Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 2003, V 126, N 3-4, 20 August.

 Impact of the AD 79 explosive eruption on Pompeii, II. Causes of death of the
 inhabitants inferred by stratigraphic analysis and areal distribution of the human
 Giuseppe Luongo, Annamaria Perrotta, Claudio Scarpati, Ernesto De Carolis,
 Giovanni Patricelli and Annamaria Ciarallo
 Pages 169-200 

 Impact of the AD 79 explosive eruption on Pompeii, I. Relations amongst the
 depositional mechanisms of the pyroclastic products, the framework of the
 buildings and the associated destructive events, 
 Giuseppe Luongo, Annamaria Perrotta and Claudio Scarpati
 Pages 201-223 

 Water geochemistry of the Seferihisar geothermal area, zmir, Turkey, 
 Gultekin Tarcan and Unsal Gemici
 Pages 225-242 

 Deep hydrothermal circulation in a granite intrusion beneath Larderello geothermal
 area (Italy): constraints from mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes,  
 A. J. Boyce, P. Fulignati and A. Sbrana
 Pages 243-262

 Phenocryst fragments in rhyolitic lavas and lava domes, 
 S. R. Allen and J. McPhie
 Pages 263-283 

 Mass and heat flux of volcanic gas discharging from the summit crater of
 Iwodake volcano, Satsuma-Iwojima, Japan, during 1996–1999, 
 Nobuo Matsushima, Kohei Kazahaya, Genji Saito and Hiroshi Shinohara
 Pages 285-301 

 Eocene melting of Precambrian lithospheric mantle: Analcime-bearing volcanic
 rocks from the Challis–Kamloops belt of south central British Columbia, 
 J. Dostal, K. Breitsprecher, B. N. Church, D. Thorkelson and T. S. Hamilton
 Pages 303-326 

 Changes in gas composition prior to a minor explosive eruption at Masaya volcano,
 Hayley J. Duffell, Clive Oppenheimer, David M. Pyle, Bo Galle,
 Andrew J. S. McGonigle and Mike R. Burton
 Pages 327-339

 Phreatomagmatic ash from the ongoing eruption of Etna reaching the Greek
 island of Cefalonia,
 Pierfrancesco Dellino and Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos
 Pages 341-345 

 Pages 347-348 

 Editorial Board, 
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