Petrology, 2012, V 20, N 7.

Experimental Study of Magmatic Melt Oxidation by CO2  
A. G. Simakin, T. P. Salova, and G. V. Bondarenko 
p. 593   
The Early Paleoproterozoic Monchegorsk 
Layered Mafite-Ultramafite Massif 
in the Kola Peninsula: 
Geology, Petrology, and Ore Potential  
E. V. Sharkov and A. V. Chistyakov 
p. 607   
Mg-(Fe + Ti)-Al Petrochemical Diagram for 
the Melting of Mantle Pyrolite: 
Implications for the Derivation Conditions 
of the Parental Magmas of Major Volcanic Series  
Zh. A. Fedotov 
p. 640   
Metamorphism and Deformation of Golpayegan 
Metapelitic Rocks, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran  
S. Karimi, S. M. Tabatabaei Manesh, 
H. Safaei, and M. Sharifi 