Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2001, V 106, N 1-2, 1 April.
H. Downes, M.F. Thirlwall and S.C. Trayhorn
Miocene subduction-related magmatism in southern Sardinia:
Sr-Nd- and oxygen isotopic evidence for mantle source enrichment
M. Wyss, F. Klein, K. Nagamine and S. Wiemer
Anomalously high b-values in the South Flank of Kilauea
volcano, Hawaii: evidence for the distribution of magma below
Kilauea's East rift zone
T. Saito, T. Eguchi, K. Takayama and H. Taniguchi
Hazard predictions for volcanic explosions
K. Yang, P.R.L. Browne, J.F. Huntington and J.L. Walshe
Characterising the hydrothermal alteration of the
Broadlands-Ohaaki geothermal system, New Zealand, using
short-wave infrared spectroscopy
L.M. Prueher and D.K. Rea
Tephrochronology of the Kamchatka-Kurile and Aleutian arcs:
evidence for volcanic episodicity
K.T. Huysken, T.A. Vogel and P.W. Layer
Tephra sequences as indicators of magma evolution: 40Ar/39Ar
ages and geochemistry of tephra sequences in the southwest
Nevada volcanic field
M.J. Genge, M. Balme and A.P. Jones
Salt-bearing fumarole deposits in the summit crater of
Oldoinyo Lengai, Northern Tanzania: interactions between
natrocarbonatite lava and meteoric water
A. Stroujkova and P. Malin
Multiple ruptures for Long Valley microearthquakes: a link to
volcanic tremor?
J.M. Lindsay, S. de Silva, R. Trumbull, R. Emmermann and K. Wemmer
La Pacana caldera, N. Chile: a re-evaluation of the
stratigraphy and volcanology of one of the world's largest
resurgent calderas