Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2006, V 33, N 2, April.

Tantalum-bearing titanite: 
synthesis and crystal structure data 
Ruslan P. Liferovich and Roger H. Mitchell 
(73 - 83) 

Texture development and elastic stresses
in magnesiowustite at high pressure 
Caterina E. Tommaseo, Jim Devine, Sebastien Merkel, 
Sergio Speziale, Hans-Rudolf Wenk 
(84 - 97) 

Sulfur electronic environments in a-NiS and b-NiS: 
examination of the relationship between 
coordination number and core electron binding energies 
Siew Wei Goh, Alan N. Buckley, 
Robert N. Lamb, William M. Skinner, Allan Pring, H
aipeng Wang, Liang-Jen Fan, 
Ling-Yun Jang, Lee-Jene Lai, Yaw-wen Yang 
(98 - 105) 

The phase boundary between wadsleyite and 
ringwoodite in Mg2SiO4 determined by 
in situ X-ray diffraction 
T. Inoue, T. Irifune, Y. Higo, T. Sanehira, 
Y. Sueda, A. Yamada, T. Shinmei, 
D. Yamazaki, J. Ando, K. Funakoshi, W. Utsumi 
(106 - 114) 

Computer modelling of hydrogen defects 
in the clinopyroxenes diopside and jadeite 
A. Gatzemeier and K. Wright 
(115 - 125) 

Equations of state of CaSiO3 Perovskite: 
a molecular dynamics study 
Yigang Zhang, Dapeng Zhao, 
Masanori Matsui, Guangjun Guo 
(126 - 137) 

ELF isosurface maps for the Al2SiO5 polymorphs 
J. B. Burt, G. V. Gibbs, D. F. Cox, N. L. Ross 
(138 - 144) 

Recrystallization mechanisms of fergusonite
from metamict mineral precursors 
N. Tomasic, A. Gajovic, V. Bermanec, 
D. S. Su, M. Rajic Linaric, T. Ntaflos, R. Schlogl 
(145 - 159)