Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2006, V 33, N 1, March.

Temperature variation of elastic constants of 
quartz across the a - b transition 
Ichiro Ohno, Kazumi Harada, Chihiro Yoshitomi 
(1 - 9) 

On the volume of solid solutions: 
an anisotropic approach 
L. Peters, K. Knorr, P. Schmid-Beurmann, 
W. Depmeier 
(10 - 16) 

High-temperature single-crystal neutron 
diffraction study of natural chondrodite 
Martin Kunz, George A. Lager, Hans-Beat Burgi, 
Maria Teresa Fernandez-Diaz 
(17 - 27) 

In situ X-ray diffraction study of an 
aluminous phase in MORB under 
lower mantle conditions 
T. Sanehira, T. Irifune, T. Shinmei, 
F. Brunet, K. Funakoshi, A. Nozawa 
(28 - 34) 

Pressure-induced phase transition 
in Mg0.8Fe0.2O ferropericlase 
Innokenty Kantor, Leonid Dubrovinsky, 
Catherine McCammon, Anastasia Kantor,
Sakura Pascarelli, Giuliana Aquilanti, 
Wilson Crichton, Maurizio Mattesini, 
Rajeev Ahuja, Jailton Almeida, 
Vadim Urusov 
(35 - 44) 

Thermal diffusivity of garnets 
at high temperature 
Anne M. Hofmeister 
(45 - 62) 

Ab initio quantum-mechanical 
modeling of pyrophyllite 
[Al2Si4O10(OH)2] and talc 
[Mg3Si4O10(OH)2] surfaces 
Marco Bruno, Mauro Prencipe, 
Giovanni Valdre’ 
(63 - 71)