Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001, V 71, N 4.

Extended Meeting of the RAS Presidium

A Year That Lived Up to Expectations Introductory Speech by Academician Yu. S. Osipov, RAS President p. 329 I. I. Klebanov p. 340 The Work of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000 Report by Academician N. A. PlatĘ, Chief Learned Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences p. 342 Presentations of the Meeting Participants p. 354 On the Report on the Work of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000 p. 367
Science and Society

N. V. Karlov and N. N. Kudryavtsev The Noosphere of Education: Distance Access to Knowledge p. 368
On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Kip. S. Thorne Black Holes and Gravitational Waves p. 375 Yu. Ts. Oganesyan A New Region of Nuclear Stability p. 379 V. K. Shumnyi Gene and Chromosomal Engineering in Plants p. 388

The Main Principle Is “Do No Harm” p. 395
From the Researcher’s Notebook

B. V. Chesnokov The Unified Symmetry of Crystals p. 401
Point of View

E. M. Galimov The Power of Foresight p. 405

N. L. Dobretsov Outstanding Scientist and Patriot On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician V.A. Koptyug p. 409

V. P. Zverev Fundamental Problems of Hydrogeology p. 417
Bygone Times

I. N. Selezneva No Room for Intellectuals in Soviet Russia p. 421 Archival Documents on the Deportation of 1922 p. 424
Reflections on a New Book

A. D. Voskresenskii China—A Close Neighbor. Sovetsko-kitaiskie otnosheniya (Soviet–Chinese Relations), vol. 4, book 1, 1937–1944; book 2, 1945, Ledovskii, A.M., Mirovitskaya, R.A., and Myasnikov, V.S., Comps., Tikhvinskii, S.L., Gen. Ed., Myasnikov, V.S., Ed., Moscow: Pamyatniki istoricheskoi mysli, 2000. p. 431
Book Review

S. I. Lunev A.V. Yurevich and I.V. Tsapenko, Nuzhny li Rossii uchenye? (Does Russia Need Scientists?) Moscow: URSS, 2001. 200 p. p. 437 A. N. Pokrovskii V.P. Obolenskii and V.A. Pospelov, Globalizatsiya mirovoi ekonomiki: problemy i riski rossiiskogo predprinimatel’stva (Globalization of the World Economy: Problems and Risks of Russian Business), Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 216 p. p. 439 V. D. Kamaev L.I. Abalkin, Izbrannye proizvedeniya v 4-kh tomakh (Selected Works in 4 Volumes), Moscow: Ekonomika, 2000 p. 442
Official Section

Awards and Prizes p. 444 Contests for Gold Medals and Prizes Named after Outstanding Scientists to be Held by the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2002 p. 448