Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2003, V 30, N 3.

S. Heinemann, R. Wirth, G. Dresen:
TEM study of a special grain boundary in a synthetic K-feldspar
bicrystal: Manebach Twin
pp. 125-130

N. S. Lees, C. J. Walsby, J. A. S. Williams, J. A. Weil, R. F. C. Claridge:
EPR of a hydrogen/double-lithium centre in -quartz
pp. 131-141

S.G. Eeckhout, E. De Grave:
Evaluation of ferrous and ferric Mo"ssbauer fractions. Part II
pp. 142-146

K. Litasov, E. Ohtani:
Stability of various hydrous phases in CMAS pyrolite-H2O
system up to 25 GPa
pp. 147-156

S. Webb, I. Jackson:
Anelasticity and microcreep in polycrystalline MgO
at high temperature: an exploratory study
pp. 157-166

R. J. Angel, C. S. J. Shaw, G. V. Gibbs:
Compression mechanisms of coesite
pp. 167-176

A. Cattaneo, A. F. Gualtieri, G. Artioli:
Kinetic study of the dehydroxylation of chrysotile
asbestos with temperature by in situ XRPD
pp. 177-183