Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2002, V 29, N 1.

S. Merkel, A. P. Jephcoat, J. Shu, H.-K. Mao, P. Gillet, R. J. Hemley:
Equation of state, elasticity, and shear strength of pyrite under high pressure
Pp. 1-9

B. Lavina, G. Salviulo, A. Della Giusta:
Cation distribution and structure modelling of spinel solid solutions
Pp. 10-18

R. D. McDonnell, C. J. Spiers, C. J. Peach:
Fabrication of dense forsterite-enstatite polycrystals for experimental studies
Pp. 19-31

G. S. Henderson, X. Liu, M. E. Fleet:
A Ti L-edge X-ray absorption study of Ti-silicate glasses
Pp. 32-42

A. Pavese:
Pressure-volume-temperature equations of state: a comparative study based
on numerical simulations
Pp. 43-51

U. Becker, K. Pollok:
Molecular simulations of interfacial and thermodynamic mixing properties of 
grossular-andradite garnets
Pp. 52-64

R. I. Mashkovtsev, V. P. Solntsev:
Channel constituents in synthetic beryl: ammonium
Pp. 65-71

H. W. Nesbitt, A. G. Schaufuss, G. M. Bancroft, R. Szargan:
Crystal orbital contributions to the pyrrhotite valence band with XPS evidence 
for weak Fe-Fe  bond formation
Pp. 72-77

R. R. Viana, G. M. da Costa, E. De Grave, H. Jordt-Evangelista, W. B. Stern:
Characterization of beryl (aquamarine variety) by Mossbauer spectroscopy
Pp. 78-86