Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2006, V 33, N 4, June.

Elastic behaviour and structural evolution
of topaz at high pressure 
G. Diego Gatta, F. Nestola, T. Boffa Ballaran 
(235 - 242) 

Structural evolution of zeolite levyne under 
hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic pressure: 
geometric modelling 
G. Diego Gatta and Stephen A. Wells 
(243 - 255) 

Triclinic elastic constants for low albite 
J. M. Brown, E. H. Abramson, R. J. Angel 
(256 - 265) 

Atomistic calculations of structural and 
elastic properties of serpentine minerals: 
the case of lizardite 
A.-L. Auzende, R. J.-M. Pellenq, 
B. Devouard, A. Baronnet, O. Grauby 
(266 - 275) 

Hydroxyl in mantle olivine xenocrysts
from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe 
Monika Koch-Muller, Stanislav S. Matsyuk,
Dieter Rhede, Richard Wirth, Natasha Khisina 
(276 - 287)