Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 1999, V 27, N 1.

ISSN: 0342-1791

H. Morishima, E. Ohtani, T. Kato, T.Kubo, A. Suzuki, T. Kikegawa, O. Shimomura:
The high-pressure and temperature equation of state of a majorite solid
solution in the system of
p. 3-10

Z. -C. Wang, S. Mei, S. Karato, R. Wirth:
Grain growth in CaTiO3-perovskite + FeO-wüstite aggregates

A. Mottana, T. Murata, A. Marcelli, Z. Y. Wu, G. Cibin, E. Paris, G. Giuli:
The local structure of Ca-Na pyroxenes. II. XANES studies at the Mg and Al K edges
p. 20-33

K. Steiner, W. Lottermoser, T. Schell:
A time-minimizing hybrid method for fitting complex Mössbauer spectra p.34-40 M. Partik, H. D. Lutz: Semiempirical band structure calculations on skutterudite-type compounds p. 41-46 L. Gautron, R. J. Angel, R. Miletich: Structural characterisation of the high-pressure phase CaAl4Si2O11 p. 47-51 Li Zhang, H. Ahsbahs, A. Kutoglu, C. A. Geiger:
Single-crystal hydrostatic compression of synthetic pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular and andradite garnets at high pressures p. 52-58 M. N. Taran, M. Andrut, E. V. Polshin, S. S. Matsyuk: Optical spectroscopy study of natural Fe, Ti-bearing calcic amphiboles p. 59-69 J. A. Tossell: Quantum mechanical calculation of 23Na NMR shieldings in silicates and aluminosilicates p. 70-80