Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2003, V 30, N 6, July.

  Thermal expansion of hydrated six-coordinate silicon in thaumasite,
  Ca 3Si(OH) 6(CO 3)(SO 4)·12H 2O  
  S. D. Jacobsen, J. R. Smyth, R. J. Swope  
  pp. 321 - 329  

  Fine structure in the infrared OH-stretching bands of holmquistite
  and anthophyllite  
  K. Ishida, F. C. Hawthorne  
  pp. 330 - 336  
  Hydrogen in some natural garnets studied by nuclear reaction
  analysis and vibrational spectroscopy    
  J. Maldener, A. Hosch, K. Langer, et al.  
  pp. 337 - 344
  Molecular dynamics study and normal mode analysis of diffuse
  scattering in quartz    
  K. Kihara, N. Matsui  
  pp. 345 - 352
  Infrared and Raman spectroscopy studies of the a–? phase
  transition in cristobalite  
  I. P. Swainson, M. T. Dove, D. C. Palmer  
  pp. 353 - 365    
  Measurements of iron concentration in kaolinites considering
  disorder broadening of EPR lines   
  J. M. Gaite, F. Muller, S. Jemai  
  pp. 366 - 372 
  Orientation dependence of luminescence in plagioclase    
  A. A. Finch, D. E. Hole, P. D. Townsend  
  pp. 373 - 381
  Octahedral cation ordering of illite and smectite.
  Theoretical exchange potential determination and Monte
  Carlo simulations   
  C. I. Sainz-Diaz, E. J. Palin, A. Hernandez-Laguna, et al.  
  pp. 382 - 392