Tables of Contents service for
Volume 67, Issue 4, September 1995
- Delayed deposition of plinian pumice during phreatoplinian volcanism: the 1800-yr-B.P. Taupo eruption, New Zealand
Smith, R.T. and Houghton, B.F.
page 221-226
- Bubble migration and the initiation of volcanic eruptions
Pyle, D.M. and Pyle, D.L.
page 227-232
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge volcanism from deep-towed side-scan sonar images, 25_-29_N
Smith, D.K., Cann, J.R., Dougherty, M.E., Lin, J., Spencer, S., Macleod, C., Keeton, J., McAllister, E., Brooks, B., Pascoe, R. and Robertson, W.
page 233-262
- Eruptive mechanisms of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff interpreted from stratigraphic, chemical, and granulometric data
Wohletz, K., Orsi, G. and de Vita, S.
page 263-290
- Step-filling and development of a three-layer magma chamber: the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff case history
Orsi, G., Civetta, L., D'Antonio, M., Di Girolamo, P. and Piochi, M.
page 291-312
- Hydrogeochemistry of the Campania region in southern Italy
Duchi, V., Minissale, A., Vaselli, O. and Ancillotti, M.
page 313-328
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