Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
, 2005, V 148, N 1-2, 15 November.
Structures in the Continental Crust and Geothermal Resources
Edited by Domenico Liotta and Giorgio Ranalli
Domenico Liotta and Giorgio Ranalli
Pages 1-2
Heat flow, heat transfer and lithosphere
rheology in geothermal areas:
Features and examples •
G. Ranalli and L. Rybach
Pages 3-19
Thermo-mechanical evolution and rheology
of the northern sector of the
Tyrrhenian–Apennines system •
Massimo Verdoya, Vincenzo Pasquale
and Paolo Chiozzi
Pages 20-30
Relationship between recent heat flow
and seismic properties: Some notes
from crustal research in Germany •
Ewald Luschen
Pages 31-45
Geofluid evidence from analysis of deep
crustal seismic data (Southern Tuscany, Italy) •
Flavio Accaino, Umberta Tinivella,
Giuliana Rossi and Rinaldo Nicolich
Pages 46-59
Crustal structures in the geothermal
areas of southern Tuscany (Italy):
Insights from the CROP 18 deep seismic
reflection lines •
Andrea Brogi, Antonio Lazzarotto,
Domenico Liotta, Giorgio Ranalli
and CROP18 Working Group
Pages 60-80
Possible seismic signature of the a–b quartz transition
in the lithosphere of Southern Tuscany (Italy) •
Luigi Marini and Adele Manzella
Pages 81-97
Role of mechanical stratigraphy on fracture
development in carbonate reservoirs: Insights
from outcropping shallow water carbonates
in the Umbria–Marche Apennines, Italy •
D. Di Naccio, P. Boncio, S. Cirilli,
F. Casaglia, E. Morettini, G. Lavecchia
and F. Brozzetti
Pages 98-115
Estimating flow heterogeneity in natural
fracture systems •
Robert J. Leckenby, David J. Sanderson
and Lidia Lonergan
Pages 116-129
The geochemistry of fluids from an active
shallow submarine hydrothermal system:
Milos island, Hellenic Volcanic Arc •
E. Valsami-Jones, E. Baltatzis, E.H. Bailey,
A.J. Boyce, J.L. Alexander, A. Magganas,
L. Anderson, S. Waldron and K.V. Ragnarsdottir
Pages 130-151
Stable isotope and noble gas isotope compositions
of inclusion fluids from Larderello geothermal
field (Italy): Constraints to fluid origin
and mixing processes •
LuigiDallai, Gabriella Magro, Eleonora Petrucci
and Giovanni Ruggieri
Pages 152-164
Morpho-structural evolution of the Cordon Caulle
geothermal region, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile:
Insights from gravity and 40Ar / 39Ar dating •
Fabian Sepulveda, Alfredo Lahsen, Sylvain Bonvalot,
Jose Cembrano, Antonia Alvarado and Pablo Letelier
Pages 165-189