Tables of Contents service for
Volume 66, Issue 1-4, July 1995
- Introduction to the Harry Glicken memorial special issue on _Models of magmatic processes and volcanic eruptions_
Ida, Y. and Voight, B.
page ix-xvi
- Universal viscosity-equation for silicate melts over wide temperature and pressure ranges
Taniguchi, H.
page 1-8
- A kinematic subduction model for the genesis of back-arc low-K volcanoes at a two-overlapping subduction zone, central Japan: another volcanic front originated from the Philippine Sea plate subduction
Kaneko, T.
page 9-26
- Molten core model for Hawaiian rift zones
Johnson, D.J.
page 27-35
- Mechanical modeling of circumferential and radial dike intrusion on Galapagos volcanoes
Chadwick, W.W. Jr. and Dieterich, J.H.
page 37-52
- Magma chamber and eruptive processes at Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan: buoyancy control of magma migration
Ida, Y.
page 53-67
- Fractal structure of heterogeneous ejecta from the Me-akan volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan: implications for mixing mechanism in a volcanic conduit
Wada, K.
page 69-79
- Residence time and crystallization history of nickeliferous olivine phenocrysts from the northern Yatsugatake volcanoes, Central Japan: Application of a growth and diffusion model in the system Mg-Fe-Ni
Nakamura, M.
page 81-100
- Textural difference between pahoehoe and aa lavas of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan -- an experimental study on population density of plagioclase
Sato, H.
page 101-113
- Inclusions in Mount St. Helens dacite erupted from 1980 through 1983
Heliker, C.
page 115-135
- Ash eruption of the Naka-dake crater, Aso volcano, southwestern Japan
Ono, K., Watanabe, K., Hoshizumi, H. and Ikebe, S.
page 137-148
- Volcanic ash in ancient Maya ceramics of the limestone lowlands: implications for prehistoric volcanic activity in the Guatemala highlands
Ford, A. and Rose, W.I.
page 149-162
- The Uwekahuna Ash Member of the Puna Basalt: product of violent phreatomagmatic eruptions at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, between 2800 and 2100 14C years ago
Dzurisin, D., Lockwood, J.P., Casadevall, T.J. and Rubin, M.
page 163-184
- The intensity and magnitude of Holocene plinian eruptions from Mount St. Helens volcano
Carey, S., Gardner, J. and Sigurdsson, H.
page 185-202
- Blast ashfall deposit of May 18, 1980 at Mount St. Helens, Washington
Sisson, T.W.
page 203-216
- A model for the mechanism of the May 18, 1980 Mount St. Helens blast
Alidibirov, M.A.
page 217-225
- Multiple-pulsed debris avalanche emplacement at Mount St. Helens in 1980: Evidence from numerical continuum flow simulations
Sousa, J. and Voight, B.
page 227-250
- Estimation of risk probability for gravity-driven pyroclastic flows at Volcan Colima, Mexico
Sheridan, M.F. and Macias, J.L.
page 251-256
- Decoupling of pyroclastic currents: hazards assessments
Fisher, R.V.
page 257-263
- Travel of pyroclastic flows as transient waves: implications for the energy line concept and particle-concentration assessment
Walker, G.P.L., Hayashi, J.N. and Self, S.
page 265-282
- Flow characteristics of large eruption-triggered debris flows at snow-clad volcanoes: constraints for debris-flow models
Pierson, T.C.
page 283-294
- Can magma-injection and groundwater forces cause massive landslides on Hawaiian volcanoes?
Iverson, R.M.
page 295-308
- The Socompa collapse and avalanche event
Wadge, G., Francis, P.W. and Ramirez, C.F.
page 309-336
- Edifice collapse and related hazards in Guatemala
Vallance, J.W., Siebert, L., Rose, W.I. Jr., Giron, J.R. and Banks, N.G.
page 337-355
- The Shiveluch volcanic eruption of 12 November 1964--explosive eruption provoked by failure of the edifice
Belousov, A.B.
page 357-365
- The 1883 and late-prehistoric eruptions of Augustine volcano, Alaska
Siebert, L., Beget, J.E. and Glicken, H.
page 367-395
- Quaternary eruptive history and hazard-zone model at Nevado del Tolima and Cerro Machin Volcanoes, Colombia
Thouret, J.C., Cantagrel, J-M., Robin, C., Murcia, A., Salinas, R. and Cepeda, H.
page 397-426
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