Tables of Contents service for
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Volume 56, Issue 3/4, March/April 1995
- 6th international conference on high pressure semiconductor physics (HPSP VI): Conference details
Yu, P.Y., Paul, W. and Weinstein, B.A.
page iii+iv+v
- The effect of pressure on the band-gap energy in ordered GaInP and AlGaInP grown by MOVPE
Kobayashi, T., Kojima, H., Deol, R.S., Buchan, N., Heuberger, W., Jakubowicz, A. and Roentgen, P.
page 311-317
- Non-trivial transport phenomena in extremely strained silicon and germanium crystals
Baidakov, V.V., Ermakov, V.N., Gorin, A.E., Kolomoets, V.V. and Shenderovskii, V.A.
page 319-322
- A comparitive study of ordered alloy and random alloy quantum wells of Zn1-xCdxSe/ZnSe under pressure
Baugher, E.M., Chandrasekhar, M., Chandrasekhar, H.R., Luo, H., Furdyna, J.K. and Ram-Mohan, L.R.
page 323-327
- A theoretical study of pressure effects on Selenium-I
Clark, S.J., Ackland, G.J. and Akbarzadeh, H.
page 329-334
- Hydrostatic pressure dependence of the energy gaps of CdTe in the zinc-blende and rocksalt phases
Gonzalez, J.ez, Perez, F.V., Moya, E. and Chervin, J.C.
page 335-340
- Validity of the sugano-tanabe diagram for band states in MnO and MnS under high pressure
Kobayashi, M., Nakai, T., Mochizuki, S. and Takayama, N.
page 341-344
- Comparative study of photoluminescence in ordered and disordered gainp alloys under high pressure
Kojima, H., Kayama, H., Kobayashi, T., Uchida, K. and Nakahara, J.
page 345-348
- High pressure determination of AlGaInP band structure
Prins, A.D., Sly, J.L., Meney, A.T., Dunstan, D.J., O'Reilly, E.P., Adams, A.R. and Valster, A.
page 349-352
- Photoluminescence in doped GaN bulk crystal
Teisseyre, H., Perlin, P., Suski, T., Grzegory, I., Jun, J. and Porowski, S.
page 353-355
- Polarized photomodulated reflectivity and photoluminescence studies of ordered InGaP2 under pressure
Jones, E.D., Schneider, R.P., Thomas, R.J., Chandrasekhar, H.R. and Chandrasekhar, M.
page 357-362
- Photomodulated transmission spectroscopy of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs MQWS under hydrostatic pressure
Shen, S.C., Shan, W., Fang, X.M. and Jiang, S.
page 363-366
- Electron-electron interactions in 2d electron gases: Inelastic light scattering studies at high pressure
GoNi, A.R., Ernst, S., Syassen, K. and Eberl, K.
page 367-373
- Observation of an optical switching effect in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells under hydrostatic pressure
Hyeonsik, M. , Cheong, H.M., Burnett, J.H., Paul, W., Koteless, E.S. and Elman, B.
page 375-379
- Zeeman splitting in the extreme quantum limit through cyclotron resonance on two-dimensional GaAs at high pressure
Daly, M.S., Warburton, R.J., Michels, J.G., Nicholas, R.J., Harris, J.J. and Foxon, C.T.
page 381-384
- High pressure study of
-X mixing in InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Li, H.G., Goni, A.R., Syassen, K., Brandt, O. and Ploog, K.
page 385-388
- Pressure dependence of photoluminescence from ZnSe:Te-(CdSe)1 (ZnSe)3 superlattice quantum wells
Han, H.X., Liu, Z.X., Wang, Z.P., Zhang, J.Q., Peng, Z.L. and Yuan, S.X.
page 389-391
- Photoluminescence and Raman spectra of Si/Si1-xGex strained superlattices under high pressure
Hitomi, S., Takarabe, K., Minomura, S., Sakai, J. and Tatsumi, T.
page 393-396
- A resonant Raman study on phonons in GaInAs/AlInAs multiple quantum wells
Jiang, D.-S., Wang, Z.-P., Abraham, C., Syassen, K., Zhang, Y.H. and Ploog, K.
page 397-401
-X mixing studied by electroluminescence spectroscopy under hydrostatic pressure in a GaAs/AlAs p-i-n superlattice resonant tunnelling device
Kuhn, O., Maude, D.K., Portal, J.C., Henini, M., Eaves, L., Hill, G. and Pate, M.A.
page 403-406
- Photoluminescence in CdMnTe strained thin films
Gregus, J., Nakahara, J., Takamura, K., Watanabe, J., Ando, K. and Akinaga, H.
page 407-410
- The effect of
-X mixing on the direct escitonic photoluminescence in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells
Perlin, P., Sosin, T.P., Trzeciakowski, W. and Litwin-Staszewska, E.
page 411-414
- The effect of pressure on the luminescence of CdTe/CdMnTe quantum wells
Perlin, P., Shilo, S., Sosin, T., Tyagur, Y., Trzeciakowski, W., Karczewski, G., Wojtowicz, T., Janik, E., Zakrzewski, A., Kutrowski, M., Kossut, J. and Suski, T.
page 415-418
- Absorption and photoluminescence under pressure in InGaAs/GaAs strained quantum wells
Sosin, T.P, Perlin, P., Trzeciakowski, W. and Tober, R.
page 419-422
- Direct measurement of band offsets in GaInP/AlGaInP using high pressure
Prins, A.D., Sly, J.L., Meney, A.T., Dunstan, D.J., O'Reilly, E.P., Adams, A.R. and Valster, A.
page 423-427
- Investigation of the conduction bandstructure in (001) oriented type II GaAs/AlAs short period superlattices using (100) uniaxial stress
Tribe, W.R., Klipstein, P.C., Grey, R., Roberts, J.S. and Smith, G.W.
page 429-434
- New resonant tunneling processes between longitudinal and transverse X-states in GaAs/AlAs double barrier structures beyond the type II transition
Klipstein, P.C.
page 435-443
- Magnetotransport measurements on InAs-GaSb quantum wells with the application of hydrostatic pressure
Holmes, S., Norman, A.G., Stradling, R.A., Harris, J.J., Yuen, W.T., Malik, T., Chung, S.J., Maude, D.K. and Portal, J.C.
page 445-451
- Pressure investigation of the quantum Hall effect in intrinsic semimetallic InAs/(Ga,In)Sb heterostructures
Daly, M.S., Lubczynski, W., Warburton, R.J., Symons, D.M., Lakrimi, M., Dalton, K.S.H., Nicholas, R.J., Walker, P.J., Van der Burgt, M. and Mason, N.J.
page 453-457
- Determination of the transport properties of composite fermions under high hydrostatic pressure
Holmes, S., Harris, J.J., Portal, J.C., Maude, D.K., Williams, M.L., Barnham, W.J. and Foxon, C.T.
page 459-462
- High pressure studies of negative differential resistance in InAs/GaSb resonant conduction heterostructures
Khan-Cheema, U.M., Mason, N.J., Walker, P.J., Klipsteint, P.C. and Hill, G.
page 463-467
- The light-hole mass in a strained InGaAs/GaAs single quantum well and its pressure dependence
Lancefield, D., Adams, A.R., Meney, A.T., Knap, W., Litwin-Staszewska, E., Skierbiszewski, C. and Robert, J.L.
page 469-473
- The role of interface quality in resonant tunneling between transverse X-states in GaAs/AlAs double barrier structures pressurised beyond the type II transition
Smith, J.M., Klipstein, P.C., Austing, D.G., Grey, R. and Hill, G.
page 475-479
- Equation of state and phase transitions in AgGaS2 and AgGaSe2
Tinoco, T., Polian, A., Itie, J.P., Moya, E. and Gonzalez, J.
page 481-484
- Structural studies of tetrahedrally-coordinated semiconductors at high pressure-new systematics
McMahon, M.I. and Nelmes, R.J.
page 485-490
- Pressure-induced structural phase transition of CdS microcrystals studied by Raman scattering
Arai, T., Makino, T., Arai, M., Matsuishi, K. and Onari, S.
page 491-494
- Dense tetrahedral structures of compound semiconductors
Crain, J., Ackland, G.J., Plitz, R.O., Hatton, P.D. and Clark, S.J.
page 495-500
- First-principle-constant pressure molecular dynamics
Bernasconi, M., Focher, P., Scandolo, S., Parrinello, M., Chiarotti, G.L. and Tosatti, E.
page 501-505
- CuGa(SxSe1-x2 alloys at high pressure: Optical absorption and X-ray diffraction studies
Gonzalez, J., Calderon, E., Tinoco, T., Itie, J.P., Moya, E. and Polian, A.
page 507-516
- High pressure structural study of AlSb to 50 GPa
Greene, R.G., Luo, H., Ghandehari, K. and Ruoff, A.
page 517-520
- High pressure X-ray and Raman study of ZnSe
Greene, R.G., Luo, H. and Ruoff, A.L.
page 521-524
- Phase relationships in mercury telluride under high temperature and pressure
Grima, P., Polian, A., Gauthier, M., Itie, J.P., Mezouar, M., Weill, G., Besson, J.M., Hauserman, D. and Hanfland, H.
page 525-530
- Raman study of pressure-induced magnetic phase transition in EuSe
Kobayashi, M., Akimoto, R., Hatano, T., Suzuki, T. and Endo, S.
page 531-534
- Pressure induced rotational ordering phase transition in solid C60
Komori, R. and Miyamoto, Y.
page 535-537
- Structural studies of III-V and group IV semiconductors at high pressure
Nelmes, R.J., McMahon, M.I., Wright, N.G., Allan, D.R., Liu, H. and Loveday, J.S.
page 539-543
- Structural studies of II-VI semiconductors at high pressure
Nelmes, R.J., McMahon, M.I., Wright, N.G. and Allan, D.R.
page 545-549
- Band structure and structural stability of the high-pressure phases of the group VIb elements
Nishikawa, A., Niizeki, K., Shindo, K. and Ohno, K.
page 551-554
- A variable coordination structure in II-VI semiconductors: The cinnabar phase
Miguel, A.S., Polian, A. and Itie, J.P.
page 555-558
- Amorphization from the quenched high-pressure phase in tetrahedrally-bonded materials
Tsuji, K., Yamamoto, Y., Katayama, Y., Kanda, H. and Nosaka, H.
page 559-562
- Pressure dependence of the fano asymmetry of optical phonons in Zn1-xCoxSe and Zn1-xFexSe
Bak, J., Sooryakumar, R., Mak, C.L., Venkateswaran, U. and Jonkers, B.T.
page 563-566
- Lo-phonon-plasmon modes in n-GaAs and n-InP under pressure
Ernst, S., Goni, A.R., Syassen, K. and Cardona, M.
page 567-570
- Pressure and temperature dependences of the Raman-active phonons in CuGaS2
Gonzalez, J., Moya, E. and Chervin, J.C.
page 571-575
- Raman spectroscopic study on the phase transition in solid C60 under high pressure
Nishikawa, K. and Miyamoto, Y.
page 577-579
- Raman spectrum of sulfur under high pressure
Yoshioka, A. and Nagata, K.
page 581-584
- Pressure dependence of deep centers in II-VI semiconductors: Theory
Park, C.H. and Chadi, D.J.
page 585-588
- Direct evidence of the two-electron character of DX centers based on co-doping with shallow donors and application of high pressure
Baj, M. and Dmowski, L.H.
page 589-593
- Deep levels in AgGaSe2
Choi, I.-H. and Yu, P.Y.
page 595-598
- Emission energies of Si-DX centers in various AlGaAs microstructures
Litwin-Staszewska, E., Contreras, S., Kobbi, F., Robert, J.L., Piotrzkowski, R. and Mosser, V.
page 599-602
- Pressure effects on zero-phonon lines in the impurity photoluminescence spectra of 6H SiC crystals
Niilisk, A., Laisaar, A., Gorban, I.S. and Slobodyanyuk, A.V.
page 603-606
- Relation between phase stability and mechanical defects in InGa(Al)As/GaAs and ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures under pressure
Ritter, T.M., Weinstein, B.A., Kim, H.M., Wie, C.R., Stair, K., Choi-Feng, C. and Funato, M.
page 607-613
- Determination of the energetical separation of DX states in GaAs and in AlAs by using planar-doped superlattices
Robert, J.L., Sellitto, P., Gougam, A., Sicart, J. and Planel, R.
page 615-618
- Effects of the population of localized levels on shallow donor transitions in semiinsulating GaAs
Sadowski, M.L. and Grynberg, M.
page 619-624
- Pressure as a probe of deep levels and defects in semiconductors: Antisites and oxygen centers in GaAs
Samara, G.A., Skowronski, M. and Mitchel, W.C.
page 625-629
- Multiplicity and lattice relaxation of the DX center studied by electron emission spectra under pressure
Takarabe, K., Shirase, N., Minomura, S., Kato, H., Watanabe, Y. and Matsuda, K.
page 631-634
- DX centers in n-type GaAs under hydrostatic pressure
Zeman, J., Zigone, M. and Martinez, G.
page 635-638
- III-V nitrides: Thermodynamics and crystal growth at high N2 pressure
Grzegory, I., Jun, J., Krukowski, S., Porowski, S., Bockowski, M., Wroblewski, M. and Lucznik, B.
page 639-647
- New method for studying deformation effects on the optical spectra of quantum wells
Trzeciakowski, W. and Sosin, T.P.
page 649-654
- Hydrostatic pressure effects on the porous silicon luminescence
Zeman, J., Zigone, M., Rikken, G.L.J.A. and Martinez, G.
page 655-661
- Pressure and temperature induced detuning of gain and reflectivity spectra in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
McMahon, C.H., Bae, J.W., Menoni, C.S., Patel, D., Feld, S., Wilmsen, C., Temkin, H., Brusenbach, P. and Leibenguth, R.
page 663-667
- Effect of pressure on the output characteristics of p-GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction field effect transistor
Patel, D., Menoni, C.S., Schult, D.W, Goodnick, S.M. and McMahon, T.
page 669-672
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