Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2004, V 31, N 9, December.

  High-temperature structure and dynamics
  of coesite (SiO 2) from numerical 
  E. Bourova, P. Richet, S. C. Parker  
  pp. 569 - 579 
  The compressibility of a natural apatite  
  K. N. Matsukage, S. Ono, T. Kawamoto, et al.  
  pp. 580 - 584 
  Refined relationship between the position
  of the fundamental OH stretching and 
  the first overtones for clays    
  S. Petit, A. Decarreau, F. Martin, et al.  
  pp. 585 - 592
  Hydrogen diffusion in Dora Maira pyrope  
  M. Blanchard and J. Ingrin  
  pp. 593 - 605  
  The role of hydrogen bonding in the thermal
  expansion and dehydration of brushite, 
  di-calcium phosphate dihydrate  
  P. F. Schofield, K. S. Knight, J. 
  A. M. van der Houwen, et al.  
  pp. 606 - 624 
  Changes in the structural and magnetic
  properties of Ni–substituted hematite 
  prepared from metal oxinates  
  C. Saragovi, J. Arpe, E. Sileo, et al.  
  pp. 625 - 632   
  Structural changes and valence states
  in the MgCr 2O 4–FeCr 2O 4 solid 
  solution series  
  D. Lenaz, H. Skogby, F. Princivalle, et al.  
  pp. 633 - 642     
  Low-temperature behaviour of ammonium
  ion in buddingtonite [N(D/H) 4AlSi 3O 8] 
  from neutron powder diffraction  
  M. Mookherjee, S. A. T. Redfern,
  I. Swainson, et al.  
  pp. 643 - 649    
  Local relaxation around [6]Cr 3+ in synthetic 
  pyrope–knorringite garnets,
  [8]Mg 3 [6](Al 1?X Cr X 3+) 2 [4]Si 3O 12, 
  from electronic absorption spectra  
  M. N. Taran, K. Langer, I. Abs-Wurmbach, et al.  
  pp. 650 - 657