Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2004, V 31, N 7, September.

  Local structural heterogeneity, mixing behaviour
  and saturation effects in the grossular–spessartine
  solid solution  
  U. Rodehorst, M. A. Carpenter, T. Boffa Ballaran, et al.  
  p. 387  
  Applications of near-infrared FT-Raman spectroscopy
  in metamict and annealed zircon: oxidation state of U ions 
  M. Zhang, E. K. H. Salje, R. C. Ewing, et al.  
  p. 405  
  Thermal decomposition of NH 4 +-vermiculite from Santa
  Olalla (Huelva, Spain) and its relation to the metal ion
  distribution in the octahedral sheet  
  J. L. Perez-Rodriguez, J. Poyato, M. C. Jimenez de Haro, et al.  
  p. 415  
  Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite    
  Y. Lee, T. Vogt, J. A. Hriljac  
  p. 421
  Semi-empirical Gibbs free energy formulations for 
  minerals and fluids for use in thermodynamic 
  databases of petrological interest  
  T. V. Gerya, W. V. Maresch, K. K. Podlesskii, et al.  
  p. 429     
  Mg–Fe interdiffusion rates in wadsleyite and the 
  diffusivity jump at the 410-km discontinuity   
  T. Kubo, A. Shimojuku, E. Ohtani  
  p. 456 
   Local structural heterogeneity, mixing behaviour 
   and saturation effects in the grossular–spessartine 
   solid solution   
   U. Rodehorst, M. A. Carpenter, T. Boffa Ballaran, et al.  
   pp. 387 - 404 
   Applications of near-infrared FT-Raman spectroscopy
   in metamict and annealed zircon: oxidation state of U ions 
   M. Zhang, E. K. H. Salje, R. C. Ewing, et al.  
   pp. 405 - 414  
   Thermal decomposition of NH4+-vermiculite from 
   Santa Olalla (Huelva, Spain) and its relation to the 
   metal ion distribution in the octahedral sheet  
   J. L. Perez-Rodriguez, J. Poyato, M. C. Jimenez de Haro, et al.  
   pp. 415 - 420 
   Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite 
   Y. Lee, T. Vogt, J. A. Hriljac  
   pp. 421 - 428  
   Semi-empirical Gibbs free energy formulations for minerals
   and fluids for use in thermodynamic databases of 
   petrological interest  
   T. V. Gerya, W. V. Maresch, K. K. Podlesskii, et al.  
   pp. 429 - 455  
   Mg–Fe interdiffusion rates in wadsleyite and the 
   diffusivity jump at the 410-km discontinuity   
   T. Kubo, A. Shimojuku, E. Ohtani  
   pp. 456 - 464