Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2001, V 28, N 4.
ISSN: 0342-1791 (printed version)
ISSN: 1432-2021 (electronic version)
P. Comodi, Yu Liu, P. F. Zanazzi, M. Montagnoli:
Structural and vibrational behaviour of fluorapatite with
pressure. Part I: in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction investigation
Pp. 219-224
P. Comodi, Yu Liu, M. L. Frezzotti:
Structural and vibrational behaviour of fluorapatite with
pressure. Part II: in situ micro-Raman spectroscopic investigation
Pp. 225-231
A. K. Kleppe, A. P. Jephcoat, H. Olijnyk, A. E. Slesinger, S.
C. Kohn, B. J. Wood:
Raman spectroscopic study of hydrous wadsleyite (-Mg2SiO4) to 50 GPa
Pp. 232-241
A. Pavese, V. Diella, V. Pischedda, M. Merli, R. Bocchio, M. Mezouar:
Pressure-volume-temperature equation of state of andradite and
grossular, by high-pressure and -temperature powder diffraction
Pp. 242-248
C. C. Lin:
High-pressure Raman spectroscopic study of Co- and Ni-olivines
Pp. 249-257
J. Hama, K. Suito:
Thermoelastic model of minerals: application to Al2O3
Pp. 258-267
D. E. Harlov, M. Andrut, B. Pöter:
Characterisation of tobelite (NH4)Al2[AlSi3O10](OH)2 and
ND4-tobelite (ND4)Al2[AlSi3O10](OD)2 using IR spectroscopy and
Rietveld refinement of XRD spectra
Pp. 268-276
A. R. Chakhmouradian, K. Ross, R. H. Mitchell, I. Swainson:
The crystal chemistry of synthetic potassium-bearing neighborite, (Na1-xKx)MgF3
Pp. 277-284
D. Gournis, A. E. Mantaka-Marketou, M. A. Karakassides, D. Petridis:
Ionizing radiation-induced defects in smectite clays
Pp. 285-290