Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2004, V 129, N 1-3, 15 January 2004.

The role of laboratory experiments in volcanology
Edited by: H.M. Mader, M. Manga, T. Koyaguchi

1. The role of laboratory experiments in volcanology, Heidy M. Mader, Michael Manga and Takehiro Koyaguchi Pages 1-5 2. Bubble growth during decompression of magma: experimental and theoretical investigation, N. G. Lensky, O. Navon and V. Lyakhovsky Pages 7-22 3. Gas evolution in eruptive conduits: combining insights from high temperature and pressure decompression experiments with steady-state flow modeling, Margaret Mangan, Larry Mastin and Thomas Sisson Pages 23-36 4. Dynamics of bubble oscillation and wave propagation in viscoelastic liquids, Mie Ichihara, Hiroshi Ohkunitani, Yoshiaki Ida and Masaharu Kameda Pages 37-60 5. Pressure changes associated with the ascent and bursting of gas slugs in liquid-filled vertical and inclined conduits, M. R. James, S. J. Lane, B. Chouet and J. S. Gilbert Pages 61-82 6. Experimental observations of the effect of crystals and pre-existing bubbles on the dynamics and fragmentation of vesiculating flows, C. C. Mourtada-Bonnefoi and H. M. Mader Pages 83-97 7. A new model for the fracture energy budget of phreatomagmatic explosions, Hannes Raue Pages 99-108 8. Magma fragmentation speed: an experimental determination, O. Spieler, D. B. Dingwell and M. Alidibirov Pages 109-123 9. Predicting yield strengths and effusion rates of lava domes from morphology and underlying topography, Aaron W. Lyman, Elissa Koenig and Jonathan H. Fink Pages 125-138 10. The mechanical properties of solidified polyethylene glycol 600, an analog for lava crust, S. A. Soule and K. V. Cashman Pages 139-153 11. Experimental study on the effects of crustal temperature and composition on assimilation with fractional crystallization at the floor of magma chambers, Katsuya Kaneko and Takehiro Koyaguch Pages 155-172 12. Analog experiments on melting and contamination at the roof and walls of magma chambers, A. M. Leitch Pages 173-197 13. The role of extensional structures on experimental calderas and resurgence, V. Acocella, R. Funiciello, E. Marotta, G. Orsi and S. de Vita Pages 199-217 14. Caldera subsidence in areas of variable topographic relief: results from analogue modeling, Yan Lavallee, John Stix, Ben Kennedy, Mathieu Richer and Marc-Antoine Longpre Pages 219-236