Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2005, V 32, N 2, June.

Controlled time–temperature oxidation reaction
in a synthetic Mg-hercynite 
B. Lavina, F. Princivalle, A. Della Giusta 
(83 - 88) 

Incommensurate–normal phase transition in natural 
melilite: an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study 
Luca Bindi and P. Bonazzi 
(89 - 96) 

Elasticity of single-crystal aragonite by Brillouin spectroscopy 
Lin-gun Liu, Chien-chih Chen, Chung-Cherng Lin, Yi-jong Yang 
(97 - 102) 

A Mossbauer and FTIR study of synthetic amphiboles 
along the magnesioriebeckite – ferri-clinoholmquistite join 
Giancarlo Della Ventura, G?nther J. Redhammer, Gianluca Iezzi, 
Frank C. Hawthorne, Arnaud Papin, Jean-Louis Robert 
(103 - 113) 

Experimental and theoretical bond critical point
properties for model electron density distributions
for earth materials 
G. V. Gibbs, D. F. Cox, K. M. Rosso, A. Kirfel, 
T. Lippmann, P. Blaha, K. Schwarz 
(114 - 125) 

Ammonium ion behaviour in feldspar: variable-temperature
infrared and 2H NMR studies of synthetic buddingtonite,
M. Mookherjee, M. D. Welch, L. Le Polles, S. A. T. Redfern,
D. E. Harlov 
(126 - 131) 

High-pressure X-ray and Raman study of a ferrian
magnesian spodumene 
G. Diego Gatta, Tiziana Boffa Ballaran, Gianluca Iezzi 
(132 - 139) 

Viscosity of silicate melts in CaMgSi2O6–NaAlSi2O6
system at high pressure 
Akio Suzuki, Eiji Ohtani, Hidenori Terasaki,
Ken-ichi Funakoshi 
(140 - 145) 

Ab initio study of the high-pressure behavior
of CaSiO3 perovskite 
Daniel Y. Jung and Artem R. Oganov 
(146 - 153)