Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2000, V 96, N 3-4, 1 March.

Tracy K.P. Gregg, Jonathan H. Fink, A laboratory investigation into the
effects of slope on lava flow morphology, 
pp. 145-159

Katsuya Kaneko, Takehiro Koyaguchi, Simultaneous crystallization and
melting at both the roof and floor of crustal magma chambers: Experimental
study using NH4Cl--H2O binary eutectic system, 
pp. 161-174

Philip E. Wannamaker, Jeffrey B. Hulen, Matthew T. Heizler, Early Miocene
lamproite from the Colorado Plateau tectonic province, Southeastern Utah,
pp. 175-190

C. Martel, J.-L. Bourdier, M. Pichavant, H. Traineau, Textures, water
content and degassing of silicic andesites from recent plinian and
dome-forming eruptions at Mount Pelée volcano (Martinique, Lesser Antilles
pp. 191-206

A.I. Gevrek, Water/rock interaction in the Kizilcahamam Geothermal Field,
Galatian Volcanic Province (Turkey): a modelling study of a geothermal
system for reinjection well locations, 
pp. 207-213

Mehmet {S¸}ener, Ali Ihsan Gevrek, Distribution and significance of
hydrothermal alteration minerals in the Tuzla hydrothermal system,
Çanakkale, Turkey, 
pp. 215-228

H. Guillou, J. Sinton, C. Laj, C. Kissel, N. Szeremeta, New K--Ar ages of
shield lavas from Waianae Volcano, Oahu, Hawaiian Archipelago, 
pp. 229-242

Bernardino Giannetti, Giancarlo De Casa, Stratigraphy, chronology, and
sedimentology of ignimbrites from the white trachytic tuff, Roccamonfina
Volcano, Italy, 
pp. 243-295