Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 2004, V 132, N 1, 15 April.

 Numerical simulation of pyroclastic density currents on
 Campi Flegrei topography: a tool for statistical hazard estimation., 
 Sergio Rossano , Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo and Giuseppe De Natale
 Pages 1-14 

 Heat flow, deep temperatures and extensional structures in the
 Larderello Geothermal Field (Italy): constraints on 
 geothermal fluid flow, 
 S. Bellani , A. Brogi , A. Lazzarotto , D. Liotta and G. Ranalli
 Pages 15-29 

 Porosity and permeability in volcanic rocks: a case study
 on the Serie Tobifera, South Patagonia, Argentina, 
 P. Sruoga , N. Rubinstein and G. Hinterwimmer
 Pages 31-43 

 Non-double-couple microearthquakes at Long Valley caldera, 
 California, provide evidence for hydraulic fracturing, 
 G. R. Foulger , B. R. Julian , D. P. Hill , A. M. Pitt , 
 P. E. Malin and E. Shalev
 Pages 45-71 

 Late Quaternary tephra in the New Ireland Basin, 
 Papua New Guinea, 
 Kersten H. Horz , Tim J. Worthington , Kyaw Winn
 and Peter Stoffers
 Pages 73-95