Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 1999, V26, N 3.

ISSN: 0342-1791 (printed version) ISSN: 1432-2021 (electronic version)
A. Alberti, M. Sacerdoti, S. Quartieri, G. Vezzalini:
Heating-induced phase transformation in zeolite brewsterite:
new 4- and 5-coordinated (Si,Al) sites
Pp. 181-186

Ulrich H. Faul, John D. Fitz Gerald:
Grain misorientations in partially molten olivine aggregates:
an electron backscatter diffraction study
Pp. 187-197

Y. Kuwahara:
Muscovite surface structure imaged by fluid contact mode AFM
Pp. 198-205

J. Zhang, F. Guyot:
Thermal equation of state of iron and Fe0.91Si0.09
Pp. 206-211

T. Hattori, T. Matsuda, T. Tsuchiya, T. Nagai, T. Yamanaka:
Clinopyroxene-perovskite phase transition of FeGeO3 under high
pressure and room temperature
Pp. 212-216

S. Suzuki, S. Nakashima:
In-situ IR measurements of OH species in quartz at high
Pp. 217-225

C.-C. Lin, L.-g. Liu, T. Irifune:
High-pressure Raman spectroscopic study of chondrodite
Pp. 226-233

J. Kung, S. Rigden:
Oxide perovskites: pressure derivatives of the bulk and shear
Pp. 234-241

A. Pavese, G. Artioli, U. Russo, A. Hoser:
Cation partitioning versus temperature in
(Mg0.70Fe0.23)Al1.97O4 synthetic spinel by in situ neutron
powder diffraction
Pp. 242-250

S. Quartieri, G. Antonioli, C. A. Geiger, G. Artioli, P. P.
XAFS characterization of the structural site of Yb in synthetic
pyrope and grossular garnets
Pp. 251-256

R. L. Frost, J. Kristof, G. N. Paroz, J. T. Kloprogge:
Intercalation of kaolinite with acetamide
Pp. 257-263

K. M. Rosso, G. V. Gibbs, M. B. Boisen:
SiO bonded interactions in coesite: a comparison of
crystalline, molecular and experimental electron density
Pp. 264-272