Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1998, V 59, N 10-12.

Some considerations on the spin gap                           
 PW Anderson
1675 -- 1677

 Collective modes, pseudogaps, and pairing polaron effects in  
 HTS materials
 JR Schrieffer
1678 -- 1681

 Collective modes in superfluid 3He: lessons for exotic        
 DM Lee
1682 -- 1688

 Spontaneous time reversal and parity breaking in a dx2-y2     
 wave superconductor with magnetic impurities
 AV Balatsky
1689 -- 1693

 Stripe formation: a quantum critical point for cuprate        
 C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli
1694 -- 1698

 An update on computational results for electronic models: the 
 issue of pseudogaps in cuprates and phase separation in
 E Dagotto
1699 -- 1704

 Crossovers and phase coherence in cuprate superconductors     
 V Emery, SA Kivelson
1705 -- 1710

 Numerical evidence for SO(5) symmetry and superspin           
 multiplets in the t-J model
 R Eder, W Hanke, SC Zhang
1711 -- 1717

 Buckling and d-wave pairing in HiTc-superconductors           
 O Jepsen, OK Andersen, I Dasgupta, S Savrasov
1718 -- 1722

 Theory of the unusual normal and superconducting states of    
 underdoped cuprates
 P Lee, XG Wen
1723 -- 1728

 Where is the energy saved in cuprate superconductivity       
 AJ Leggett
1729 -- 1732

 The cuprate pseudogap: precursor superconductivity without    
 preformed pairs
 J Maly, B Janko, K Levin
1733 -- 1736

 Stripes, pseudogaps, and SO(6) in the cuprate superconductors 
 RS Markiewicz, MT Vaughn
1737 -- 1741

 Anomalous charge dynamics in the superconducting state of     
 underdoped cuprates
 AJ Millis, SM Girvin, LB Ioffe, AI Larkin
1742 -- 1744

 Anisotropic pseudogap in the normal state of a d-wave         
 A Nazarenko, JR Engelbrecht, M Randeria
1745 -- 1749

 Magnetic field induced idxy order in a dx2-y2 superconductor  
 TV Ramakrishnan
1750 -- 1753

 Pairing correlations above Tc and pseudogaps in underdoped    
 M Randeria, N Trivedi
1754 -- 1758

 The pseudogap in the BOSON-FERMION model for high Tc          
 J Ranninger
1759 -- 1763

 Weak Pseudogap behaviour in the underdoped cuprate            
 J Schmalian, D Pines, B Stojkovic
1764 -- 1768

 Current ideas on the origin of stripes. 
 J Zaanen
1769 -- 1773

 Recent developments in the SO(5) theory of high Tc            
 S Zhang
1774 -- 1779

 On an SO(5) unification attempt for the cuprates              
 G Baskaran, PW Anderson
1780 -- 1782

 Pseudogap, quantum phase fluctuations and spectroscopy of     
 HTCS cuprates
 D Ariosa, H Beck, M Capezzali
1783 -- 1787

 Stripes, non-fermi-liquid behavior, and two-component         
 transport in the high-Tc cuprates
 J Ashkenazi
1788 -- 1790

 The role of intermediate layers in the c axis conductivity of 
 layered supercondutors
 W Atkinson, WC Wu, JP Carbotte
1791 -- 1793

 Experimental tests of the SO(5) theory of high temperature    
 J Berlinsky, GB Arnold, DP Arovas, MR Beasley, E Demler, C Kallin, 
SC  Zhang
1794 -- 1797

 Evidence of pair-breaking by PrBa in Y1-yPryBa2Cu3O7         
 HA Blackstead, JC Cooley, J Dow, WL Hults, SK Malik
1798 -- 1800

 Spin and charge instabilities in weak ferromagnetic metals    
 K Blagoev, JR Engelbrecht, KS Bedell
1801 -- 1803

 Characteristic features of the exotic superconductors: a      
 B Brandow
1804 -- 1807

 Magnetic excitations in frustrated and dimerized quantum spin 
 W Brenig
1808 -- 1810

 Spin susceptibility and the -exicitation in underdoped        
 J Brinckmann, PA Lee
1811 -- 1814

 A numerical and analytical study of two holes doped into the 
 2D t-J model.
 AL Chernyshev, PW Leung, RJ Gooding
1815 -- 1817

 Finding phase separation in the t-J model numerically         
 CS Hellberg
1818 -- 1820

 Consequences of stripe order for the transport properties of  
 rare earth doped La2-xSrxCuO4
 M Hucker, V Kataev, J Pommer, O Baberski, W Schlabitz, B Buchner
1821 -- 1824

 SU(2) theory of t-J two-leg ladders                          
 DA Ivanov, PA Lee
1825 -- 1827

 Superconductivity in correlated electron systems with        
 MY Kagan, AV Chubukov, MA Baranov, DV Efrernov, MS Mar'Enko
1828 -- 1830

 Microscopic theory of the local dynamics in 2-1-4 high-Tc     
 MD Kaplan, GO Zimmerman
1831 -- 1834

 Quasiparticles in the vortex state of dirty d-wave           
 C Kubert, PJ Hirschfeld
1835 -- 1837

 Spectral properties of the attractive hubbard model           
 M Letz, RJ Gooding
1838 -- 1840

 Gorkovs expansion and the DHVA effect in the vortex state     
 T Maniv, VN Zhuravlev, ID Vagner, P Wyder
1841 -- 1845

 Self-matching property of correlated electrons: 
 charge-density wave enhances spin ordering
 S Mukhin
1846 -- 1848

 Theory of the quasiparticle spectra around a vortex in the    
 two-dimensional t-t'-J model
 M Ogata, A Himeda, Y Tanaka, S Kashiwaya
1849 -- 1852

 Electronic topological transitions in 2D electron system on a
 square lattice as a motor for the strange-metal behaviour in
 high-Tc cuprates
 F Onufrieva, P Pfeuty, M Kisselev
1853 -- 1857

 Does the two-dimensional t-J model have hole pockets? 
 W Putikka, MU Luchini, RRP Singh
1858 -- 1860

 A quantum chemical study on the model clusters of the cuprate 
 J Tanaka, C Tanaka
1861 -- 1863

 Effect of the spin gap on single-hole excitation spectrum in  
 the one-dimensional t-J-J' model
 T Tohyama, S Maekawa
1864 -- 1866

 Enhancement of the extended s-wave pairing in the             
 two-dimensional t-J model
 H Tsuchiura, Y Tanaka, M Ogata, S Kashiwaya
1867 -- 1869

 Hall effect in the mixed state of clean supercondutors        
 I Vekhter, A Houghton
1870 -- 1872

 Attractive Hubbard model and single-particle pseudogap due to 
 classical pairing fluctuations in two dimensions
 YM Vilk, S Allen, H Touchette, S Moukouri, L Chen, AM Tremblay
1873 -- 1875

 Underdoping vs. optimum-doping: a bosonic RVB understanding  
 ZY Weng, DN Sheng, CS Ting
1876 -- 1878

 Matrix element effexts in the angle-resolved photoemission   
 spectrum of BISCO
 A Bansil, M Lindroos
1879 -- 1883

 The fermi surface of a high Tc superconductor at optimum      
 doping by angle scanning photoemission spectroscopy
 A Bianconi, NL Saini, A Valletta, A Lanzara, J Avila, MC Asensio, S
 Tajima, GD Gu, N Koshizuka
1884 -- 1887

 ARPES study of the superconducting gap and pseydogap in       
 P Guptasarma, T Mochiku, K Kadowaki, H Ding, DG Hinks, JC Campuzano, MR
 Norman, M Randeria, T Yokoya, T Takahashi, T Takeuchi
1888 -- 1891

 Chemical potential shift, density of states and fermi         
 surfaces in overdoped and underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4
 H Eisaki, M Takaba, K Tamasaku, A Fujimori, S Uchida, AIT Mizokawa, C Kim,
 ZX Shen, T Sasagawa, T Kimura, K Kishio
1892 -- 1896

 Spin and charge excitations and photoemission spectra in 1D   
 and 2D cuprates
 S Maekawa, T Tohyama
1897 -- 1901

 Electron self-energy of high temperature superconductors as  
 revealed by angle resolved photoemission
 MR Norman, H Ding, M Randeria, JC Campuzano
1902 -- 1906

 (Sr1-xCax)3Ru2O7 system: optical and ARPES results           
 AV Puchkov, MC Schabel, DN Basov, T Startseva, G Cao, T Timusk, ZX Shen
1907 -- 1911

 Angle-resolved photoemission study of superconducting ladder  
 compound Sr14-xCaxCu24O41
 T Sato, T Yokoya, T Takahashi, M Uehara, T Nagata, J Goto, J Akimitsu
1912 -- 1916

 Comparison of the measured electronic structure of the       
 colossal magnetoresistive manganites and high Tc
 superconductors: band structure, photoemission lineshapes,
 and a pseudogap.
 DS Dessau, T Saitoh, P Villella, CH Park, ZX Shen, Y Moritomo, Y Tokura
1917 -- 1920

 Observation of real space electronic state by laboratory      
 x-ray diffraction in YBa2Cu3O6.9 and YBa2Cu3O6.o
 WZ Hu, M Izumi, T Ida, K Nakanishi, S Adachi, K Tanabe
1921 -- 1924

 The dimpling in the CuO2 planes of YBa2Cu3Ox (x=6.806-6.984, 
 T=20-300 K) measured by yttrium EXAFS
 J Roehler, S Link, K Conder, E Kaldis
1925 -- 1928

 Complete k-space mappings of cuprates at different doping     
 P Schwaller, T Greber, H Berger, J Osterwalder
1929 -- 1931

 Evolution of magnetic and superconducting fluctuations with   
 doping of high-Tc superconductors (an electronic Raman
 scattering study)
 G Blumberg, MV Klein, K Kadowaki, C Kendziora, P Guptasarma, D Hinks
1932 -- 1936

 Divergence of the quasiparticle lifetime with doping and      
 evidence for pre-formed pairs below T* in YBa2Cu3O7- :direct
 measurements by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy
 D Milhailovic, B Podobnik, J Demsar
1937 -- 1941