Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2003, V 30, N 5.

A. C. Doriguetto, N. G. Fernandes, A. I. C. Persiano, 
E. Nunes Filho, J. M. Grene`che, J. D. Fabris:
Characterization of a natural magnetite
pp. 249-255

E. Thurel, P. Cordier:
Plastic deformation of wadsleyite: I. High-pressure deformation in compression
pp. 256-266

E. Thurel, P. Cordier, D. Frost, S.-I. Karato:
Plastic deformation of wadsleyite: II. High-pressure deformation in shear
pp. 267-270

E. Thurel, J. Douin, P. Cordier:
Plastic deformation of wadsleyite: III. Interpretation of dislocations and slip systems
pp. 271-279

C. A. Geiger, M. Grodzicki, G. Amthauer:
The crystal chemistry and FeII -site properties of aluminosilicate garnet
solid solutions as revealed by Mo"ssbauer spectroscopy and electronic
structure calculations
pp. 280-292

E. J. Palin, M. T. Dove, S. A. T. Redfern, C. I. Saniz-Di'az, W. T. Lee:
Computational study of tetrahedral Al-Si and octahedral Al-Mg ordering in phengite
pp. 293-304

G. V. Gibbs, D. F. Cox, M.B. Boisen Jr., R. T. Downs, N. L. Ross:
The electron localization function: a tool for locating favorable proton docking
sites in the silica polymorphs
pp. 305-316

G. V. Gibbs, K. M. Rosso, D. F. Cox, M. B. Boisen, Jr.:
A physical basis for Pauling's definition of bond strength
pp. 317-320