Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1999,.V 88, N 3, 25 Feb.
Barbara Malengreau, Jean-François Lénat, Jean-Luc Froger, Structure of
Réunion Island (Indian Ocean) inferred from the interpretation of gravity
pp. 131-146
S. Falsaperla, G. Lanzafame, V. Longo, S. Spampinato, Regional stress field
in the area of Stromboli (Italy): insights into structural data and crustal
tectonic earthquakes,
pp. 147-166
Giorgio Capasso, Rocco Favara, Salvatore Francofonte, Salvatore
Inguaggiato, Chemical and isotopic variations in fumarolic discharge and
thermal waters at Vulcano Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy) during 1996:
evidence of resumed volcanic activity,
pp. 167-175
E. Ancochea, M.J. Huertas, J.M. Cantagrel, J. Coello, J.M. Fúster, N.
Arnaud, E. Ibarrola, Evolution of the Cañadas edifice and its implications
for the origin of the Cañadas Caldera (Tenerife, Canary Islands),
pp. 177-199
Youxue Zhang, Exsolution enthalpy of water from silicate liquids,
pp. 201-207