Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2003, V 64, N 12, December.
New alkali antimonate glasses,
M. T. Soltani, A. Boutarfaia, R. Makhloufi and M. Poulain
Pages 2307-2312
Low-field magnetic properties of LaMnO3+ with 0.0650.154,
R. Laiho, K. G. Lisunov, E. Lahderanta, P. A. Petrenko,
J. Salminen, V. N. Stamov, Yu. P. Stepanov and V. S. Zakhvalinskii
Pages 2313-2319
Core level and valence band studies of layered Ti3SiC2 by high
resolution photoelectron spectroscopy,
S. E. Stoltz, H. I. Starnberg and M. W. Barsoum
Pages 2321-2328
Single crystal EPR studies of Mn(II) doped zinc sodium sulphate
hexahydrate: a case of interstitial substitution,
C. Shiyamala, R. Venkatesan and P. Sambasiva Rao
Pages 2329-2335
Effect of anions on the phase stability of -FeOOH nanoparticles
and the magnetic properties of gamma-ferric oxide
derived from lepidocrocite,
C. Sudakar, G. N. Subbanna and T. R. N. Kutty
Pages 2337-2349
Mossbauer study of Zn0.4Cu0.6Fe1.2Cr0.8O4,
D. H. An, K. U. Kang, B. G. Lee, J. B. Lim,
S. U. Jang, K. S. Baek and H. N. Oak
Pages 2351-2355
Valence band photoemission study of the copper chalcogenide
compounds, Cu2S, Cu2Se and Cu2Te,
S. Kashida, W. Shimosaka, M. Mori and D. Yoshimura
Pages 2357-2363
Raman spectra of Ba6-3xSm8+2xTi18O54 solid solution,
S. Y. Wu, Y. Li and X. M. Chen
Pages 2365-2368
Dispersive effects and correction term in two-mode
phonon conduction model for Ge,
B. K. Singh, M. K. Roy, V. J. Menon and K. C. Sood
Pages 2369-2377
A Ni/YSZ composite containing Ce0.9Ca0.1O2- particles
as an anode for SOFCs,
Xiqiang Huang, Zhiguo Liu, Zhe Lu, Li Pei, Ruibin Zhu,
Yuqiang Liu, Jipeng Miao, Zhiguo Zhang and Wenhui Su
Pages 2379-2384
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of
sol;gel derived mixed oxides,
Robson F. de Farias, Ulrich Arnold, Leandro Martinez,
Ulf Schuchardt, Marcelo J. D. M. Jannini and Claudio Airoldi
Pages 2385-2389
Thermal transport in chemically doped polyaniline materials,
G. P. Joshi, N. S. Saxena, T. P. Sharma, V. Dixit and S. C. K. Mishra
Pages 2391-2396
Molecular dynamics simulation for sodium atom in and on the
two layers of C150H 30 graphite plane,
Akira Shimizu and Hiroto Tachikawa
Pages 2397-2402
Van Vleck paramagnetism of the thulium garnet
Junji Awaka, Ryo Endoh and Shoichi Nagata
Pages 2403-2408
Molecular aggregation and shape effects in the optical
spectra of organic dye molecules in SiO2 and SiO2-PMMA
L. L. Diaz-Flores, P. P. Horley, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez,
J. J. Perez-Bueno, Yu. V. Vorobiev and P. M. Gorley
Pages 2409-2415
First-principles energy band calculation for undoped and
N-doped InTaO4 with layered wolframite-type structure,
Shigenori Matsushima, Kenji Obata, Hiroyuki Nakamura,
Masao Arai and Kenkichiro Kobayashi
Pages 2417-2421
Chemical reactivity of solid [PtnC60] towards carbon
Marcelo Hawrylak Herbst and Gilson Herbert Magalhaes Dias
Pages 2423-2428
Diffusion length analysis and measurement in the base
region of photodiodes,
M. Ashry and S. Fares
Pages 2429-2431
Site symmetry of Mn(II) and Co(II) in zinc phosphate glass,
R. V. S. S. N. Ravikumar, K. Ikeda, A. V. Chandrasekhar,
Y. P. Reddy, P. S. Rao and Jun Yamauchi
Pages 2433-2436
Role of vitreous matrix on the optical activity of
Ge-doped silica,
A. Cannizzo, S. Agnello, R. Boscaino, M. Cannas,
F. M. Gelardi, S. Grandi and M. Leone
Pages 2437-2443
Structure-related infrared optical properties of BaTiO3
thin films grown on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates,
Z. G. Hu, G. S. Wang, Z. M. Huang and J. H. Chu
Pages 2445-2450
Spectroscopic studies on conjugated polymers in mesoporous
channels: influence of polymer side-chain length,
Hongan Xi, Baohu Wang, Yanbo Zhang, Xuefeng Qian,
Jie Yin and Zikang Zhu
Pages 2451-2455
Dielectric spectroscopy on Bi3Zn2Sb3O14 ceramic: an approach
based on the complex impedance,
M. A. L. Nobre and S. Lanfredi
Pages 2457-2464
Screening effect of Ti4+ ions on the electrical conductivity
and thermoelectric power of Mg ferrite,
F. A. Radwan, M. A. Ahmed and G. Abdelatif
Pages 2465-2477
Electronic structure and chemical bonding of phosphorus-contained
sulfides InPS4, TI3PS4, and Sn2P2S6,
A. A. Lavrentyev, B. V. Gabrelian, I. Ya. Nikifororv,
J. J. Rehr and A. L. Ankudinov
Pages 2479-2486
Characterization of Tm3+ doped mixed alkali borate
glasses;;spectroscopic investigations,
Y. C. Ratnakaram, D. Thirupathi Naidu, A. Vijaya Kumar and J. L. Rao
Pages 2487-2495
Interpretation of anomalous normal state optical conductivity
of La;Sr;CuO cuprates,
Dinesh Varshney, K. K. Choudhary and R. K. Singh
Pages 2497-2506
Influence of electron diffraction on measured energy-resolved
momentum densities in single-crystalline silicon,
M. Vos, A. S. Kheifets, V. A. Sashin and E. Weigold
Pages 2507-2515
High pressure Raman spectroscopy of spinel-type ferrite ZnFe2O4,
Zhongwu Wang, David Schiferl, Yusheng Zhao and H. St. C. O'Neill
Pages 2517-2523
Magnetic characterization of orthorhombic LiMnO2 and electrochemically
transformed spinel LixMnO2 (x<1),
Young-Il Jang, F. C. Chou, Biying Huang, Donald R. Sadoway and Yet-Ming Chiang
Pages 2525-2533
Erratum to "Electron paramagnetic resonance of vanadyl ions in
camium sodium phosphate" [Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
64 (8) (2003) 1231;1236],
I. Sougandi, R. Venkatesan and P. S. Rao
Pages 2535-2536
Editorial Board,
Page CO2
Volume Contents,
Pages I-XLI