Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1998, V 85, N 1-4, 26 October.
M. Tekin Yürür, Jean Chorowicz, Recent volcanism, tectonics and plate
kinematics near the junction of the African, Arabian and Anatolian plates
in the eastern Mediterranean,
pp. 1-15
Ö. Adiyaman, J. Chorowicz, O. Köse, Relationships between volcanic patterns
and neotectonics in Eastern Anatolia from analysis of satellite images and
pp. 17-32
D. Dhont, J. Chorowicz, T. Yürür, J.-L. Froger, O. Köse, N. Gündogdu,
Emplacement of volcanic vents and geodynamics of Central Anatolia, Turkey,
pp. 33-54
Vedat Toprak, Vent distribution and its relation to regional tectonics,
Cappadocian Volcanics, Turkey,
pp. 55-67
Erkan Aydar, Early Miocene to Quaternary evolution of volcanism and the
basin formation in western Anatolia: a review,
pp. 69-82
Erkan Aydar, Hasan Bayhan, Alain Gourgaud, Koroglu caldera, mid-west
Anatolia, Turkey: volcanological and magmatological evolution,
pp. 83-98
J.-L. Froger, J.-F. Lénat, J. Chorowicz, J.-L. Le Pennec, J.-L. Bourdier,
O. Köse, O. Zimitoglu, N.M. Gündogdu, A. Gourgaud, Hidden calderas
evidenced by multisource geophysical data; example of Cappadocian Calderas,
Central Anatolia,
pp. 99-128
Erkan Aydar, Alain Gourgaud, The geology of Mount Hasan stratovolcano,
central Anatolia, Turkey,
pp. 129-152
C. Kuzucuoglu, J.-F. Pastre, S. Black, T. Ercan, M. Fontugne, H. Guillou,
C. Hatté, M. Karabiyikoglu, P. Orth, A. Türkecan, Identification and dating
of tephra layers from Quaternary sedimentary sequences of Inner Anatolia,
pp. 153-172
Y. Yilmaz, Y. Güner, F. {S¸}aro{g-}lu, Geology of the quaternary volcanic
centres of the east Anatolia,
pp. 173-210
{S¸}. Altunkaynak, Y. Yilmaz, The Mount Kozak magmatic complex, Western
pp. 211-231
{S¸}.Can Genç, Evolution of the Bayramiç magmatic complex, northwestern
pp. 233-249
Z. Karacik, Y. Yilmaz, Geology of the ignimbrites and the associated
volcano--plutonic complex of the Ezine area, northwestern Anatolia,
pp. 251-264
Ayla Tankut, Yildirim Dilek, Piril Önen, Petrology and geochemistry of the
Neo-Tethyan volcanism as revealed in the Ankara melange, Turkey,
pp. 265-284
Ayla Tankut, Marjorie Wilson, Tadesse Yihunie, Geochemistry and tectonic
setting of Tertiary volcanism in the Güvem area, Anatolia, Turkey,
pp. 285-301
Hüseyin Yalçin, M. Niyazi Gündo{g-}du, Alain Gourgaud, Philippe Vidal, Ali
Uçurum, Geochemical characteristics of Yamada{g-}i volcanics in central
east Anatolia: an example from collision-zone volcanism,
pp. 303-326
Abidin Temel, M.Niyazi Gündo{g-}du, Alain Gourgaud, Petrological and
geochemical characteristics of Cenozoic high-K calc-alkaline volcanism in
Konya, Central Anatolia, Turkey,
pp. 327-354
M. Keskin, J.A. Pearce, J.G. Mitchell, Volcano-stratigraphy and
geochemistry of collision-related volcanism on the Erzurum--Kars Plateau,
northeastern Turkey,
pp. 355-404
Ersen Buket, Abidin Temel, Major-element, trace-element, and Sr--Nd
isotopic geochemistry and genesis of Varto (Mu{s¸}) volcanic rocks, Eastern
pp. 405-421
P. Alici, A. Temel, A. Gourgaud, G. Kieffer, M.N. Gündo{g-}du, Petrology
and geochemistry of potassic rocks in the Gölcük area (Isparta, SW Turkey):
genesis of enriched alkaline magmas,
pp. 423-446
Abidin Temel, M.N. Gündo{g-}du, Alain Gourgaud, Jean-Luc Le Pennec,
Ignimbrites of Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey): petrology and
pp. 447-471
Biltan Kürkçüoglu, Erdal Sen, Erkan Aydar, Alain Gourgaud, Niyazi Gündogdu,
Geochemical approach to magmatic evolution of Mt. Erciyes stratovolcano
Central Anatolia, Turkey,
pp. 473-494
Halim Mutlu, Nilgün Güleç, Hydrogeochemical outline of thermal waters and
geothermometry applications in Anatolia (Turkey),
pp. 495-515
C. Chataigner, J.L. Poidevin, N.O. Arnaud, Turkish occurrences of obsidian
and use by prehistoric peoples in the Near East from 14,000 to 6000 BP,
pp. 517-537