Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2005, V 139, N 3-4, 15 Jan.

 Diffuse CO2 efflux from Iwojima volcano, Izu-Ogasawara arc, Japan  • 
 K. Notsu, K. Sugiyama, M. Hosoe, A. Uemura, Y. Shimoike, 
 F. Tsunomori, H.  Sumino, J. Yamamoto, T. Mori and P.A. Hernandez
 Pages 147-161 

 Eruptive history of Fisher Caldera, Alaska, USA  • 
 Pete Stelling, James E. Gardner and James Beget
 Pages 163-183 

 Origin of rhyolite by crustal melting and the nature
 of parental magmas in the Oligocene Conejos 
 Formation, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA  • 
 D.F. Parker, A. Ghosh, C.W. Price, B.D. Rinard, 
 R.L. Cullers and M. Ren
 Pages 185-210 

 Stable and radiogenic isotopes as tracers for 
 the origin, mixing and subsurface history of 
 fluids in submarine shallow-water hydrothermal systems  • 
 Thomas Pichler
 Pages 211-226 

 Net gravity decrease at Askja volcano, Iceland: 
 constraints on processes responsible for continuous
 caldera deflation, 1988–2003  • 
 Elske de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, Hazel Rymer, 
 Freysteinn Sigmundsson and Erik Sturkell
 Pages 227-239 

 Classification and idealized limit-equilibrium 
 analyses of dome collapses at Soufriere Hills 
 volcano, Montserrat, during growth of the first 
 lava dome: November 1995–March 1998  • 
 John Simmons, Derek Elsworth and Barry Voight
 Pages 241-258 

 Monitoring and mapping of hydrogen sulphide 
 emissions across an active geothermal field: 
 Rotorua, New Zealand  • 
 C.J. Horwell, J.E. Patterson, J.A. Gamble 
 and A.G. Allen
 Pages 259-269 

 The occurrence and origin of prominent massive, 
 pumice-rich ignimbrite lobes within the Late 
 Pleistocene Abrigo Ignimbrite, Tenerife, Canary Islands  • 
 A. Pittari, R.A.F. Cas and J. Marti
 Pages 271-293 

 Magma mingling in the 50 ka Rotoiti eruption from
 Okataina Volcanic Centre: implications for 
 geochemical diversity and chronology of 
 large volume rhyolites  • 
 Phil Shane, Ian A. Nairn and Victoria C. Smith
 Pages 295-313 

 Neotectonics and the Kos Plateau Tuff eruption of 
 161 ka, South Aegean arc  • 
 Georgia Pe-Piper, David J.W. Piper and 
 Constantine Perissoratis
 Pages 315-338 

 Petrologic monitoring of glasses in the 
 pyroclastites erupted in February 2004 by the 
 Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Southern 
 Rosa Anna Corsaro, Lucia Miraglia and Vittorio Zanon
 Pages 339-343 

 Contents Volume 139 (2005)  • 
 Pages 345-346