Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2001, V 28, N 8.

E. Bonaccorsi, S. Merlino, M. Pasero, G. Macedonio:
Microsommite: crystal chemistry, phase 
transitions, Ising model and Monte Carlo simulations
Pp. 509-522

Y. Kudoh:
Structural relation of hydrous ringwoodite to hydrous wadsleyite
Pp. 523-530

D. W. Faßhauer, L. Cemic:
Heat of formation of petalite, LiAlSi4O10
Pp. 531-533

E. J. Palin, M. T. Dove, S. A. T. Redfern, A. Bosenick, C. I. Sainz-Diaz,
M. C. Warren:
Computational study of tetrahedral Al-Si ordering in muscovite
Pp. 534-544

U. Becker, B. Gasharova:
AFM observations and simulations of jarosite growth at the molecular scale: 
probing the basis for the incorporation of foreign ions into jarosite as a 
storage mineral
Pp. 545-556

J. D. Lawlis, Y.-H. Zhao, S. Karato:
High-temperature creep in a Ni2GeO4: a contribution to 
creep systematics in spinel
Pp. 557-571

M. H. G. Jacobs, H. A. J. Oonk:
The Gibbs energy formulation of the <alpha>, 
<beta>, and <gamma> forms of 
Mg2SiO4 using Grover, Getting and Kennedy's empirical 
relation between volume and bulk modulus
Pp. 572-585

Jianjun Liu, C.-G. Duan, M. M. Ossowski, W. N. Mei, R. W. Smith, J. R. Hardy:
Simulation of structural phase transition in NaNO3 and CaCO3
Pp. 586-590