Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2003, V 119, N 1-4, January.

Stratigraphy, petrochemistry and Quaternary depositional record of the Songaksan 
tuff ring, Jeju Island, Korea, 
Y. K. Sohn, J. B. Park, B. K. Khim, K. H. Park and G. W. Koh
Pages 1-20

Flux versus decompression melting at stratovolcanoes in southeastern Guatemala, 
B. I. Cameron, J. A. Walker, M. J. Carr, L. C. Patino, O. Mati'as and M. D. Feigenson
Pages 21-50

Broadband seismic signals associated with the 2000 volcanic unrest of Mount 
Bandai, northeastern Japan, 
Takeshi Nishimura, Sadato Ueki, Teruo Yamawaki, Satoru Tanaka, Hironori Hashino, 
Minemori Sato, Haruhisa Nakamichi and Hiroyuki Hamaguchi
Pages 51-59 

Velocity structure and a seismic model for Nevado del Ruiz Volcano (Colombia), 
John M. London~o and Yasuaki Sudo
Pages 61-87

The sensitivity of a volcanic flow model to digital elevation model accuracy: 
experiments with digitised map contours and interferometric SAR at Ruapehu and 
Taranaki volcanoes, New Zealand,
N. F. Stevens, V. Manville and D. W. Heron
Pages 89-105

Effusion rate estimations during the 1999 summit eruption on Mount Etna, and 
growth of two distinct lava flow fields, 
Sonia Calvari, Marco Neri and Harry Pinkerton
Pages 107-123

Experimental and textural constraints on mafic enclave formation in volcanic 
Michelle L. Coombs, John C. Eichelberger and Malcolm J. Rutherford
Pages 125-144

Effects of regional slope on viscous flows: a preliminary study of lava terrace 
emplacement at submarine volcanic rift zones, 
Wenlu Zhu, Deborah K. Smith and Laurent G. J. Monte'si
Pages 145-159 

Nature, wavefield properties and source mechanism of volcanic tremor: a review, 
Konstantinos I. Konstantinou and Vera Schlindwein
Pages 161-187

Elliptic calderas in the Ethiopian Rift: control of pre-existing structures, 
V. Acocella, T. Korme, F. Salvini and R. Funiciello
Pages 189-203

Heat from radioactive elements in young volcanics by [small gamma, Greek] -ray 
Paolo Chiozzi, Vincenzo Pasquale and Massimo Verdoya
Pages 205-214

Mineral deposits in the Rotokawa geothermal pipelines, New Zealand,
A. G. Reyes, W. J. Trompetter, K. Britten and J. Searle
Pages 215-239

A miniaturised ultraviolet spectrometer for remote sensing of SO2 fluxes:
a new tool for volcano surveillance, Pages 241-254
Bo Galle, Clive Oppenheimer, Andreas Geyer, Andrew J. S. McGonigle, Marie 
Edmonds and Lisa Horrocks

Early mixing and mingling in the evolution of basaltic magmas: evidence from 
phenocryst assemblages, Slamet Volcano, Java, Indonesia, 
O. Reubi, I. A. Nicholls and V. S. Kamenetsky
Pages 255-274

Origin and emplacement of the andesite of Burroughs Mountain, a zoned, large-
volume lava flow at Mount Rainier, Washington, USA, 
Karen R. Stockstill, Thomas A. Vogel and Thomas W. Sisson
Pages 275-296

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Editorial Board, 
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