Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
1997, V 24 N 8.
ISSN 0342-1791
AU Dubrovinsky-L-S. Saxena-S-K.
TI Thermal Expansion of Periclase (MgO) and Tungsten (W) to Melting
Temperatures. P 547.
AU Shinoda-K. Aikawa-N.
TI IR active orientation of OH bending mode in topaz. P 551.
AU Ohtaka-O. Tobe-H. Yamanaka-T.
TI Phase equilibria for the Fe_[2]SiO_[4]-Fe_[3]O_[4] system under
high pressure. P 555.
AU Wirth-R.
TI Water in minerals detectable by electron energy-loss spectroscopy
EELS. P 561.
AU Rozenberg-G-K. Pasternak-M-P. Hearne-G-R. McCammon-C-A.
TI High-pressure metallization and electronic-magnetic propertiesof
hexagonal cubanite (CuFe_[2]S_[3]). P 569.
AU Blanc-P. Bieber-A. Fritz-B. Duplay-J.
TI A short range interaction model applied to illite/smectite
mixed-layer minerals. P 574.
AU Hill-F-C. Gibbs-G-V. Boisen-Jr-M-B.
TI Critical point properties of electron density distributions for
oxide molecules containing first and second row cations. P 582.
AU Wittlinger-J. Werner-S. Schulz-H.
TI On the amorphisation of ZnCr_[2]S_[4] spinel under high pressure:
x-ray diffraction studies. P 597.
AU Kudoh-Y. Nagase-T. Sasaki-S. Tanaka-M. Kanzaki-M.
TI Phase F, a New Hydrous Magnesium Silicate Synthesized at 1000
degreeC and 17 GPa: Crystal Structure and Estimated Bulk Modulus.
P 601.