Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2006, V 158, N 1-2, 1 November.
Interaction between volcanoes and their basement
Edited by A. Tibaldi and $KA.M.$AF. Lagmay
Interaction between volcanoes and their basement •
A. Tibaldi and A.M.F Lagmay
Pages 1-5
Volcano–basement interaction in the Eastern
Carpathians: Explaining unusual tectonic
features in the Eastern Transylvanian Basin,
Romania •
Alexandru Szakacs and Csaba Krezsek
Pages 6-20
Tectonic evolution of the central-eastern sector
of Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt and its influence
on the eruptive history of the
Nevado de Toluca volcano (Mexico) •
F. Bellotti, L. Capra, G. Groppelli and G. Norini
Pages 21-36
Phreatomagmatic and phreatic eruptions in
locally extensive settings of Southern Central
Andes: The Tocomar Volcanic Centre
(24o10'S-66o°34'W), Argentina •
I.A. Petrinovic and F. Colombo Pinol
Pages 37-50
Pleistocene mafic volcanoes in the Puna–Cordillera
Oriental boundary, NW-Argentina •
S.R. Guzman, I.A. Petrinovic and J.A. Brod
Pages 51-69
Structural controls of volcanism in transversal
chains: Resheared faults and neotectonics in the
Cordon Caulle–Puyehue area (40.5°S), Southern Andes •
Luis E. Lara, Alain Lavenu, Jose Cembrano and
Carolina Rodriguez
Pages 70-86
Rapid ascent and contamination of magmas through
the thick crust of the CVZ (Andes, Ollague region):
Evidence from a nearly aphyric high-K andesite
with skeletal olivines •
Michele Mattioli, Alberto Renzulli, Michele Menna
and Paul M. Holm
Pages 87-105
Relatively rapid emplacement of dome-forming magma
inferred from strain analyses: The case of the acid
Latian dome complexes (Central Italy) •
C. Cimarelli and D. de Rita
Pages 106-116
Sector collapses and large landslides on Late
Pleistocene–Holocene volcanoes in Kamchatka, Russia •
Vera V. Ponomareva, Ivan V. Melekestsev and
Oleg V. Dirksen
Pages 117-138
Regional stress influence on the opening direction
of crater amphitheaters in Southeast Asian volcanoes •
A.M.F. Lagmay and W. Valdivia
Pages 139-150
Multiple edifice-collapse events in the Eastern
Mexican Volcanic Belt: The role of sloping
substrate and implications for hazard assessment •
Gerardo Carrasco-Nunez, Rodolfo Diaz-Castellon,
Lee Siebert, Bernard Hubbard, Michael F. Sheridan
and Sergio Raul Rodriguez
Pages 151-176
Fracture control on type, morphology and
distribution of parasitic volcanic cones:
An example from Mt. Etna, Italy •
Claudia Corazzato and Alessandro Tibaldi
Pages 177-194
The 2004-2005 Etna eruption: Implications
for flank deformation and structural
behaviour of the volcano •
Marco Neri and Valerio Acocella
Pages 195-206