Physics and Chemistry of Minerals , 2004, V 31, N 4, May.

  Structural localization of Al 3+ ions in aluminosilicates:
  application of heteronuclear chemical shift correlation
  to 2:1 phyllosilicates  
  M. D. Alba, M. A. Castro, M. Naranjo, et al.  
  pp. 195 - 202  
  Point defects in crystalline zircon (zirconium silicate), 
  ZrSiO 4: electron paramagnetic resonance studies  
  W. C. Tennant, R. F. C. Claridge, C. J. Walsby, et al.  
  pp. 203 - 223    
  Structure and phase transition of CaGe 2O 5 revisited  
  T. Malcherek and A. Bosenick  
  pp. 224 - 231   
  A modeling of the structure and favorable H-docking
  sites and defects for the high-pressure
  silica polymorph stishovite 
  G. V. Gibbs, D. F. Cox, N. L. Ross  
  pp. 232 - 239  
  Phase transition and compression behavior
  of gibbsite under high-pressure  
  H. Liu, J. Hu, J. Xu, et al.  
  pp. 240 - 246  
  Temperature dependence of the polarized electronic
  absorption spectra of olivines. Part II—Cobalt-containing
  K. Ullrich, O. Ott, K. Langer, et al.  
  pp. 247 - 260  
  Kinetics of the graphite–diamond transformation in
  aqueous fluid determined by in-situ X-ray diffractions
  at high pressures and temperatures  
  T. Okada, W. Utsumi, H. Kaneko, et al.  
  pp. 261 - 268