County Waterford, Ireland
Fritz, W.J. and Stillman, C.J.
page 91-106
- The Kizilkaya ignimbrite -- an unusual low-aspect-ratio ignimbrite from Cappadocia, central Turkey
Schumacher, R. and Mues-Schumacher, U.
page 107-121
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