Tables of Contents service for
Volume 56, Issue 12, December 1995
- Preface
Shen, Z.-x., Liebenberg, D. and Bansil, A.
page xv-xvi
- On the nature of the order parameter in HTSC and influence of impurities
Abrikosov, A.A.
page 1567-1572
- LDA energy bands, low-energy Hamiltonians, t', t, t? (k), and J?
Andersen, O.K., Liechtenstein, A.I., Jepsen, O. and Paulsen, F.
page 1573-1591
- A battery of smoking guns (for the NFL-interlayer theory of high Tc cuprates)
Anderson, P.W.
page 1593-1596
- Evolution of the single-particle spectral weight with doping
Bulut, N. and Scalapino, D.J.
page 1597-1600
- Reflections on the superconductor-insulator transition
Doniach, S.
page 1601-1603
- Impurity scattering and order parameter symmetry in high-Tc superconductors
Hirschfeld, P.J.
page 1605-1610
- Magnetic properties of high temperature superconductors: A spin liquid approach
Ioffe, L.B. and Millis, A.J.
page 1611-1613
- Spectral functions of correlated electron systems in the local impurity self consistent approximation
Kajueter, H. and Kotliar, G.
page 1615-1617
- Vortices in d-wave superconductors
Kallin, C., Berlinsky, A.J., Franz, M., Soininen, P.I. and Fetter, A.L.
page 1619-1622
- Energy spectrum of high-Tc oxides: Two-gap structure, gaplessness, and implications
Kresin, V.Z., Wolf, S.A., Adrian, S.D., Reeves, M.E. and Ovchinnikov, Y.N.
page 1623-1626
- Evidence for electron decay in photoemission from Sr2CuO2Cl2
Laughlin, R.B.
page 1627-1632
- Energy gap structure in bilayer oxide semiconductors
Lee, P.A. and Kuboki, K.
page 1633-1636
- Pseudogaps in the van Hove Jahn-Teller scenario
Markiewicz, R.S.
page 1637-1639
- Spin gaps in high temperature superconductors
Millis, A.J., Ioffe, L.B. and Monien, H.
page 1641-1643
- Study of ARPES data and d-wave superconductivity using electronic models in two dimensions
Moreo, A., Nazarenko, A., Haas, S., Sandvik, A. and Dagotto, E.
page 1645-1649
- dx"2-y"2 pairing and spin fluctuations in the cuprate superconductors: A progress report
Pines, D. and Monthoux, P.
page 1651-1658
- Continuous evolution of the 2D Hubbard model from an insulator to a metal
Preuss, R., Putz, R., Hanke, W. and Von der Linden, W.
page 1659-1661
- The d-wave resonance valence bond state
Tsunetsugu, H., Troyer, M. and Rice, T.M.
page 1663-1667
- Distinguishing high-Tc theories
Scalapino, D.J.
page 1669-1672
- ARPES: Novel effect in the energy and momentum distributions
Schrieffer, J.R. and Kampf, A.P.
page 1673-1677
- Magnetic behavior of the cuprate superconductors
Sokol, A.
page 1679-1684
- Symmetry of the superconducting state in copper oxides
Varma, C.M.
page 1685-1689
- Two types of charge carriers in the high-Tc cuprates
Ashkenazi, J.
page 1691-1692
- Positron annihilation and positron-electron correlation effects in high-Tc oxides
Barbiellini, B., Puska, M.J., Harju, A. and Nieminen, R.M.
page 1693-1694
- Ginzburg-Landau theory of the Abrikosov lattice in a d-wave superconductor
Berlinsky, A.J., Franz, M., Kallin, C., Soininen, P.I. and Fetter, A.L.
page 1695-1696
- Charge-transfer and the location of superconducting holes in La2-bSrbCuO4
Blackstead, H.A. and Dow, J.D.
page 1697-1698
- A valence-fluctuation mechanism with highly anisotropic s-wave pairing
Brandow, B.H.
page 1699-1700
- Two-protrusion STM on an anisotropic superconductor
Byers, J.M. and Flatte, M.E.
page 1701-1702
- Correlation-induced electron-lattice interaction in the Hubbard model: Its effects on the spectral distribution
Chen, C.
page 1703-1704
- Spin fluctuations in high-Tc superconductors with two Fermi surface sheets
Chen, L. and Benard, P.
page 1705-1706
- Resonant two-magnon Raman scattering in antiferromagnetic insulators
Chubukov, A.V., Frenkel, D.M., Blumberg, G. and Klein, M.V.
page 1707-1708
- A simple theory for the cuprates: The Antiferromagnetic van Hove scenario
Dagotto, E., Nazarenko, A., Moreo, A. and Haas, S.
page 1709-1710
- Raman scattering in disordered unconventional superconductors
Devereaux, T.P.
page 1711-1712
- Some novel features of the bands in HTSC
Eremin, M.V., Solovjanov, S.G. and Varlamov, S.V.
page 1713-1715
- Measuring a superconductor's gap anisotropy with EELS
Flatte, M.E.
page 1717-1718
- Electronic band structure of La1-xBaxMnO3
Hamada, N., Sawada, H. and Terakura, K.
page 1719-1720
- Tunneling spectroscopy of d-wave superconductors
Kashiwaya, S., Koyanagi, M., Takashima, H., Kajimura, K. and Tanaka, Y.
page 1721-1723
- Effect of impurity scattering on a d + s wave superconductor: Low temperature behavior of penetration depth
Kim, H. and Nicol, E.J.
page 1725-1726
- Weak electron-phonon interaction and strong phonon features in a-b-plane optical conductivity of high-Tc superconductors
Kostur, V.N. and Mitrovic, B.
page 1727-1728
- Correlation energy hierarchy in two dimensional Hubbard model
Liang, S.
page 1729-1731
- junctions in s-wave superconductors: Bi-layer effects
Liu, D.Z., Maly, J. and Levin, K.
page 1733-1734
- Photoemission: Low energy and high energy scales
Matho, K.
page 1735-1736
- Nonmagnetic impurities in high-Tc cuprates
Nagaosa, N. and Ng, T.-K.
page 1737-1738
- Superconductive phonon anomalies in high-Tc cuprates
Normand, B., Kohno, H. and Fukuyama, H.
page 1739-1740
- Hole pockets, shadow bands and spin bags in the doped t-J model
Ohta, Y. and Eder, R.
page 1741
- Evidence for dx"2-y"2 symmetry of superconducting order parameter in YBCO from neutron scattering data
Onufrieva, E.
page 1743-1744
- Isotope effect in spin fluctuation models
Pao, C.-H. and Schuttler, H.-B.
page 1745-1746
- Magnetic frustration and spin-charge separation in 2D strongly correlated electron systems
Putikka, W.O.
page 1747-1748
- Spontaneous generation of s-wave component in a purely d-wave superconductor
Ren, Y., Xu, J.H. and Ting, C.S.
page 1749
- Are surface effects to be included in the study of the electronic structure of high temperature superconductors?
Rodriguez, C.O., Weht, R., Weissmann, M. and Christensen, N.E.
page 1751-1752
- Confinement in the three-dimensional anisotropic t-J model: A mean-field study
Sarker, S.K.
page 1753-1754
- Phase stability and magnetic property of LaCo1-xNixO3
Sawada, H., Hamada, N. and Terakura, K.
page 1755-1757
- Interpretation of electronic Raman and angle resolved photoemission spectra of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
Tanaka, J., Shimizu, M. and Kamiya, K.
page 1759-1760
- Josephson effect in dx"2-y"2-wave superconductors
Tanaka, Y. and Kashiwaya, S.
page 1761-1762
- A gapless time-reversal symmetry violating superconductor
Tikofsky, A.M. and Bailey, D.B.
page 1763-1765
- Energy spectrum of quasiparticles for various pairing states in 2-D extended Hubbard model
Ushijima, Y., Tanaka, Y. and Tsuchiura, H.
page 1767-1768
- Destruction of the fermi liquid by spin fluctuations in two dimensions
Vilk, Y.M. and Tremblay, A.-M.S.
page 1769-1771
- Giant Josephson current through a single bound state in a superconducting tunnel junction
Wendin, G. and Shumeiko, V.S.
page 1773-1774
- Spin-charge separation in the t-J model
Weng, Z.Y., Sheng, D.N. and Ting, C.S.
page 1775
- On the interpretation of neutron scattering in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7
Yakovenko, V.M. and Mazin, I.I.
page 1777-1778
- Effects of long-range interaction in one-dimensional electron systems
Yunoki, S. and Maekawa, S.
page 1779-1780
- Spin pseudogap and c-axis transport
Zha, Y., Cooper, S.L. and Pines, D.
page 1781
- Experimental evaluation of the order parameter symmetry of superconductors
Ott, H.R. and Brawner, D.A.
page 1783-1786
- Flux quantization in tricrystal cuprate rings - A new probe of pairing symmetry
Tsuei, C.C., Kirtley, J.R., Rupp, M., Sun, J.Z., Yu-Jahnes, L.-S., Chi, C.C., Gupta, A. and Ketchen, M.B.
page 1787-1795
- Tunneling in Pb-YBCO junctions: Determining the symmetry of the pairing state
Wollman, D.A., Van Harlingen, D.J., Giapintzakis, J. and Ginsberg, D.M.
page 1797-1799
- Tunneling observation of phonon contribution to the pairing interaction in oxide superconductors
Aoki, R., Murakami, H., Kita, T., Shirai, M., Svistunov, V.M., Dyachenko, A.I. and Afanassyev, D.N.
page 1801-1802
- A study of the CuO chains in YBa2Cu3O7-x by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
Edwards, H.L., Derro, D.J., Barr, A.L., Markert, J.T. and De Lozanne, A.L.
page 1803-1804
- Use of cuprate tricrystal microbridges as probes of superconducting pairing state symmetry
Miller, J.H. Jr., Ying, Q.Y., Zou, Z.G., Xu, J.H., Davis, M.F. and Fan, N.Q.
page 1805-1806
- LT-STM/STS observation on different atomic layers of BSCCO (2212)
Murakami, H. and Aoki, R.
page 1807-1808
- Electron tunneling spectroscopy near the magnetic field tuned superconductor to insulator transition
Valles, J.M. Jr., Hsu, S.-Y. and Chervenak, J.A.
page 1809
- Optical study of high-Tc superconductors and related oxides
Eisaki, H. and Uchida, S.
page 1811-1814
- Re-examining the vortex state of cuprate superconductors with GAP anisotropy
Parks, B., Orenstein, J., Mallozzi, R., Nemeth, D.T., Clarke, J., Merchant, P., Lew, D.J., Bozovoc, I., Eckstein, J.N. and Ludwig, F.
page 1815-1819
- The strange interplane conductivity of HTSC
Timusk, T., Basov, D.N. and Homes, C.C.
page 1821-1823
- In-plane and out-of-plane charge dynamics of high-Tc cuprates
Kim, J.H. and Van der Marel, D.
page 1825-1828
- Oxygen diffusion in laser heated YBa2Cu3O7 films
Bock, A., Kursten, R. and Merkt, U.
page 1829-1830
- Modulation measurements of YBa2Cu3O7-d optical reflectivity using a thermal wave technique
Kino, G.S., Fishman, I.M., Wu, X.D. and Studenmund, W.R.
page 1831-1832
- Substitution of Pr for Y in YBa2Cu4O8 and YBa2Cu3.5O7.5-d superconductors: Phonon modes and charge transfer effects
Litvinchuk, A.P., Kall, M., Borjesson, L., Berastegui, P. and Johansson, L.-G.
page 1833
- Influence of Zn-doping on the electronic Raman scattering of YBa2Cu3O7-d
Matic, A., Borjesson, L., Eltsev, Y. and Kall, M.
page 1835
- Comparison of chain (Co) and plane (Zn) dopants on charge transport in YBa2Cu3O7-d
Paget, K.M., Lemberger, T.R., Foltyn, S.R. and Wu, X.
page 1837-1838
- Doping dependence of the optical c-axis conductivity in YBa2Cu3Oy
Schutzmann, J., Tajima, S., Miyamoto, S. and Tanaka, S.
page 1839-1840
- Study of k-dependent electronic properties in cuprate superconductors using Raman spectroscopy
Stadlober, B., Krug, G., Nemetschek, R., Opel, M., Hackl, R., Einzel, D., Schuster, C., Devereaux, T.P., Forro, L., Cobb, J.L., Markert, J.T. and Neumeier, J.J.
page 1841-1842
- Symmetry of differential optical responses of normal and superconducting phases in single-crystal YBCO
Studenmund, W.R., Fishman, I.M., Kino, G.S. and Giapintzakis, J.
page 1843-1844
- Complete Fermi surface mapping of Bi-cuprates
Aebi, P., Schlapbach, L., Osterwalder, J., Schwaller, P., Berger, H. and Beeli, C.
page 1845-1847
- Fermi liquids and non-Fermi liquids - The view from photoemission
Allen, J.W., Gweon, G.-H., Claessen, R. and Matho, K.
page 1849-1853
- Angle-resolved photo-intensities in high-Tcs: Surface states, CuO2 plane bands, lineshapes, and related issues
Bansil, A. and Lindroos, M.
page 1855-1862
- ARPES studies in the normal and superconducting state of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
Campuzano, J.C., Ding, H., Bellman, A., Norman, M.R., Randeria, M., Jennings, G., Yokoya, T., Takahashi, T., Katayama-Yoshida, H., Mochiku, T. and Kadowaki, K.
page 1863-1864
- Electronic structure evolution from Mott insulator to superconductor - An angle-resolved photoemission investigation
Shen, Z.-X., King, D.M., Dessau, D.S., Loeser, A.G. and Wells, B.O.
page 1865-1869
- Band mapping of the model insulator Sr2CuO2Cl2 - Dispersion of a single hole in an antiferromagnetic background
Wells, B.O., Kastner, M.A., Greven, M., Birgeneau, R.J., Shen, Z.-X., Matsuura, A. and King, D.M.
page 1871-1874
- Spectral weight transfer and mass renormalization in LnNi2B2C (Ln = Y, La)
Fujimori, A., Kobayashi, K., Mizokawa, T., Mamiya, K., Sekiyama, A., Takagi, H., Eisaki, H., Uchida, S., Cava, R.J., Krajewski, J.J. and Peck, W.F. Jr.
page 1875-1876
- Superconducting gap observation by high-resolution photoelectron yield spectroscopy
Gonda, S., Kawasaki, M., Ohashi, S., Koinuma, H., Kotaka, Y. and Kishio, K.
page 1877-1878
- The 1 eV peak: A consistent feature of the cuprate superconductors
Olson, C.G., Lynch, D.W., Tobin, J.G., Waddill, G.D. and Liu, J.Z.
page 1879-1880
- Observation of band dispersion in YNi2B2C
Poirier, D.M., Olson, C.G., Lynch, D.W., Schmidt, M., Cho, B.K. and Canfield, P.C.
page 1881-1882
- Photoemission spectroscopy of Cu1-xBa2Can-1CunO2n+4-d ceramics and thin films
Terada, N., Tokiwa, K., Ozawa, H., Iyo, A., Ishibashi, S. and Ihara, H.
page 1883-1884
- Angle-resolved and resonant photoemission study of Sr2RuO4
Yokoya, T., Chainani, A., Takahashi, T., Katayama-Yoshida, H., Kasai, M. and Tokura, Y.
page 1885-1886
- Doping effect on the penetration depth of HgBa2CuO4+d
Chu, C.W., Xue, Y.Y., Cao, Y. and Xiong, Q.
page 1887-1889
- Materials and high Tc
Fisk, Z. and Sarrao, J.L.
page 1891-1893
- Quasi-particle mean-free-path and thermal Hall conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7
Krishana, K., Harris, J.M. and Ong, N.P.
page 1895-1897
- Specific heat of YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals: Implications for the vortex structure
Moler, K.A., Kapitulnik, A., Baar, D.J., Liang, R. and Hardy, W.N.
page 1899-1904
- Anomalies in vortex states of cuprate superconductors
Boekema, C., Suarez-Barnes, I.M., Gubanov, V.A., Cooke, D.W. and Leon, M.
page 1905-1906
- Quasiparticle contribution to the mixed-state thermopower in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8+d
Clayhold, J.A. and Chu, C.W.
page 1907-1908
- Field-independent magnetization and fluctuations in Hg-based cuprates
Xue, Y.Y., Cao, Y., Xiong, Q., Chen, F. and Chu, C.W.
page 1909-1910
- Magnetic fluctuations in lamellar copper oxides
Aeppli, G., Mason, T.E., Mook, H.A. and Hayden, S.M.
page 1911
- Magnetism and magnetic fluctuations in La2-xSrxCuO4 for x = 0 (2D antiferromagnet), 0.04 (3D spin glass) and x = 0.15 (superconductor)
Birgeneau, R.J., Belk, N.R., Chou, F.C., Greven, M., Kastner, M.A., Lee, Y.S., Wells, B.O., Aharony, A., Endoh, Y., Lee, C.H., Wakimoto, S., Yamada, K., Hosoya, S. and Shirane, G.
page 1913-1919
- Superconductivity and spin fluctuations in the electron-doped infinitely-layered high Tc superconductor Sr0.9La0.1CuO2 (Tc = 42 K)
Imai, T., Slichter, C.P., Cobb, J.L. and Markert, J.T.
page 1921-1925
- Resonant neutron scattering from YBa2Cu3O7
Keimer, B., Fong, H.F., Reznik, D., Dogan, F. and Aksay, I.A.
page 1927-1929
- NMR study in novel superconductors: Heavy-fermion system and high-Tc cuprate
Kitaoka, Y., Ishida, K., Zheng, G.-Q., Tou, H., Magishi, K., Matsumoto, S., Yamazoe, K., Yamanaka, H. and Asayama, K.
page 1931-1935
- Comparison of antiferromagnetic fluctuations in zinc-free and zinc-doped YBCO in fully oxidized samples. Studies by inelastic neutron scattering
Bourges, P., Sidis, Y., Hennion, B., Villeneuve, R., Collin, G., Regnault, L.P., Henry, J.Y., Vettier, C. and Marucco, J.F.
page 1937-1938
- 63uCu NMR in heavily doped La2CuO4
Song, Y.-Q., Reyes, A.P., Tang, X.P., Halperin, W.P. and Hinks, D.
page 1939-1940
- The microwave surface impedance of YBa2Cu3O7-d
Bonn, D.A., Kamal, S., Zhang, K., Liang, R. and Hardy, W.N.
page 1941-1943
- Microwave surface impedance of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-d crystals: Experiment and comparison to a d-wave model
Jacobs, T., Sridhar, S., Rieck, C.T., Scharnberg, K., Wolf, T. and Halbritter, J.
page 1945-1949
- Fermi surfaces of high-Tc superconductors by positron 2D-ACAR
Manuel, A.A., Shukla, A., Hoffmann, L., Jarlborg, T., Erb, A., Peter, M., Barbiellini, B., Walker, E., Massidda, S. and Sadowski, W.
page 1951-1954
- Positron 2D-ACAR in TTF-TCNQ
Ishibashi, S., Manuel, A.A. and Hoffmann, L.
page 1955-1956
- Are there similarities between the layered nickel borocarbide and cuprate superconductors?
Baskaran, G.
page 1957-1961
- Recent issues in the physics of heavy fermion materials
Maple, M.B., Dalichaouch, Y., De Andrade, M.C., Herrmann, J., Movshovich, R. and Dilley, N.R.
page 1963-1968
- Spectroscopies in novel superconductors - a conference summary
Allen, P.B.
page 1969-1971
- An after dinner talk - a gap that should't be. The Stanford Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors, 16 March 1995
Geballe, T.H.
page 1973-1974
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