Tables of Contents service for
Volume 64, Issue 1-2, February 1995
- Infrastructure and mechanics of volcanic systems in Iceland
Gudmundsson, A.
page 1-22
- Inner structure of the Krakatau volcanic complex (Indonesia) from gravity and bathymetry data
Deplus, C., Bonvalot, S., Dahrin, D., Diament, M., Harjono, H. and Dubois, J.
page 23-52
- Effects of planetary thermal structure on the ascent and cooling of magma on Venus
Sakimoto, S.E.H. and Zuber, M.T.
page 53-60
- Geochemistry of Quaternary basaltic lavas in the Norikura area, central Japan: Influence of the subcontinental upper mantle on the trace elements and Sr isotope compositions
Kaneko, T.
page 61-82
- Secular variations of carbon and helium isotopes at Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan
Sano, Y., Gamo, T., Notsu, K. and Wakita, H.
page 83-94
- Geochemical and isotopic monitoring of Mt. Etna 1989-1993 eruptive activity: bearing on the shallow feeding system
Tonarini, S., Armienti, P., D'Orazio, M., Innocenti, F., Pompilio, M. and Petrini, R.
page 95-115
- Helium isotopic ratio in Vulcano island fumaroles: temporal variations in shallow level mixing and deep magmatic supply
Tedesco, D., Miele, G., Sano, Y. and Toutain, J.P.
page 117-128
- Single pyroclastic beds deposited by simultaneous fallout and surge processes: Roccamonfina volcano, Italy
Valentine, G.A. and Giannetti, B.
page 129-137
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